2012-01-21 3 views

내가 정말 그 작동하지 않는 이유를 모르겠어요 도와주세요, 여기에 내가 VPS 관리자로 SolusVM을 사용하고, 로그 그런데 은 오픈 VZ 못해 컨테이너 오류를 생성 "DISKINODES에 대한 잘못된 값이"

입니다. 나는 모든 것을 주어진 지시에 따르지만 나에게는 아무런 효과가 없었다.

내가 모든 솔루션하지만 전혀 희망 :(

2012-01-22T02:32:02+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist 
2012-01-22T02:32:32+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : WARNING: /etc/vz/conf/101.conf not found: No such file or directory 
2012-01-22T02:32:32+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:32+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Destroying container private area: /vz/private/101 
2012-01-22T02:32:32+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning: failed to remove /vz/root/101: No such file or directory 
2012-01-22T02:32:32+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container private area was destroyed 
2012-01-22T02:32:43+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/ve-basic.conf-sample:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:43+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Creating container private area (centos-5.0-x86) 
2012-01-22T02:32:49+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:49+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container is not running 
2012-01-22T02:32:49+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:49+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container is not running 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Performing postcreate actions 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container private area was created 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Restarting container 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Starting container ... 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container is mounted 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Setting CPU units: 1000 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Container start in progress... 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Adding IP address(es): 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : UB limits were set successfully 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : UB limits were set successfully 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Bad parameter for --diskspace: 21474836480K:21474836480K 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Unable to turn on second-level disk quota on a running container 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : WARNING: Some of the parameters could not be applied to a running container. 
    Please consider using --setmode option 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Unable to apply new quota values: ugid quota not initialized 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : UB limits were set successfully 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Setting CPU limit: 400 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Setting CPU units: 10000 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Setting CPUs: 4 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : UB limits were set successfully 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Restarting container 
2012-01-22T02:32:56+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Stopping container ... 


2012-01-22T02:32:54+0700 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning at /etc/vz/conf/101.conf:43: invalid value for DISKINODES ("20000000000:20000000000"), skipped, 그 아이 노드에 대한 다소 높은 값의를 찾기 위해 인터넷을 통해 검색, 내 추측이 있다는 것 호스트에 컨테이너에 전달할 수있는 많은 inode가 없어도 300.000과 같은 Sain 번호로 시작하여 VPS를 부팅 할 수 있는지 확인하십시오.