2015-02-03 7 views

나는 현재 (라인 205)의 사용으로 먼저 가장 인기있는 항목을 표시하도록 설정되어이 태그 구름을 보유하고 있습니다. 나가면 알파벳순으로 목록을 보여줍니다.셔플 지정된 배열

무작위로 결과를 표시하고 싶습니다. php-shuffle을 생각했지만, 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠습니다. 누군가가 나를 여기에서 도울 수 있다면 감사합니다, 건배! (also uploaded php here as .txt) 아래

보기 PHP :

//activate plugin WP function 

//Checking search meter dependencies 
global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 
$sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent'"; 
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); 
if (!$wpdb->num_rows) 
    die('<p>This plugin will not work unless <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/search-meter/" target="_blank">Search Meter plugin</a> is installed and activated.</p>'); 

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'initializeSearchTagCloud'); 

//activat plugin WP function 
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'deactivateSearchTagCloud'); 

//set initial values when the plugin is activated 
function initializeSearchTagCloud() 
    $search_tag_cloud=new searchTagCloud(); 

//delete DB options when the plugin is activated 
function deactivateSearchTagCloud() { 

class searchTagCloud 
    public $widgetText; 
    public $numberSearches; 
    public $max_size; 
    public $min_size; 
    public $days_to_display; 
    var $error; 

    //constuctor function 
    function __construct() 
     $this->widgetText = 'What people is searching?'; 
     //the size of the tag cloud is missed 

    //initialize options 
    //size of the smallest tag 
    //maximum size of the biggest tag 
    //Personalized text for the tag cloud 
    //how many links to display 
    function initializeSearchTagCloud() 
     global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 
     $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` ADD COLUMN visible INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"); 

     $initializeOptions = array(
     "min_size"  => $this->min_size, 
     "max_size"  => $this->max_size, 
     "total_tags"  => $this->total_tags, 
     "widgetText" => $this->widgetText, 
     "days_to_display" => $this->days_to_display, 
     "show_author_credit" => $this->show_author_credit, 
     add_option("searchTagCloudOption", $initializeOptions, '', 'yes'); 
     //select recent searched terms 

    //get DB options for the Search Tag Cloud 
    function getSearchTagCloudOptions() 
     $myOptions = get_option('searchTagCloudOption'); 

    //set Search Tag Cloud class values 
    function setSearchTagCloudValues($min_size,$max_size,$total_tags,$widgetText,$show_author_credit,$days_to_display) 

    //update Search Tag Cloud class values and DB options 
    function updateSearchTagCloud($array_post) 
     global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 


     //set the new options in the database 
     update_option("searchTagCloudOption", $array_post, '', 'yes'); 

     //I set all to visible 
     $wpdb->query("UPDATE `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` SET visible=1"); 

      foreach($array_post['checkbox_visible'] as $index=>$value) 
       $wpdb->query("UPDATE `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` SET visible=0 WHERE terms = '{$value}'"); 
     return __("Options Saved Correctly"); 

    //Function to select from search meter tables in the database the most common searches. 
    function select_searches_for_tagcloud() 
     // List the most recent successful searches. 
     global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 
     $count = intval($this->total_tags); 

     //first I need to know how many invisible tags we have 

     //select terms, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `wp_searchmeter_recent` WHERE datetime>='2010-07-05' GROUP BY `terms` LIMIT 0,15 

     //$datebeginning = date()-dÌas 
     $datebeginning = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"),date("d")-$this->days_to_display, date("Y"))); 

     $tags = $wpdb->get_results(
     //select recent searched terms 
      " SELECT terms, visible, COUNT(*) AS total 
       FROM `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` 
       WHERE datetime>='{$datebeginning}' AND 
       hits>0 AND 
       GROUP BY `terms` 
       LIMIT {$count}"); 

     return $tags; 

    function selectPopularSearchesforAdmin() 
     // List the most recent successful searches. 
     global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 
     $count = intval($this->total_tags); 

     //first I need to know how many invisible tags we have 

     //select terms, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `wp_searchmeter_recent` WHERE datetime>='2010-07-05' GROUP BY `terms` LIMIT 0,15 

     //$datebeginning = date()-dÌas 
     $datebeginning = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"),date("d")-$this->days_to_display, date("Y"))); 

