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<meta itemprop="name" content="Matt Tilghman" />
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<meta itemprop="description" content="Photographer of Landscapes from California, North Carolina, South Florida, and New Mexico" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="Passage Through Time, by Matt Tilghman. Fine art photograph of Oneonta Falls, in Oneonta Gorge, on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge. This is the Lower Falls, which is located about a mile upstream from the where the creek meets the Columbia River.">
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<meta itemprop="name" content="Oneonta Gorge">
<meta itemprop="description" content="Oneonta Gorge is on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States">
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<img itemprop="image" src="images/Oneonta-Falls-Oregon-L.jpg" alt="oneonta, gorge, falls, oneonta falls, waterfall, canyon, slot, pacific northwest, oregon, columbia river gorge" >
<div class="titleL2" itemprop="name">Passage Through Time</div>
<div class="captionL2" itemprop="text">Shown here is <span itemprop="keywords">Lower Oneonta Falls</span>, an <span itemprop="keywords">intimate</span> <span itemprop="keywords">waterfall</span> at the end of <span itemprop="keywords">Oneonta Gorge</span>, on the <span itemprop="keywords">Oregon</span> side of the <span itemprop="keywords">Columbia River Gorge</span>. Oneonta Gorge seems like a <span itemprop="genre">landscape</span> off another planet. It's a narrow <span itemprop="keywords">gorge</span> reminiscent of the <span itemprop="keywords">slot canyons</span> of the American Southwest, but in the middle of a <span itemprop="keywords">lush</span> <span itemprop="keywords">temperate</span> <span itemprop="keywords">rain forest</span>, with walls clad in moss and ferns, dripping with moisture. While hiking up the gorge, my mind was first struck by the similarity to a slot canyon, but then began to ponder the different ways they were created. The slot canyons of the Southwest form when rain water drains through existing sandstone channels, further carving them with every downpour. Oneonta Gorge, however, likely formed as the waterfalls (there are four) eroded their own precipice, marching backwards in time. As I considered this, the trek upstream began to feel like a march forward in time, mimicking the path of the waterfall but at a much faster pace. It's a truly remarkable piece of <span itemprop="keywords">wilderness</span>, and well worth the tricky trek over logjams and slippery boulders.</div>
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