Wowza의 webcam.fla 예제를 기반으로 웹캠 스트리밍 앱을 운영하고 있습니다. 앱에서 플래시의 오디오 및 동영상을 코드 변환 된 Wowza 서버로 스트리밍합니다.Microphone.getMicrophone()으로 오디오 소스를 전환하는 방법 Actionscript 3
오디오 소스를 다른 시스템 오디오 소스로 변경할 수있는 기능을 추가하려고합니다. 지금까지는 모든 인터페이스를 포함하는 드롭 다운을 만들고 콜백을 처리했지만 doConnect() 함수를 사용하여 스트림을 시작 및 중지했지만 오디오 소스가 기본값으로 유지되는 것으로 보입니다.
import flash.media.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.media.*;// Should this be duplicated
var parsed:Object = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var nc:NetConnection = null;
var nsPublish:NetStream = null;
var nsPlay:NetStream = null;
var camera:Camera = null;
var microphone:Microphone = null;
// Testing
var serverName:String = "rtmp://stream-na.example.tv:1935/live";
var movieName:String = "streamName";
var flushVideoBufferTimer:Number = 0;
// Quality settings
var videoBitrate:Number = 200000;
var videoQuality:Number = 80; // Quality %
var videoWidth:Number = 640;
var videoHeight:Number = 360;
var videoFrameRate:Number = 30;
//////////////// UI Functions Bellow
import fl.controls.ComboBox;
import fl.data.DataProvider;
var aCb:ComboBox = new ComboBox();
function createAudioComboBox(sources)
var sourcesArray:Array = new Array();
aCb.dropdownWidth = 210;
aCb.width = 200;
aCb.move(0, 365);
aCb.prompt = "Change Audio Source";
aCb.dataProvider = new DataProvider(sourcesArray);
aCb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeAudioHandler);
for (var index in sources)
//ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", sources[index]);
aCb.addItem({ label: sources[index], data: index});
function changeAudioHandler(event:Event):void
//var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
//request.url = ComboBox(event.target).selectedItem.data;
//aCb.selectedIndex = -1;
var audioSource = ComboBox(event.target).selectedItem.data;
//microphone:Microphone = null;
microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone(audioSource);
microphone.rate = 16;
microphone.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;
microphone.encodeQuality = 10; // This is shit!! offer better audio in native app?
microphone.setSilenceLevel(0, -1);
//ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", audioSource);
// Trigger restart camera...
//startCamera(); // Nope
//////////////// Core Streaming Functions Bellow
function startCamera()
// get the default Flash camera and microphone
camera = Camera.getCamera();
microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
// here are all the quality and performance settings
// here are all the quality and performance settings
if (camera != null)
//camera.setMode(1280, 720, 30, false);
camera.setMode(videoWidth, videoHeight, videoFrameRate, false); // false gives framerate priority apparently?? http://www.flash-communications.net/technotes/setMode/index.html
camera.setQuality(videoBitrate, videoQuality);
// Max 800kbps;
// List audio sources names
// sourceVideoLabel.text += Camera.names;
// Create audio sources dropdown
// Hide video sources for now...
sourceVideoLabel.text = "No Camera Found\n";
if (microphone != null)
microphone.rate = 16;
microphone.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;
microphone.encodeQuality = 10; // This is shit!! offer better audio in native app?
microphone.setSilenceLevel(0, -1);
// List audio sources names;
// sourceVideoLabel.text += Microphone.names;
// Create audio sources dropdown
// Don't show audio slider for now...
// createAudioSlider();
// Don't monitor audio level for now...
sourceVideoLabel.text += "No Microphone Found\n";
nameStr.text = movieName;
AppendCheckbox.selected = false;
connect.connectStr.text = serverName;
connect.connectButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doConnect);
function ncOnStatus(infoObject:NetStatusEvent)
trace("nc: "+infoObject.info.code+" ("+infoObject.info.description+")");
if (infoObject.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed")
prompt.text = "Connection failed. Try again or email [email protected]";
else if (infoObject.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected")
// Hide connect fail...
prompt.text = infoObject.info.description;
// Ask for permission to use the camera and show the preview to the user
// event:MouseEvent
// doConnect toggles connections on and off.
