이전에 읽기 전용이었던 페이지에 컨트롤을 추가하려고합니다. 환경은 다음과 같습니다오류 : 이름이 현재 컨텍스트에 존재하지 않습니다. (Webpart, C#, Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010)
- 셰어 비주얼 스튜디오 2010
- 이 기능이는 WebPart에에서 개발 2010 솔루션
- (AceAllocation30.cs)
- 코드는 C#을 여기
내가 추가 한 코드는 다음과 같습니다.
sb.Append(" <td width=\"75%\">"); lc3 = new LiteralControl(sb.ToString()); Controls.Add(lc3); TextBox JDHFTxt = new TextBox(); JDHFTxt.ID = "txtJDHF"; JDHFTxt.Enabled = true; JDHFTxt.Value = ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["SPRAmount"].ToString()); Controls.Add(JDHFTxt); sb = new StringBuilder();
위의 추가 코드이 코드 교체 : 더 완전한 참고로
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["SPRAmount"].ToString()) + "</td>");
을, 위의 전체 원래 segement은 이것이다 :
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row2\">");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">SPR/JDHF Allotment:</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["SPRAmount"].ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
을하지만 배포 할 때 다음 오류가 발생합니다.
오류 35; 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'에 'Value'에 대한 정의가없고 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'형식의 첫 번째 인수를 허용하는 'Value'는 이 될 수 있습니다. (using 지시문이나 어셈블리 참조가 누락 되었습니까?)
오류 32; 'lc3'이름이 현재 컨텍스트에 존재하지 않습니다.
오류 33; 이름 'LC3'는 현재 컨텍스트 여기
전체 페이지 코드에 존재하지 않습니다 여기
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
//Data Controls
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using IDE_Utility.DBConnection;
using IDE_Utility.ErrorLogging;
using System.Text;
namespace GIK30.ACEAllocation30
public class ACEAllocation30 : WebPart
private bool _error = false;
private string _myProperty = null;
private Label m_lblMsg;
private Button m_NewAllocation_Button;
private HttpResponse Response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
[System.ComponentModel.Category("My Property Group")]
[WebDescription("Meaningless Property")]
public string MyProperty
if (_myProperty == null)
_myProperty = "";
return _myProperty;
_myProperty = value;
public ACEAllocation30()
this.ExportMode = WebPartExportMode.All;
/// <summary>
/// Create all your controls here for rendering.
/// Try to avoid using the RenderWebPart() method.
/// </summary>
protected override void CreateChildControls()
if (!_error)
SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site;
DataSet DsAllocation = new DataSet();
DataView DvAllocation = null;
DataSet DsACE = new DataSet();
DataRow DrACE;
int ACEID = 0;
if (site != null)
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
int.TryParse(Page.Request["ACEID"], out ACEID);
int UserID = GIK20_CodeLibrary.GetUserID(SPContext.Current.Web);
StringCollection Access = GIK20_CodeLibrary.GetUserAccessForACE(UserID, ACEID);
bool IsACEAdmin = GIK20_CodeLibrary.IsUserACEAdmin(Access);
bool IsContracts = GIK20_CodeLibrary.IsUserAllocationSpecialist(Access);
// Make sure the ACE exists first
Boolean IsACE = false;
SqlParameter sqlParamACEID = new SqlParameter();
sqlParamACEID.ParameterName = "@aceid";
sqlParamACEID.DbType = DbType.Int32;
sqlParamACEID.Value = ACEID;
SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
DsACE = DBConnection.GetDataSet("getAceInfo", CommandType.StoredProcedure, sqlParams);
catch (Exception ex)
IDEErrLogging.LogError(new IDEException("ACE Allocation: Validate ACE: Error on Stored Procedure: getAceInfo", ex), true, false, SPContext.Current.Web);
if (DsACE != null)
if (DsACE.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
IsACE = true;
if (IsACE)
DrACE = DsACE.Tables[0].Rows[0];
//strSQL = "select * from ACE_Allocation where ACEID = " + ACEID.ToString();
sqlParamACEID = new SqlParameter();
sqlParamACEID.ParameterName = "@aceid";
sqlParamACEID.DbType = DbType.Int32;
sqlParamACEID.Value = ACEID;
sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
DsAllocation = DBConnection.GetDataSet("getACeAllocation", CommandType.StoredProcedure, sqlParams);
DvAllocation = DsAllocation.Tables[0].DefaultView;
DvAllocation.Sort = "FY, AllocationType";
catch (Exception ex)
IDEErrLogging.LogError(new IDEException("ACE Allocation: Error on ACE Allocation Stored Procedure: getACeAllocation", ex), true, false, SPContext.Current.Web);
// Check to see if edit controls are enabled
Boolean enableStatus = false;
if (IsACEAdmin || IsContracts)
enableStatus = true;
//enableStatus = GIK20_CodeLibrary.CheckUserInGroup(myWeb, statusArray);
string AllocationAvail = "No";
if (DrACE["AllocationAVailable"].Equals(true))
AllocationAvail = "Yes";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("<div class=\"border\" style=\"width:700px\">");
sb.Append(" <div class=\"partTitle\" >");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" height=\"25px\" width=\"100%\">");
sb.Append(" <tr>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"partTitleText\">ACE ALLOCATION</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
sb.Append(" </div>");
sb.Append(" <div class=\"columnHeader\">");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" height=\"25px\" width=\"100%\">");
sb.Append(" <tr>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"columnHeaderText\" style=\"margin-top:5px;\">Allocation Information</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
sb.Append(" </div>");
sb.Append(" <div class=\"rows\">");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row1\">");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">Allocation Available:</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + AllocationAvail + "</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row2\">");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">SPR/JDHF Allotment:</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["SPRAmount"].ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row1\">");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">SPR Source:</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + DrACE["SPRSource"] + "</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
//sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row2\">");
//sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">TEV:</td>");
//sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["EstVal"].ToString()) + "</td>"); //); + DrACE["SPRSource"] + "</td>");
//sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row2\">");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextLeft\" width=\"25%\">Allocation Comments:</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"75%\">" + DrACE["AllocationComments"] + "</td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
sb.Append(" </div>");
sb.Append(" <div class=\"columnHeader\">");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" height=\"25px\" width=\"100%\">");
sb.Append(" <tr>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextTitle\" width=\"21%\">Type</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextTitle\" width=\"20%\">Source</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextTitle\" width=\"20%\">FY</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowTextTitle\" width=\"20%\">$ Amount</td>");
sb.Append(" <td width=\"19%\"></td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
sb.Append(" </div>");
sb.Append(" <div class=\"rows\">");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">");
if (DvAllocation != null)
Boolean row1 = true;
int i = 1;
LiteralControl lc2 = new LiteralControl();
foreach (DataRowView DvAllocationRow in DvAllocation)
if (row1)
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row1\">");
row1 = false;
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row2\">");
row1 = true;
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"21%\">" + DvAllocationRow["AllocationType"].ToString() + "</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"20%\">" + DvAllocationRow["AllocationSourceName"].ToString() + "</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"20%\">" + DvAllocationRow["FYTxt"].ToString() + "</td>");
sb.Append(" <td class=\"rowText\" width=\"20%\">" + ConvertToAllocation(DvAllocationRow["Amount"].ToString()) + "</td>");
string querystring = "?ACEID=" + DvAllocationRow["ACEID"].ToString() + "&ACEAllocationID=" + DvAllocationRow["ACE_AllocationID"].ToString();
if (enableStatus)
m_NewAllocation_Button = new Button();
m_NewAllocation_Button.Text = "Edit Allocation";
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Style = "font-size:8pt;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif";
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Width = 80;
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Height = 21;
m_NewAllocation_Button.CssClass = "plainButton";
m_NewAllocation_Button.ID = "NewAllocationButton" + i;
m_NewAllocation_Button.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "window.open('../_layouts/GIK30/EditAllocation.aspx" + querystring + "');");
//string[] statusArray = new string[] { "Owner", "SiteAdmin" };
m_NewAllocation_Button.Enabled = enableStatus;
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Visible = enableStatus;
sb.Append(" <td width=\"19%\" align=\"right\" style=\"padding-right:20px\">");
lc2 = new LiteralControl(sb.ToString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(" <td width=\"19%\"></td>");
//sb.Append(" <td width=\"19%\"><input TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"Edit Allocation\" style=\"font-size:8pt;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif\" />");
sb.Append(" </td>");
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"row1\"><td class=\"rowText\" width=\"100%\">Error Reading from Database</td></tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
sb.Append(" </div>");
sb.Append(" <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"margin-left:9px; margin-top:1px; margin-right:9px\">");
sb.Append(" <tr class=\"total\">");
sb.Append(" <td width=\"555px\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\">EV on Allotment: " + ConvertToAllocation(DrACE["EstVa"].ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.Append(" <td align=\"right\" style=\"padding-right:5px\">");
LiteralControl lc = new LiteralControl(sb.ToString());
m_NewAllocation_Button = new Button();
m_NewAllocation_Button.Text = "Add New Allocation";
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Style = "font-size:8pt;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif";
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Width = 80;
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Height = 21;
m_NewAllocation_Button.CssClass = "plainButton";
m_NewAllocation_Button.ID = "NewAllocationButton";
m_NewAllocation_Button.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "window.open('../_layouts/GIK30/EditAllocation.aspx?ACEID=" + ACEID + "');");
//string[] statusArray = new string[] { "Owner", "SiteAdmin" };
m_NewAllocation_Button.Enabled = enableStatus;
//m_NewAllocation_Button.Visible = enableStatus;
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(" </tr>");
sb.Append(" </table>");
lc = new LiteralControl(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
IDEErrLogging.LogError(new IDEException("ACE Allocation: Error on ACE: " + ACEID.ToString(), ex), true, false, SPContext.Current.Web);
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that the CreateChildControls() is called before events.
/// Use CreateChildControls() to create your controls.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (!_error)
// Your code here...
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// Clear all child controls and add an error message for display.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ex"></param>
private void HandleException(Exception ex)
this._error = true;
this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ex.Message));
protected void m_NewAllocation_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Response.Redirect("EditAllocation.aspx?ACEID=" + Page.Request["ACEID"]);
private string ConvertToAllocation(string stramount)
// Convert the real number to a $ format
double amount = 0.0;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stramount))
amount = Convert.ToDouble(stramount);
return string.Format("{0:C}", amount);
가 그리고하면 페이지의 모습의 모형이다 :