Windows 7에서 firebreath 플러그인을 사용하도록 구성하는 동안이 특정 명령에서 오류가 발생했습니다. 이 구성은 YT에서 비디오를 볼 때 설정됩니다.Windows 7에서 Firebreath 설치
다른 모든 명령이 작동합니다. 나는이 특별한 단계를 쳤다.
C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath>prep2010 . build
Using projects in: "C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath"
Generating build files in: "C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath\build"
NOTE: The build files in "C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath\build" sho
uld *NEVER* be modified directly.
When needed, make project changes in cmake files and re-run this script.
Project-specific cmake files are found in [plugin dir]\CMakeLists.txt and
[plugin dir]\Win\projectDef.cmake.
Note that parameters for cmake should be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "-DVERB
CMAKE parameters:
C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 10" -D
FB_PROJECTS_DIR="C:\firebreath\TutorialTestPlugin\firebreath" "C:\firebreath\Tu
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC 16.0.30319.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 16.0.30319.1
-- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10
-- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10 -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 10
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 10 -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Visual Studio dir: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
-- Found ATL include dir: C:/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/inc/atl71
-- Found ATL lib dir: C:/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/lib/ATL/i386
-- Found MFC include dir: C:/WinDDK/7600.16385.1/inc/mfc42
-- Balanced size/speed optimization
project dir: C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/addnewlines/ does not seem to be a F
ireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/BSD.html/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/build/ does not seem to be a FireBre
ath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/cmake/ does not seem to be a FireBre
ath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/CMakeLists.txt/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/common.cmd/ does not seem to be a Fi
reBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be a Fir
eBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/Doxyfile/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/doxygen/ does not seem to be a FireB
reath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/examples/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/fbgen/ does not seem to be a FireBre
ath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/fixtabs/ does not seem to be a FireB
reath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/gen_templates/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/Installer/ does not seem to be a Fir
eBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/LGPL.html/ does not seem to be a Fir
eBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2005.cmd/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2008.cmd/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2008x64.cmd/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2010.cmd/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2010x64.cmd/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2012.cmd/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2012x64.cmd/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2013.cmd/ does not seem to be a
FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/prep2013x64.cmd/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to
be a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be
a FireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be a Fi
reBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be a F
ireBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/projects/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/ does not seem to be a Fir
eBreath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/runctags/ does not seem to be a Fire
Breath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/src/ does not seem to be a FireBreat
h Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/tests/ does not seem to be a FireBre
ath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/version/ does not seem to be a FireB
reath Plugin
C:/firebreath/TutorialTestPlugin/firebreath/winprep.cmd/ does not seem to be a F
ireBreath Plugin
No projects found in /.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:170 (MESSAGE):
To build examples, run 'prep<ver> examples'
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!