2013-06-17 1 views
I 자동 (A 웹 채팅에서)는 IRC 채널의 사용자로 가입 할 수있는 IRC 봇을 한 후 온라인 내가이 일을 시작하는 데 필요한 무엇

방의 스패머를 자동 차단하는 IRC 봇?

스팸 사용자를 금지 할 수있는 로봇을 유지하려는

? 어떤 지식인가? 어쩌면 일부 API? 소켓의 사용법?

누군가가 나를 보여 주거나 소개 할 수 있습니까?

나는이 코드를 발견 했으므로 이해하려고 노력하고 있지만 서버에 연결하려고 시도 할 때 connet하지 않으면 사용자가 예외를 발생시키지 않습니다. 방에 참여하지 :

Imports System.Net.Sockets 
Imports System.IO 
Imports System.Net 

Public Class Form1 

    Public Class My_IRC 
     Private _sServer As String = String.Empty '-- IRC server name 
     Private _sChannel As String = String.Empty '-- the channel you want to join (prefex with #) 
     Private _sNickName As String = String.Empty '-- the nick name you want show up in the side bar 
     Private _lPort As Int32 = 6667 '-- the port to connect to. Default is 6667 
     Private _bInvisible As Boolean = False '-- shows up as an invisible user. Still working on this. 
     Private _sRealName As String = "nodibot" '-- More naming 
     Private _sUserName As String = "nodi_the_bot" '-- Unique name so of the IRC network has a unique handle to you regardless of the nickname. 

     Private _tcpclientConnection As TcpClient = Nothing '-- main connection to the IRC network. 
     Private _networkStream As NetworkStream = Nothing '-- break that connection down to a network stream. 
     Private _streamWriter As StreamWriter = Nothing '-- provide a convenient access to writing commands. 
     Private _streamReader As StreamReader = Nothing '-- provide a convenient access to reading commands. 

     Public Sub New(ByVal server As String, ByVal channel As String, ByVal nickname As String, ByVal port As Int32, ByVal invisible As Boolean) 
      _sServer = server 
      _sChannel = channel 
      _sNickName = nickname 
      _lPort = port 
      _bInvisible = invisible 
     End Sub 

     Public Sub Connect() 

      '-- IDENT explained: 
      '-- -- When connecting to the IRC server they will send a response to your 113 port. 
      '-- -- It wants your user name and a response code back. If you don't some servers 
      '-- -- won't let you in or will boot you. Once verified it drastically speeds up 
      '-- -- the connecting time. 
      '-- -- -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ident 
      '-- Heads up - when sending a command you need to flush the writer each time. That's key. 

      Dim sIsInvisible As String = String.Empty 
      Dim sCommand As String = String.Empty '-- commands to process from the room. 

      '-- objects used for the IDENT response. 
      Dim identListener As TcpListener = Nothing 
      Dim identClient As TcpClient = Nothing 
      Dim identNetworkStream As NetworkStream = Nothing 
      Dim identStreamReader As StreamReader = Nothing 
      Dim identStreamWriter As StreamWriter = Nothing 
      Dim identResponseString As String = String.Empty 

       '-- Start the main connection to the IRC server. 
       Console.WriteLine("**Creating Connection**") 
       _tcpclientConnection = New TcpClient(_sServer, _lPort) 
       _networkStream = _tcpclientConnection.GetStream 
       _streamReader = New StreamReader(_networkStream) 
       _streamWriter = New StreamWriter(_networkStream) 

       '-- Yeah, questionable if this works all the time. 
       If _bInvisible Then 
        sIsInvisible = 8 
        sIsInvisible = 0 
       End If 

       '-- Send in your information 
       Console.WriteLine("**Setting up name**") 
       _streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("USER {0} {1} * :{2}", _sUserName, sIsInvisible, _sRealName)) 

       '-- Create your nickname. 
       Console.WriteLine("**Setting Nickname**") 
       _streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format(String.Format("NICK {0}", _sNickName))) 

       '-- Tell the server you want to connect to a specific room. 
       Console.WriteLine("**Joining Room**") 
       _streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("JOIN {0}", _sChannel)) 

