2014-07-10 5 views



예, 여기, 수있는 코드 조각입니다 :

// Create the list section 
var listSection = Titanium.UI.createListSection(); 

// Add the list section to a list view 
var listView = Titanium.UI.createListView({ 
    width: Ti.UI.FILL, 
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE, 
    layout: 'vertical', 
    touchEnabled: true, 
    sections: [listSection], 
    templates: {'rowText': someTextTemplate, 'loading': loadingTemplate }, 
    defaultItemTemplate: 'rowText', 
    showVerticalScrollIndicator: true 
  • 마지막으로

    // Some text row 
    var someTextTemplate = { 
        properties: { 
         accessoryType: Ti.UI.LIST_ACCESSORY_TYPE_NONE 
        childTemplates: [ // Add view subcomponents to the ListItem 
          // Display a Label 
          type: 'Ti.UI.Label', 
          bindId: 'someRowText', 
          properties: { 
           font: {fontSize: '14dp'} 
    //This is your loading template 
    var loadingTemplate = { 
        properties: { 
         accessoryType: Ti.UI.LIST_ACCESSORY_TYPE_NONE 
        childTemplates: [ //And here is where the activity indicator goes 
         // Display an activity indicator 
         type: 'Ti.UI.ActivityIndicator', 
         // If there is a 'loadingIndicator' dictionary in the ListDataItem, 
         // that data binds with this view subcomponent (useful for changing 
         // the loading message, for example) 
         bindId: 'loadingIndicator', 
         properties: { 
          // Set the indicator properties 
          font: { fontSize: '22dp'}, 
          width: Titanium.UI.SIZE, 
          height: Titanium.UI.SIZE, 
          // If you don't set visible to true, the indicator will not show, 
          // because unlike other UI elements, it is hidden by default 
          visible: true, 
          //Other styles available, just check the component doc  
          style: Titanium.UI.iPhone.ActivityIndicatorStyle.PLAIN 
  • 그런 설정 당신의 ListView :

    1. 먼저 시작 목록 항목 템플릿을 정의하여 , 일부 목록 데이터 항목 추가

      var someData = []; 
      // This will add a row with a label, because we've set 'rowText' as our 
      // default ListView template 
          someRowText: { text: 'Some text row 1'} 
      // This will also show another label row, because we're specifying 
      // the template to use, in this case the label one 
          someRowText: { text: 'Some text row 2'}, 
          template: 'rowText' 
      // Now we're going to use the 'loading' template, therefore showing 
      // the activity indicator in the row 
          loadingIndicator: { message: 'Please wait while transfering data from the mothership...' }, 
          template: 'loading' 
      //Add our data items to the listview section 

    또한 여러 개의 템플릿을 혼합 할 수 있습니다,하지만 난 가능한 한 많은 예제를 단순화하기 위해 노력했습니다.