2017-01-17 1 views

저는 virtualenv에 있습니다. awsebcli을 다음과 같이 설치했습니다 : pip install awsebcli.AWS Elastic Beanstalk에서 eb delete를 인식하지 못합니다

나는 그 때 eb init -p python3.4 django-tutorial을했고 그것은 Application django-tutorial has been created.라고 말했다. 이 응용 프로그램을 지금 삭제하고 싶습니다. 나는 eb delete 일을 시도하지만 그때 eb delete -a django-tutorial을 시도하고 난 다음 바로 eb을 입력하고 "삭제"나열된 명령 중 하나 아니 었

usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...} 
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete -a django-tutorial 


usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...} 
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete 

을 말한다. 다음은 나열된 명령입니다.

abort  Cancels an environment update or deployment. 
    appversion Listing and managing application versions 
    clone  Clones an environment. 
    codesource Configures the code source for the EB CLI to use by default. 
    config  Modify an environment's configuration. Use subcommands to manage saved configurations. 
    console  Opens the environment in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Management Console. 
    create  Creates a new environment. 
    deploy  Deploys your source code to the environment. 
    events  Gets recent events. 
    health  Shows detailed environment health. 
    init   Initializes your directory with the EB CLI. Creates the application. 
    labs   Extra experimental commands. 
    list   Lists all environments. 
    local  Runs commands on your local machine. 
    logs   Gets recent logs. 
    open   Opens the application URL in a browser. 
    platform  Manages platforms. 
    printenv  Shows the environment variables. 
    restore  Restores a terminated environment. 
    scale  Changes the number of running instances. 
    setenv  Sets environment variables. 
    ssh   Opens the SSH client to connect to an instance. 
    status  Gets environment information and status. 
    swap   Swaps two environment CNAMEs with each other. 
    terminate Terminates the environment. 
    upgrade  Updates the environment to the most recent platform version. 
    use   Sets default environment. 

초기화 된 응용 프로그램을 삭제하고 어떻게 eb가 delete를 명령으로 인식하지 못하게합니까?

편집 : 그냥 eb stop이 존재하지 않는 눈치하지만이 링크에서 : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/delete.html

eb stopeb delete이 모두 있어야합니다.



eb terminate --all을 시도하여 응용 프로그램을 삭제하고 현재 EB documentation을 확인하십시오.


아,이 작업이! 어떤 아이디어라도'eb delete'와'eb stop'은 왜 인식되지 않습니까? – user2719875


링크 된 문서 페이지가 오래되었으며 CLI의 이전 버전을 참조합니다. – Brian