텍스트 단락이 있고 PHP (preg_replace)를 사용하여 일부 단어를 바꿔야합니다. 다음은 텍스트의 샘플 조각입니다 :PHP의 정규 표현식을 사용하여 태그 외부의 단어를 선택적으로 대체 하시겠습니까?
This lesson addresses rhyming [one]words and ways[/one] that students may learn to identify these words. Topics include learning that rhyming words sound alike and these sounds all come from the [two]ending of the words[/two]. This can be accomplished by having students repeat sets of rhyming words so that they can say them and hear them. The students will also participate in a variety of rhyming word activities. In order to demonstrate mastery the students will listen to [three]sets of words[/three] and tell the teacher if the words rhyme or not.
당신이 단어 '단어'의 여러 차례 나오는가 통지하는 경우. 이이 아닌 모든 단어를 'birds'라는 단어가있는 태그 안에 넣고 싶습니다. 그래서 다음과 같습니다
This lesson addresses rhyming [one]words and ways[/one] that students may learn to identify these birds. Topics include learning that rhyming birds sound alike and these sounds all come from the [two]ending of the words[/two]. This can be accomplished by having students repeat sets of rhyming birds so that they can say them and hear them. The students will also participate in a variety of rhyming word activities. In order to demonstrate mastery the students will listen to [three]sets of words[/three] and tell the teacher if the birds rhyme or not.
는 당신이 이것을 달성하기 위해 정규 표현식을 사용 하시겠습니까?
정규 표현식을 수행 할 수 있습니까?
하, 이것은 실제로 내가 사용한 방법입니다! –