       '-- By now the IDENT should be sent to your port 113. Listen to it, grab the text, 
       '-- and send a response. 
       '-- Idents are usually #### , #### 
       '-- That is four digits, a space, a comma, and four more digits. You need to send 
       '-- this back with your user name you connected with and your system. 
       identListener = New TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 113) 
       identClient = identListener.AcceptTcpClient 
       Console.WriteLine("ident connection?") 
       identNetworkStream = identClient.GetStream 
       identStreamReader = New StreamReader(identNetworkStream) 

       identResponseString = identStreamReader.ReadLine 
       Console.WriteLine("ident got: " + identResponseString) 
       identStreamWriter = New StreamWriter(identNetworkStream) 
       '-- The general format for the IDENT response. You can use UNIX, WINDOWS VISTA, WINDOWS XP, or what ever your system is. 
       identStreamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} : USERID : WINDOWS 7 : {1}", identResponseString, _sUserName)) 

       '-- By now you should be connected to your room and visible to anyone else. 
       '-- If you are receiving errors they are pretty explicit and you can maneuver 
       '-- to debuggin them. 
       '-- What happens here is the command processing. In an infinite loop the bot 
       '-- read in commands and act on them. 
       While True 
        sCommand = _streamReader.ReadLine 

        '-- Not the best method but for the time being it works. 
        '-- Example of a command it picks up 
        ' :[email protected] PRIVMSG #nodi123_test :? hola! 
        '-- You can extend the program to better read the lines! 
        Dim sCommandParts(sCommand.Split(" ").Length) As String 
        sCommandParts = sCommand.Split(" ") 

        '-- Occasionally the IRC server will ping the app. If it doesn't respond in an 
        '-- appropriate amount of time the connection is closed. 
        '-- How does one respond to a ping, but with a pong! (and the hash it sends) 
        If sCommandParts(0) = "PING" Then 
         Dim sPing As String = String.Empty 
         For i As Int32 = 1 To sCommandParts.Length - 1 
          sPing += sCommandParts(i) + " " 
         _streamWriter.WriteLine("PONG " + sPing) 
         Console.WriteLine("PONG " + sPing) 
        End If 

        '-- With my jank split command we want to look for specific commands sent and react to them! 
        '-- In theory this should be dumped to a method, but for this small tutorial you can see them here. 
        '-- Also any user can input this. If you want to respond to commands from you only you would 
        '-- have to extend the program to look for your non-bot-id in the sCommandParts(0) 
        If sCommandParts.Length >= 4 Then 
         '-- If a statement is proceeded by a question mark (the semi colon's there automatically) 
         '-- then repeat the rest of the string! 
         If sCommandParts(3).StartsWith(":?") Then 
          Dim sVal As String = String.Empty 
          Dim sOut As String = String.Empty 
          '-- the text might have other spaces in them so concatenate the rest of the parts 
          '-- because it's all text. 
          For i As Int32 = 3 To sCommandParts.Length - 1 
           sVal += sCommandParts(i) 
           sVal += " " 
          '-- remove the :? part. 
          sVal = sVal.Substring(2, sVal.Length - 2) 
          '-- Trim for good measure. 
          sVal = sVal.Trim 
          '-- Send the text back out. The format is they command to send the text and the room you are in. 
          sOut = String.Format("PRIVMSG {0} : You said '{1}'", _sChannel, sVal) 
         End If 
         '-- If you don't quit the bot correctly the connection will be active until a ping/pong is failed. 
         '-- Even if your programming isn't running! 
         '-- To stop that here's a command to have the bot quit! 
         If sCommandParts(3).Contains(":!Q") Then 
          ' Stop 
          Exit Sub 
         End If 
        End If 
       End While 

      Catch ex As Exception 
       '-- Any exception quits the bot gracefully. 
       Console.WriteLine("Error in Connecting. " + ex.Message) 
       '-- close your connections 
      End Try 

     End Sub 
    End Class 

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
     Dim a As New My_IRC("irc.freenode.org", "#ircehn", "Elektro_bot", 6667, False) 
    End Sub 

End Class 



대신 낮은 수준의 TCP 통신을 사용하는이 IRC Library를보십시오. 따라서 채널 및 사용자 조작을 포함하여 관리되는 .NET 코드로 IRC 소프트웨어를 훨씬 쉽게 작성할 수 있습니다.


감사합니다. 해당 라이브러리를 사용하려고했지만 VBNET에서 예제를 찾을 수 없으며 너무 많은 C# 코드를 이해할 수 없으며 온라인 변환기가 라이브러리 C# 예제를 변환하지 못합니다. 서버에 연결하고 메시지를 듣는 방법의 예를 들려 줄 수 있습니까? – ElektroStudios


VBNEt 예제를 발견했습니다. – ElektroStudios