아래 코드는 이메일 본문에 파일 이름을 표시하지만 Email Subject에도 표시하려고합니다. 나는 $ files_list를 주제에 넣을 것인가? 이메일 제목에 업로드 된 파일 이름
나는 작동하지'subject' => __('$files_list uploaded for you','cftp_admin')
'subject' => __($files_list.'New files uploaded for you','cftp_admin'),
을 시도했다. 여기 코드는 다음과 같습니다
$email_strings_file_by_user = array(
'subject' => __('New files uploaded for you','cftp_admin'),
'body' => __('The following files are now available for you to download.','cftp_admin'),
'body2' => __("If you prefer not to be notified about new files, please go to My Account and deactivate the notifications checkbox.",'cftp_admin'),
'body3' => __('You can access a list of all your files or upload your own','cftp_admin'),
'body4' => __('by logging in here','cftp_admin')
function email_new_files_for_client($files_list)
global $email_strings_file_by_user;
$this->email_body = $this->email_prepare_body('new_file_by_user');
$this->email_body = str_replace(
return array(
'subject' => $email_strings_file_by_user['subject'],
'body' => $this->email_body
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