Firebase Analytics에서 이벤트를 전달하기 위해 VALUE 매개 변수를 사용할 때마다 ECOMMERCE_PURCHASE에 대한 추가 이벤트가 자동으로 기록됩니다.ECOMMERCE_PURCHASE 이벤트 자동 기록
이 문제의 원인에 대한 제안 사항은 무엇입니까?
UPDATE : 이벤트를 전송과 관련된 코드는 다음과 같습니다 : 아래에 붙여 넣기로
FirebaseAnalytics firebaseAnalytics = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(context);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putLong(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.QUANTITY, 1);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_CATEGORY, categoryId);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, productName);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, productId);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_LOCATION_ID, productLocationId);
bundle.putDouble(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE, productPrice);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCY, "INR");
bundle.putDouble(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.PRICE, productMRP);
bundle.putString(CUSTOM_PARAM, stringValue);
firebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.ADD_TO_CART, bundle);
로그 문제에 해당. 전달 된 이벤트가 add_to_cart 인 경우에도 로그별로 ecommerce_purchase 이벤트가 기록됩니다. 또한 add_to_cart은 SDK에 의해 업로드 된 &에 기록되지 않으며 전자 상거래 구매 번호 만 업로드되었으며 이는 시작되지 않았습니다.
05-01 23:29:08.261 13862-17157/ D/FA: Passing event to registered event handler (FE): add_to_cart, Bundle[{item_name=Daawat Super Basmati Rice, quantity=1, item_location_id=16773036, price=150.0, value=150.0, item_category=1164, currency=INR, item_id=26}]
05-01 23:29:08.282 13862-17157/ D/FA: Logging event (FE): ecommerce_purchase, Bundle[{item_name=Daawat Super Basmati Rice, quantity=1.0, item_location_id=16773036, _o=app+gtm, _sc=xxxxxxx, _si=4306584406462471371, price=150.0, value=150.0, item_category=1164, currency=INR, transaction_id=150.0, item_id=26}]
05-01 23:29:08.295 13862-17157/ V/FA: Using measurement service
05-01 23:29:08.295 13862-17157/ V/FA: Connecting to remote service
05-01 23:29:08.474 13862-17157/ D/FA: Connected to remote service
05-01 23:29:08.475 13862-17157/ V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 1
05-01 23:29:08.493 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Logging event: origin=app+gtm,name=ecommerce_purchase,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=540]
05-01 23:29:08.516 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Saving event, name, data size: ecommerce_purchase, 291
05-01 23:29:08.516 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Event recorded: Event{appId='', name='ecommerce_purchase', params=Bundle[{item_name=Daawat Super Basmati Rice, quantity=1.0, item_location_id=16773036, _o=app+gtm, _r=1, _sc=xxxxxxx, _si=4306584406462471371, _dbg=1, price=150.0, value=150.0, item_category=1164, currency=INR, transaction_id=150.0, item_id=26}]}
05-01 23:29:08.518 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 500
05-01 23:29:08.526 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Background event processing time, ms: 33
05-01 23:29:09.027 16363-16363/? V/FA-SVC: Device receiver got:
05-01 23:29:09.035 16363-16363/? V/FA-SVC: Device PackageMeasurementService is starting up
05-01 23:29:09.035 16363-16363/? V/FA-SVC: Device PackageMeasurementService called. startId, action: 1,
05-01 23:29:09.043 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Evaluating filter. audience, filter, event: 2, 0, ecommerce_purchase
05-01 23:29:09.043 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Filter definition:
event_filter {
filter_id: 0
event_name: ecommerce_purchase
event_count_filter {
comparison_type: EQUAL
comparison_value: 1
filters {
05-01 23:29:09.044 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Event filter result: false
05-01 23:29:09.044 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Evaluating filter. audience, filter, event: 3, 0, ecommerce_purchase
05-01 23:29:09.044 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Filter definition:
event_filter {
filter_id: 0
event_name: ecommerce_purchase
event_count_filter {
comparison_type: EQUAL
comparison_value: 2
filters {
05-01 23:29:09.045 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Event filter result: false
05-01 23:29:09.050 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Saving bundle, size: 605
05-01 23:29:09.063 16363-17166/? D/FA-SVC: Uploading events. Elapsed time since last upload attempt (ms): 520
05-01 23:29:09.067 16363-17166/? V/FA-SVC: Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data:, 701,
batch {
bundle {
protocol_version: 1
platform: android
gmp_version: 10084
uploading_gmp_version: 10298
config_version: xxxxx
gmp_app_id: xxxxx:android:xxxxx
app_version: 3.2.1-A
app_version_major: 123
firebase_instance_id: xxxxx
dev_cert_hash: -5701045842766466506
app_store: manual_install
upload_timestamp_millis: 1493695749038
start_timestamp_millis: 1493695748257
end_timestamp_millis: 1493695748257
previous_bundle_start_timestamp_millis: 1493695667931
previous_bundle_end_timestamp_millis: 1493695667931
app_instance_id: 4ced0047ca42b3fa88ff294910e9546d
resettable_device_id: 4ffb0e11-3cf6-4de5-8e3b-e3741424c630
limited_ad_tracking: false
os_version: 7.0
device_model: Nexus 6
user_default_language: en-us
time_zone_offset_minutes: -240
bundle_sequential_index: 43
service_upload: true
user_property {
set_timestamp_millis: 1493633846756
name: _fot
int_value: 1493636400000
user_property {
set_timestamp_millis: 1493695748504
name: _ltv_INR
int_value: 1650000000
audience_membership {
audience_id: 2
new_audience: true
current_data {
status: 1
audience_membership {
audience_id: 3
new_audience: true
current_data {
status: 1
event {
name: ecommerce_purchase
timestamp_millis: 1493695748257
previous_timestamp_millis: 1493639625256
param {
name: item_name
string_value: Daawat Super Basmati Rice
param {
name: quantity
double_value: 1.0
param {
name: item_location_id
string_value: 16773036
param {
name: _o
string_value: app+gtm
param {
name: _r
int_value: 1
param {
name: _sc
string_value: xxxxxxx
param {
name: _si
int_value: 4306584406462471371
param {
name: _dbg
int_value: 1
param {
name: price
double_value: 150.0
param {
name: value
double_value: 150.0
param {
name: item_category
string_value: 1164
param {
name: currency
string_value: INR
param {
name: transaction_id
double_value: 150.0
param {
name: item_id
string_value: 26
이벤트 이름을 제공 할 수 있습니까? – adbitx
사용중인 Firebase Analytics의 버전은 무엇입니까? – djabi
사용하고 있습니다 10.0.1 –