2012-10-24 1 views

두 개의 Axis Datatypes (WSDL2Java에서 생성)를 서로 변환 할 가능성을 찾고 있습니다. 두 DataTypes는 모두 동일한 XSD에 있으므로 동일한 특성으로 구성됩니다.AxisDatatypes를 동일한 .xsd에서 변환하는 좋은 방법

문제는 Axis가이를 분리 데이터 유형으로 생성합니다.

DataType1 :

public static class AbstractAsynchronousResponse extends AbstractResponse implements org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean { 

     * This type was generated from the piece of schema that had name = 
     * AbstractAsynchronousResponse Namespace URI = 
     * http://www.example.org/AllCallbackTypes Namespace Prefix = ns2 

DataType2 :

public static class AbstractAsynchronousResponse extends AbstractResponse implements org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean { 

     * This type was generated from the piece of schema that had name = 
     * AbstractAsynchronousResponse Namespace URI = 
     * http://www.example.org/AllCallbackTypes Namespace Prefix = ns2 

지금은 이런 식으로 뭔가를하고 싶지 :

AbstractAsynchronousResponse1 response1 = new AbstractAsynchronousResponse1(); 
AbstractAsynchronousResponse2 response2 = (AbstractAsynchronousResponse2) response1; 

해결책이 있습니까?



다음은이 문제를 해결하기 위해 만든 방법입니다. 그러나 이것은 정말로 좋지는 않지만 작동합니다.

    * This will cast an {@link ADBBean} implementation to another 
    * {@link ADBBean}, but the Implementation will be a subClass of 
    * <b>parentLocationOfSourceClass</b>.<br> 
    * This only is possible because of the structure of all ADBBean 
    * implementations created by <code>Axis2 ADB-Databinding</code>. If you 
    * cange the Databinding you probably have to adapt this Method. 
    * @param inputADBBean 
    *   An ADBBean Implementation created by 
    *   <code>Axis2 ADB-Databinding</code> 
    * @param parentLocationOfSourceClass 
    *   This is meant to be the <code>ClientStub</code> Class created 
    *   by <code>Axis2 ADB-Databinding</code>. The Implementation of 
    *   the <code>inputADBBean</code> has to be available with the 
    *   same name in the <code>ClientStub</code> 
    * @return An {@link ADBBean} implementation defined as SubClass of the 
    *   <code>ClientStub</code> Class created by 
    *   <code>Axis2 ADB-Databinding</code> 
    * @throws Exception 
    public static ADBBean castADBBean(ADBBean inputADBBean, String parentLocationOfSourceClass) throws Exception { 
     Class clazz = CallbackResponsePoolClient.getClassForParentLocation(inputADBBean, parentLocationOfSourceClass); 
     ADBBean outputADBBean = CallbackResponsePoolClient.getInstanceForADBBean(clazz); 
     for (Method method : outputADBBean.getClass().getMethods()) { 
      String methodName = method.getName(); 
      if (methodName.startsWith("set")) { 
       CallbackResponsePoolClient.logger.debug("Found a setter: " + methodName); 
       String getterName = methodName.replaceFirst("set", "get"); 
       Object arg = inputADBBean.getClass().getMethod(getterName).invoke(inputADBBean); 
       // We need to check if arg lives in the namespace: 
       // org.example.www.callbackresponsepoolinterface 
       // This will happen if we have nested Objects. E.g. 
       // EndpointType inside of EndpointResponse 
       // TODO: instanceof ADBBean could lead to problems, maybe 
       // sometimes we don't want to cast an ADBBean, but I can't think 
       // a scenario right now 
       if (arg instanceof ADBBean) { 
        arg = CallbackResponsePoolClient.castADBBean((ADBBean) arg, parentLocationOfSourceClass); 
       // We also need to handle Arrays of ADBBeans. See above 
       if (arg instanceof ADBBean[]) { 
        Class innputClass = ((ADBBean[]) arg).getClass().getComponentType(); 
        // Better Create a new Object, because arg[0], can get you 
        // an Exception for an empty Array 
        ADBBean inputArrObj = CallbackResponsePoolClient.getInstanceForADBBean(innputClass); 
        Class outputArrClass = CallbackResponsePoolClient.getClassForParentLocation(inputArrObj, parentLocationOfSourceClass); 
        Object outputArray = Array.newInstance(outputArrClass, ((ADBBean[]) arg).length); 
        for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(arg); i++) { 
         Array.set(outputArray, i, CallbackResponsePoolClient.castADBBean((ADBBean) Array.get(arg, i), parentLocationOfSourceClass)); 
        arg = outputArray; 

       method.invoke(outputADBBean, arg); 

     return outputADBBean; 

    private static Class getClassForParentLocation(ADBBean inputADBBean, String parentLocationOfSourceClass) throws ClassNotFoundException { 
     return Class.forName(parentLocationOfSourceClass + "$" + inputADBBean.getClass().getSimpleName()); 

    private static ADBBean getInstanceForADBBean(Class clazz) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { 
     Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(); 
     return (ADBBean) constructor.newInstance(); 