     $invisible_tags = $wpdb->get_results(
      " SELECT terms, COUNT(*) AS total 
       FROM `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` 
       WHERE visible=1 AND 
       `datetime`>='{$datebeginning}' AND 
       GROUP BY `terms` 
       LIMIT {$count}"); 

     // I have to show the tags plus the invisible ones 
     $count = $count + count($invisible_tags); 

     $tags = $wpdb->get_results(
     //select recent searched terms 
      " SELECT terms, visible, COUNT(*) AS total 
       FROM `{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent` 
       WHERE datetime>='{$datebeginning}' AND 
       GROUP BY `terms` 
       LIMIT {$count}"); 

     return $tags;  

    //function that creates the tag cloud and prints it. 
    function popular_searches_tag_cloud($args) 

       foreach($results as $index) 

//    arsort($array_end); 

       // largest and smallest array values 
       $max_qty = max(array_values($array_end)); 
       $min_qty = min(array_values($array_end)); 

       // find the range of values 
       $spread = $max_qty - $min_qty; 
       if ($spread == 0) { // we don't want to divide by zero 
         $spread = 1; 

       // set the font-size increment 
       $step = ($this->max_size - $this->min_size)/($spread); 

       //set the counter for the loop at 0 

       // loop through the tag array 
        $html='<div class="search-tag-cloud">'; 
        foreach ($array_end as $key => $value) 
          // calculate font-size 
          // find the $value in excess of $min_qty 
          // multiply by the font-size increment ($size) 
          // and add the $min_size set above 
          $size = round($this->min_size + (($value - $min_qty) * $step)); 

          $html.= '<a href="?s=' . $key . '" style="font-size: ' . $size . 'px" 
          title="' . $key . '">' . $key . '</a> '; 

         $html.='<div id="search-tag-cloud"><p style="text-align:right"><small>WP plugin by <a href="http://www.josellinares.com/tag/marketing-online/" title="Marketing Online" target="_blank">Marketing Online</a></small></p></div>'; 

        echo $html; 
/*end class--------------------------------*/ 

//setting the admin page 
//create admin->settings page 
//create Settings Section to configure plugin values 
if (is_admin()){ // admin actions 
} else { 
    // non-admin enqueues, actions, and filters 

//adding the page in the admin section 
function admin_setSearchTagCloud() { 
    add_options_page('Popular Searches Tag Cloud Options', 'Popular Searches Tag Cloud', 8,__FILE__, 'searchTagCloudOptions'); 

//register form fields 
function searchTagCloudSettings() { // whitelist options 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'widgetText', 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'max_size', 'checkValueisInt'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'min_size', 'checkValueisInt'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'total_tags', 'checkValueisInt'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'checkbox_visible'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'show_author_credit', 'checkValueisInt'); 
    register_setting('search-tag-cloud-options', 'days_to_display', 'checkValueisInt'); 

function searchTagCloudOptions() 
    $html= '<div class="wrap">'; 
    $html= '<form method="post">'; 
    $html.= '<h2>'. __("Popular Searches Tag Cloud Options: Manage Options").'</h2>'; 
      $html.= '<div class="error"><p><strong>'.$message.'</strong></p></div>'; 
      $html.= '<div class="updated"><p><strong>'.__("Options Saved").'</strong></p></div>'; 

    $html.= '<label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('Set the header for the Popular Searches Tag Cloud to be visible: ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="text" name="widgetText" size="40" maxlength="150" value="'.$myOptions['widgetText'].'" /><br /><br />'; 
    $html.= '<label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('Size of the biggest tag: ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="text" name="max_size" size="10" maxlength="3" value="'.$myOptions['max_size'].'" /><br /><br />'; 
    $html.= '<label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('Size of the smallest tag: ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="text" name="min_size" size="10" maxlength="3" value="'.$myOptions['min_size'].'" /><br /><br />'; 
    $html.= '<label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('Number of searches to display: ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="text" name="total_tags" size="10" maxlength="3" value="'.$myOptions['total_tags'].'" /><br /><br />'; 
    $html.= '<label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('You want to show searches from the last : ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="text" name="days_to_display" size="10" maxlength="3" value="'.$myOptions['days_to_display'].'" /> days<br /><br />'; 
    $html.=getMostPopularSearchesAdmin($results, 15, false); 
    $html.= '<br /><br /><label for="newpost-edited-text">'.__('Display developer credits in the Widget: ').'</label>'; 
    $html.= '<input type="checkbox" name="show_author_credit" value="1" '; 

    if ($myOptions['show_author_credit']==1) 

