2012-02-02 1 views

기본적으로 USB 드라이브가 특정 USB 포트에 연결되어 있는지 확인해야합니다.BASH PCI ID로 USB 드라이브가 연결된 포트를 찾습니다

USB 드라이브가 거의 표시되어 있습니다 : 나는 다음을

  • 나는 또한 물리적으로 표시되어 있습니다 3 개 USB 포트가

레드 화이트, 그린, :

  • 화이트 , 녹색, 빨간색


BLKID Example 
/dec/sdb1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="WHTIE" UUID="78FE-870D" TYPE="vfat" 

등의 정보를 드라이브에서받을 수 있습니다. 따라서 드라이브 자체에 대해서만 알면 레이블을 알 수 있습니다. 이제 LSPCI를 사용하여 각 브리지의 ID를 알고 있으므로 USB 포트에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 예 :

LSPCI Example 
0a.00.0 USB Controller: some info 4d88 

이렇게 마지막 부분 인 4d88은 PCI ID입니다.

은 그래서 PCI의 ID 각 포트의 알과 USB 드라이브로 일치 할 필요가 자신과 같은 : RED

  • 4d88 = WHITE
  • 4dC0 = GREEN
  • 4d84 =

나는 그 관계를 어떻게 확인하고 있는지/어떻게 확인 해야할지 모르겠다. 어떤 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

답변 : 모든 도움에 감사드립니다.


error="ERROR : Incorrect Command use 'usb_pci.sh'" 
pci="USB PCI Check Successful" 

errorstatus_white_pci="ERROR : USB PCI FAILED : WHITE Drive" 
errorstatus_green_pci="ERROR : USB PCI FAILED : GREEN Drive" 
errorstatus_red_pci="ERROR : USB PCI FAILED : RED Drive" 


#Takes USB label and gets /sys/block/sd? 
echo "checking path for USB Label" 
path_white=$(blkid | grep WHITE | cut -d : -f 1 | sed 's|[0-9]*$||; s|^/dev/|/sys/block/|') 
echo "white: "$path_white 
path_green=$(blkid | grep GREEN | cut -d : -f 1 | sed 's|[0-9]*$||; s|^/dev/|/sys/block/|') 
echo "green: "$path_green 
path_red=$(blkid | grep RED | cut -d : -f 1 | sed 's|[0-9]*$||; s|^/dev/|/sys/block/|') 
echo "red: "$path_red 

#Takes /sys/block/sd? and gets PCI Path xx:xx.x 
echo "checking path to PCI path" 
pci_path_white=$(ls -l ${path_white} | xargs | cut -d/-f 8 | cut -b 6-13) 
echo "white: "$pci_path_white 
pci_path_green=$(ls -l ${path_green} | xargs | cut -d/-f 8 | cut -b 6-13) 
echo "green: "$pci_path_green 
pci_path_red=$(ls -l ${path_red} | xargs | cut -d/-f 8 | cut -b 6-13) 
echo "red: "$pci_path_red 

#Takes xx:xx.x and gets the PCI Device ID xxxx 
echo "checking PCI path to PCI Device ID" 
pci_device_id_white=$(lspci -s ${pci_path_white} | tail -c -5) 
echo "white: "$pci_device_id_white 
pci_device_id_green=$(lspci -s ${pci_path_green} | tail -c -5) 
echo "green: "$pci_device_id_green 
pci_device_id_red=$(lspci -s ${pci_path_red} | tail -c -5) 
echo "red: "$pci_device_id_red 

#check if pci_device_id_xxxx = pci_check_xxxx 
echo "checking PCI Device ID equals what it should" 
if [ $pci_device_id_white = $pci_check_white ] ; then 
    echo "WHITE USB PCI Check Successful" 
    echo $errorstatus_white_pci 
    exit 1 
if [ $pci_device_id_green = $pci_check_green ] ; then 
    echo "GREEN USB PCI Check Successful" 
    echo $errorstatus_green_pci 
    exit 1 
if [ $pci_device_id_red = $pci_check_red ] ; then 
    echo "RED USB PCI Check Successful" 
    echo $errorstatus_red_pci 
    exit 1 
echo $pci 
exit 0 

편집 : lspci를, lsusb, BLKID의 요청 덤프로

. 장치 노드를 찾기 :

1 단계 :

# blkid | grep MyDisk 
/dev/sdj1: LABEL="MyDisk-0" UUID="4876-5945" TYPE="vfat" 

장치 노드가 /dev/sdj1입니다

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 0104 (rev 09) 
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 0126 (rev 09) 
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c3a (rev 04) 
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 04) 
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c2d (rev 04) 
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c20 (rev 04) 
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c10 (rev b4) 
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c14 (rev b4) 
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c16 (rev b4) 
00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c1a (rev b4) 
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c26 (rev 04) 
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c4f (rev 04) 
00:1f.2 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 82801 SATA RAID Controller (rev 04) 
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1c22 (rev 04) 
08:00.0 PCI bridge: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PES4T4 PCI Express Switch (rev 0e) 
09:02.0 PCI bridge: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PES4T4 PCI Express Switch (rev 0e) 
09:03.0 PCI bridge: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PES4T4 PCI Express Switch (rev 0e) 
09:04.0 PCI bridge: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PES4T4 PCI Express Switch (rev 0e) 
0a:00.0 USB Controller: Unknown device 4d88 
0a:00.1 USB Controller: Unknown device 4dc9 
0a:00.2 System peripheral: Unknown device 4dca 
0a:00.3 Communication controller: Unknown device 4d8b 
0b:00.0 USB Controller: Unknown device 4dc0 
0b:00.1 USB Controller: Unknown device 4d81 
0b:00.2 System peripheral: Unknown device 4d8e 
0b:00.3 Serial controller: Unknown device 4dcf 
0c:00.0 USB Controller: Unknown device 4d84 
0c:00.1 USB Controller: Unknown device 4dc5 
0c:00.2 System peripheral: Unknown device 4dc6 
0c:00.3 Communication controller: Unknown device 4d87 
0d:00.0 SD Host controller: O2 Micro, Inc. Unknown device 8221 (rev 05) 
0d:00.1 Mass storage controller: O2 Micro, Inc. Unknown device 8231 (rev 03) 

Bus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 008 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0718:063d Imation Corp. 
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0a5c:5800 Broadcom Corp. BCM5880 Secure Applications Processor 
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 413c:3012 Dell Computer Corp. Optical Wheel Mouse 

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01: TYPE="swap" UUID="6b361baf-08ae-4f2c-933b-5028c15b6fb5" 
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00: UUID="d15840ac-0073-483d-b630-7d2a497eaac9" TYPE="ext3" 
/dev/sda1: LABEL="/boot" UUID="39331b93-a08d-45b5-b1ea-fcc6586be7bd" TYPE="ext3" 
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: UUID="d15840ac-0073-483d-b630-7d2a497eaac9" TYPE="ext3" 
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01: TYPE="swap" UUID="6b361baf-08ae-4f2c-933b-5028c15b6fb5" 
/dev/sdb1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="WHITE" UUID="78FE-870D" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdc1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="GREEN" UUID="61FE-B32E" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdd1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="RED" UUID="E5DB-4A1A" TYPE="vfat" 
