2014-10-15 7 views

다른 출처에서 프레젠테이션을 생성하려고합니다. 기본적으로 저는 여러 PowerPoint 프레젠테이션에서 약 200 개의 슬라이드를 가지고 있습니다. 이 작업을 수행하기 위해 OpenXml SDK를 사용하고 있습니다.프로그래밍 방식으로 생성 된 PowerPoint 프레젠테이션 중단 PowerPoint 2013

  • 오픈 템플릿 프레젠테이션
  • 오픈 새로운 프레젠테이션
  • I '는 말 템플릿 프레젠테이션

에 제 프레젠테이션에서 슬라이드를 병합 다음과 같이 프로그램 흐름은 새 프레젠테이션을 디스크에 저장합니다. 다음 정보와 함께, 파워 포인트 2013 휴식을 엽니 다 시도 : 문제 서명 : 문제에 대한

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH 
Application Name: POWERPNT.EXE 
Application Version: 15.0.4454.1000 
Application Timestamp: 509a3abf 
Fault Module Name: oart.dll 
Fault Module Version: 15.0.4605.1000 
Fault Module Timestamp: 531f9b2a 
Exception Code: c00000fd 
Exception Offset: 00003051 
OS Version: 6.2.9200. 
Locale ID: 1033 

추가 정보 : PowerPoint 2010

LCID: 1033 
skulcid: 1033 

열기 그것을하는 것은 매우 잘 작동합니다. 아무런 문제가 없습니다.

private static void MergePresentation(string generatedPresentation, string presentationToBeMerged) 
     int id = 0; 

     // Open the destination presentation. 
     using (PresentationDocument generatedPresentationDeck = PresentationDocument.Open(generatedPresentation, true)) 
      PresentationPart generatedPresentationPart = generatedPresentationDeck.PresentationPart; 

      // If the merged presentation does not have a SlideIdList 
      // element yet, add it. 
      if (generatedPresentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList == null) 
       generatedPresentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList = new SlideIdList(); 

      // Open the source presentation. This will throw an exception if 
      // the source presentation does not exist. 
      using (PresentationDocument mySourceDeck = PresentationDocument.Open(presentationToBeMerged, false)) 
       PresentationPart sourcePresPart = mySourceDeck.PresentationPart; 

       // Get unique ids for the slide master and slide lists 
       // for use later. 
       _uniqueId = GetMaxSlideMasterId(generatedPresentationPart.Presentation.SlideMasterIdList); 

       uint maxSlideId = GetMaxSlideId(generatedPresentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList); 

       // Copy each slide in the source presentation, in order, to 
       // the destination presentation. 
       foreach (SlideId slideId in sourcePresPart.Presentation.SlideIdList) 
        SlidePart sp; 
        SlidePart destSp; 
        SlideMasterPart destMasterPart; 
        string relId; 
        SlideMasterId newSlideMasterId; 
        SlideId newSlideId; 

        // Create a unique relationship id. 
        sp = (SlidePart)sourcePresPart.GetPartById(slideId.RelationshipId); 


        relId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(presentationToBeMerged).Replace(" ", "_") + id; 

        // Add the slide part to the destination presentation. 
        destSp = generatedPresentationPart.AddPart<SlidePart>(sp, relId); 

        // The slide master part was added. Make sure the 
        // relationship between the main presentation part and 
        // the slide master part is in place. 
        destMasterPart = destSp.SlideLayoutPart.SlideMasterPart; 

        // Add the slide master id to the slide master id list. 
        newSlideMasterId = new SlideMasterId(); 

        newSlideMasterId.RelationshipId = generatedPresentationPart.GetIdOfPart(destMasterPart); 

        newSlideMasterId.Id = _uniqueId; 


        // Add the slide id to the slide id list. 
        newSlideId = new SlideId(); 
        newSlideId.RelationshipId = relId; 
        newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId; 


       // Make sure that all slide layout ids are unique. 

      // Save the changes to the destination deck. 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     throw ex; 

/// <summary> 
/// Find the maximum value of ID of all slide masters 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="slideMasterIdList" /> 
/// <returns> 
private static uint GetMaxSlideMasterId(SlideMasterIdList slideMasterIdList) 
    // Slide master identifiers have a minimum value of greater than 
    // or equal to 2147483648. 
    uint max = 2147483648; 

    if (slideMasterIdList != null) 
     // Get the maximum id value from the current set of children. 
     foreach (SlideMasterId child in 
      uint id = child.Id; 

      if (id > max) 
       max = id; 

    return max; 

/// <summary> 
/// Find the maximum ID of all slides 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="slideIdList" /> 
/// <returns> 
private static uint GetMaxSlideId(SlideIdList slideIdList) 
    // Slide identifiers have a minimum value of greater than or 
    // equal to 256 and a maximum value of less than 2147483648. 
    uint max = 256; 

    if (slideIdList != null) 
     // Get the maximum id value from the current set of children. 
     foreach (SlideId child in slideIdList.Elements<SlideId>()) 
      uint id = child.Id; 

      if (id > max) 
       max = id; 

    return max; 

/// <summary> 
/// Fix the IDs of all slide layouts by making sure that all the slide layout IDs in the 
/// destination slide are unique. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="presPart" /> 
private static void FixSlideLayoutIds(PresentationPart presPart) 
    // Make sure that all slide layouts have unique ids. 
    foreach (SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart in presPart.SlideMasterParts) 
     foreach (SlideLayoutId slideLayoutId in slideMasterPart.SlideMaster.SlideLayoutIdList) 
      slideLayoutId.Id = (uint)_uniqueId; 


내가 병합 기능이 호출 방법 :

string templateFilePath = @"C:\Users\mm\Desktop\testing pp\Presentation1.pptx"; 
string newFilePath = @"C:\Users\mm\Desktop\testing pp\Generated Presentation-105.pptx"; 
MergePresentation(templateFilePath, newFilePath); 

어떤 아이디어





솔루션을 찾을 수있었습니다. 다른 사람이이 문제를 겪을 경우를 대비하여 여기에 게시하십시오.

내가 생성 된 프리젠 테이션에 OPENXML SDK 검사기를 사용했습니다 그리고 다음과 같은 오류를 발견 요소는 예상치 못한 자식 요소 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main:notesMasterIdLst'

이 슬라이드에 노트를 내 관심을 감독 있습니다. 그들을 제거하면 문제가 해결되고 모든 것이 잘 동작합니다.

(PP에서 프레젠테이션을 열 때 메모를 표시하지 않은 경우에도) 메모를 삭제

코드 :

public static void RemoveNotesFromDoc(string docPath) 
      using (PresentationDocument pDoc = 
       PresentationDocument.Open(docPath, true)) 
       foreach (var slide in pDoc.PresentationPart.SlideParts) 
        NotesSlidePart notes = slide.NotesSlidePart; 

        if (notes != null) 