좋아, 그럼 내가 생각해 냈다.
public static void Test_AsymetricDelay()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var xs = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(10000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(true)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(60000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(false)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(70000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(true)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(80000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(false)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(100000000, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<bool>())
var dest = xs.DelayOn(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), scheduler);
var testObserver = scheduler.Start(
() => dest,
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(30000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(true)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(60000000, Notification.CreateOnNext(false)),
new Recorded<Notification<bool>>(100000000, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<bool>())
: 그 작업을 확인하는
static public IObservable<bool> AsymetricDelay(this IObservable<bool> source, TimeSpan delay, IScheduler scheduler)
var distinct = source.DistinctUntilChanged();
return distinct.
Throttle(delay, scheduler) // Delay both trues and falses
.Where(x => x) // But we only want trues to be delayed
.Merge( // Merge the trues with...
distinct.Where(x=>!x) // non delayed falses
.DistinctUntilChanged(); // Get rid of any repeated values
을 그리고 여기에 단위 테스트이다 : 더 적절한 이름처럼 보인다 나는 또한 AsymetricDelay()에 대한 방법을 개명