function doConnect()
// connect to the Wowza Media Server
if (nc == null)
// create a connection to the wowza media server
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, ncOnStatus);
//connect.connectButton.label = "Disconnect";
// uncomment this to monitor frame rate and buffer length
//setInterval("updateStreamValues", 500);
// Attach camera to preview
// Pass status to
// ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", "cameraagreed");
nsPublish = null;
nsPlay = null;
nc = null;
doSubscribe.label = 'Play';
doPublish.label = 'Stream';
AppendCheckbox.selected = false;
connect.connectButton.label = "Connect";
prompt.text = "";
// function to monitor the frame rate and buffer length
function updateStreamValues()
if (nsPlay != null)
fpsText.text = (Math.round(nsPlay.currentFPS*1000)/1000)+" fps";
bufferLenText.text = (Math.round(nsPlay.bufferLength*1000)/1000)+" secs";
fpsText.text = "";
bufferLenText.text = "";
function nsPlayOnStatus(infoObject:NetStatusEvent)
trace("nsPlay: onStatus: "+infoObject.info.code+" ("+infoObject.info.description+")");
if (infoObject.info.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" || infoObject.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Failed")
prompt.text = infoObject.info.description;
function doCloseRecord()
// after we have hit "Stop" recording and after the buffered video data has been
// sent to the Wowza Media Server close the publishing stream
// this function gets called every 250 ms to monitor the;
// progress of flushing the video buffer. Once the video
// buffer is empty we close publishing stream
function flushVideoBuffer()
var buffLen:Number = nsPublish.bufferLength;
if (buffLen == 0)
flushVideoBufferTimer = 0;
doPublish.label = 'Stream';
function nsPublicOnStatus(infoObject:NetStatusEvent)
trace("nsPublish: "+infoObject.info.code+" ("+infoObject.info.description+")");
// After calling nsPublish.publish(false); we wait for a status;
// event of "NetStream.Unpublish.Success" which tells us all the video
// and audio data has been written to the flv file. It is at this time
// that we can start playing the video we just recorded.
if (infoObject.info.code == "NetStream.Unpublish.Success")
if (infoObject.info.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" || infoObject.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Failed")
prompt.text = infoObject.info.description;
function initH264Recording(nsPublish:NetStream)
var h264Settings:H264VideoStreamSettings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
h264Settings.setProfileLevel(H264Profile.BASELINE, H264Level.LEVEL_3);
nsPublish.videoStreamSettings = h264Settings;
// Start recording video to the server
function doStreamStart()
//prompt.text = "Starting stream with mic...";
//prompt.text = microphone;
ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", "starting stream");
// stop video playback
// create a new NetStream object for publishing
nsPublish = new NetStream(nc);
var nsPublishClient:Object = new Object();
nsPublish.client = nsPublishClient;
// Set the H.264 encoding parameters
if (testVersion(11,0,0,0))
prompt.text = "Flash player 11 or greater is required for H.264 encoding (" + Capabilities.version + ").";
}// trace the NetStream status information
nsPublish.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, nsPublicOnStatus);
// publish the stream by name;
nsPublish.publish(nameStr.text, (AppendCheckbox.selected?"append":"record"));
// add custom metadata to the header of the .flv file;
var metaData:Object = new Object();
metaData["description"] = "Recorded using WebcamRecording example.";
nsPublish.send("@setDataFrame", "onMetaData", metaData);
// attach the camera and microphone to the server;
ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", microphone);
// set the buffer time to 20 seconds to buffer 20 seconds of video;
// data for better performance and higher quality video
nsPublish.bufferTime = 20;
// Disable the audio choice dropdown
aCb.enabled = false;
function doStreamStop()
ExternalInterface.call("logBrowserStreaming", "stopping stream");
// stop streaming video and audio to the publishing
// NetStream object
// After stopping the publishing we need to check if there is;
// video content in the NetStream buffer. If there is data
// we are going to monitor the video upload progress by calling
// flushVideoBuffer every 250ms. If the buffer length is 0
// we close the recording immediately.
var buffLen:Number = nsPublish.bufferLength;
if (buffLen > 0)
flushVideoBufferTimer = setInterval(flushVideoBuffer,250);
doPublish.label = 'Wait...';
doPublish.label = 'Start';
// Disable the audio choice dropdown
aCb.enabled = true;
// Test version function checks if the current flash version supports H.264 Encoding.
function testVersion(v0:Number, v1:Number, v2:Number, v3:Number):Boolean
var version:String = Capabilities.version;
var index:Number = version.indexOf(" ");
version = version.substr(index+1);
var verParts:Array = version.split(",");
var i:Number;
var ret:Boolean = true;
while (true)
if (Number(verParts[0]) < v0)
ret = false;
else if (Number(verParts[0]) > v0)
if (Number(verParts[1]) < v1)
ret = false;
else if (Number(verParts[1]) > v1)
if (Number(verParts[2]) < v2)
ret = false;
else if (Number(verParts[2]) > v2)
if (Number(verParts[3]) < v3)
ret = false;
trace("testVersion: "+Capabilities.version+">="+v0+","+v1+","+v2+","+v3+": "+ret);
return ret;
// External trigger from Javascript;
// Allow stream to start with startBrowserStreaming call from js
ExternalInterface.addCallback("startBrowserStreaming", doStreamStart);
// Allow stream to stop with stopBrowserStreaming call from js;
ExternalInterface.addCallback("stopBrowserStreaming", doStreamStop);
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";