2017-02-26 4 views

을 구현하는 IAB-Clicktag은 Google 웹 디자이너 소프트웨어로 만든 GDN 배너에 IAB 클릭 탭을 구현하는 방법을 알려주세요. 미디어 회사로부터 GDN 배너가 HTML5 유효성 검사기 도구에 의해 승인되었지만 클릭 태그를 추가 할 수 없다는 알림을 받았다. Screenshot - Asset validationGoogle 웹 디자이너 GDN 배너

GDN을위한 DoubleClick 환경을 만들지 만, href 링크를 구현하고 클릭 할 수있는 배너를 만드는 위치를 알지 못합니다.


<gwd-doubleclick id="gwd-ad" polite-load=""> 
    <div is="gwd-pagedeck" class="gwd-page-container" id="pagedeck"> 
     <div is="gwd-page" id="page1" class="gwd-page-wrapper gwd-page-size gwd-lightbox" data-gwd-width="160px" data-gwd-height="600px"> 
     <div class="gwd-page-content gwd-page-size"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="main_galaxy_wrapper.png" id="main_wrapper" class="gwd-img-bnpg gwd-gen-1mybgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="disrupter.png" id="disrupter" class="gwd-img-1svs gwd-gen-gx3lgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="logo.png" id="logo" class="gwd-img-1mfr"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="bg.jpg" id="bg" class="gwd-img-l5ff gwd-gen-1by8gwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="galaxy.png" id="galaxy" class="gwd-img-n640 gwd-gen-1vlxgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="cta.png" id="cta" class="gwd-img-1p26 gwd-gen-4kmrgwdanimation"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" id="gwd-init-code"> 
    (function() { 
     var gwdAd = document.getElementById('gwd-ad'); 

     * Handles the DOMContentLoaded event. The DOMContentLoaded event is 
     * fired when the document has been completely loaded and parsed. 
     function handleDomContentLoaded(event) { 


     * Handles the WebComponentsReady event. This event is fired when all 
     * custom elements have been registered and upgraded. 
     function handleWebComponentsReady(event) { 
     // Start the Ad lifecycle. 
     setTimeout(function() { 
     }, 0); 

     * Handles the event that is dispatched after the Ad has been 
     * initialized and before the default page of the Ad is shown. 
     function handleAdInitialized(event) {} 

     handleDomContentLoaded, false); 
     handleWebComponentsReady, false); 
     handleAdInitialized, false); 


<script data-exports-type="gwd-studio-registration">function StudioExports() { 
}</script><script type="text/gwd-admetadata">{"version":1,"type":"DoubleClick","format":"","template":"Banner 3.0.0","politeload":true,"fullscreen":false,"counters":[],"timers":[],"exits":[],"creativeProperties":{"minWidth":160,"minHeight":600,"maxWidth":160,"maxHeight":600},"components":["gwd-doubleclick","gwd-image","gwd-page","gwd-pagedeck"],"responsive":false}</script></body></html>

이 배너 (X- 축)에 대해 서로 다른 환경은 내가 클릭 태그 확인 누락되어 열려 body 태그 아래 HREF를 추가하려면이 solutio과 노력하지만,

    <a href="https://streaming.grm-pro.com/__Vorlagen.HTML5/scripts/IAB.at.specs/iab.at.specs.txt" id="IAB_clicktag" target="_blank"> 
    <gwd-genericad id="gwd-ad"> 
     <div is="gwd-pagedeck" class="gwd-page-container" id="pagedeck"> 
     <div is="gwd-page" id="page1" class="gwd-page-wrapper gwd-page-size gwd-lightbox" data-gwd-width="160px" data-gwd-height="600px"> 
      <div class="gwd-page-content gwd-page-size"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="main_galaxy_wrapper_xaxis.png" id="main_wrapper" class="gwd-img-bnpg gwd-gen-1mybgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="disrupter_xaxis.png" id="disrupter" class="gwd-img-1svs gwd-gen-gx3lgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="logo_xaxis.png" id="logo" class="gwd-img-1mfr"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="bg_xaxis.jpg" id="bg" class="gwd-img-l5ff gwd-gen-1by8gwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="galaxy_xaxis.png" id="galaxy" class="gwd-img-n640 gwd-gen-1vlxgwdanimation"> 
      <img is="gwd-image" source="cta_xaxis.png" id="cta" class="gwd-img-1p26 gwd-gen-4kmrgwdanimation"> 
    document.getElementById('IAB_clicktag').setAttribute('href', getUriParams.clicktag); 
    <script type="text/javascript" id="gwd-init-code"> 
    (function() { 
     var gwdAd = document.getElementById('gwd-ad'); 

     * Handles the DOMContentLoaded event. The DOMContentLoaded event is 
     * fired when the document has been completely loaded and parsed. 
     function handleDomContentLoaded(event) { 


     * Handles the WebComponentsReady event. This event is fired when all 
     * custom elements have been registered and upgraded. 
     function handleWebComponentsReady(event) { 
     // Start the Ad lifecycle. 
     setTimeout(function() { 
     }, 0); 

     * Handles the event that is dispatched after the Ad has been 
     * initialized and before the default page of the Ad is shown. 
     function handleAdInitialized(event) {} 

     handleDomContentLoaded, false); 
     handleWebComponentsReady, false); 
     handleAdInitialized, false); 



하드 코딩 방법을 알려주십시오. 미리 감사드립니다.