    $html.='/><br /><br />';  
    $html.= '<input type="hidden" name="type-submit" value="Y">'; 
    $html.= '<br><input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="'.__('Save Options').'" />'; 

    //here I need the list of all searches, order by total 
    $html.= '</form>'; 
    $html.= '</div>'; 

    echo $html; 

//function to show common searches to edit in the admin page. Completes the admin form. 
function getMostPopularSearchesAdmin(){ 

    $searchcloud=new searchTagCloud(); 

    if (count($results)) { 
     $html='<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2">'; 
     $html.='<tr class="alternate"><th class="left">Term</th><th>Set not Visible</th>'; 
     if ($do_include_successes) { 
     $class= ''; 
     foreach ($results as $result) { 
      $html.='<tr class="'.$class.'">'; 
      $html.='<td><a href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/edit.php?s='.urlencode($result->terms).'&submit=Search">'.htmlspecialchars($result->terms).'</a></td>'; 
      $html.='<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_visible['.$counter.']" value="'.$result->terms.'" '; 

      if ($result->visible==0) 

      $class = ($class == '' ? 'alternate' : ''); 



    } else { 
     $html.='<p>No searches recorded for this period.</p>'; 
    return $html; 

//This functions checks the data send by the form and calls the update the option. 
function updateSearchTagCloudForm($array) 
    $search_tag_cloud=new searchTagCloud(); 

    //check values before inserting into DB 


     return $message;  


//checking function for the form fields functions in the admin page 
function checkNumbers($number) 
     return __("The field maximum size and minimum size have to be numeric<br />"); 
     return __("Maximum size and minimum size have to be smaller than 100<br />"); 
     return ""; 

//checking function for the form fields functions in the admin page 
function checkSearchCloudWidgetText($widgetText) 
     return __("You are not allowed to include more than 150 characters in the Widget Text<br />"); 
    return ""; 

//Widgetizing the plugin functions 
function setSearchTagCloudPlugin() 
    register_sidebar_widget(__('Popular Searches Tag Cloud'), 'callSearchTagCloud'); 
    register_widget_control(__('Popular Searches Tag Cloud'), 'callSearchTagCloud', 200, 200); 

add_action("plugins_loaded", "setSearchTagCloudPlugin"); 

//function to initailize the class. Called from sidebar.php, it checks dependencies from the search meter plugin. 
function callSearchTagCloud() 
    global $wpdb, $table_prefix; 

    $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_prefix}searchmeter_recent'"; 
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); 
    if (! $wpdb->num_rows) 
     die('<p>This plugin will not work unless <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/search-meter/" target="_blank">Search Meter plugin</a> is installed and activated. -- widget</p>'); 
     $search_tag_cloud=new searchTagCloud(); 
    $searchcloud=new searchTagCloud(); 

    function setSearchTagCloudControl() 
     echo '<p><label for="myHelloWorld-WidgetTitle">To configure options go to  "Settings > Popular Searches Tag Cloud" in this admin panel</label></p>'; 

음을 ...'셔플 ($의 array_end)' ? 이것은이 질문에 대한 귀하의 문제를 명확히하는 데 사용할 수있는 너무 많은 코드입니다. – deceze



사용 shuffle 기능 :

이 셔플 기능은 어레이 (요소의 순서를 무작위로).

당신은이 코드를 가지고

//    arsort($array_end);` 

아래에 약간의 :

   foreach ($array_end as $key => $value) 

이로 교체 :

   $array_end_keys = array_keys($array_end); 
       foreach ($array_end_keys as $key) 
        $value = $array_end[$key]; 

안녕하세요, 셔플 기능을 사용해 보았습니다. 이 경우 셔플 기능은 주문 대신 글꼴 크기를 셔플합니다. 또한 더 이상 검색 키워드를 표시하지 않지만 숫자 (1,2,3,4,5, ..)가 표시됩니다. – Eddie


셔플은 실제로 키를 보관하지 않습니다. 나는 무작위 순서를 얻기 위해 키와 루프 물마루를 뒤섞기 위해 내 게시물을 변경했습니다. –


그 코드 조각은 트릭 @ 바트 하를 스트라를했습니다! – Eddie