2017-12-05 2 views



덕분에 : x 및 매핑이 https://github.com/has2k1/plotnine/issues/94

경우는 범주, 그것은 존경을 명령했다.

from plydata import * 
from plotnine import * 
from plotnine.data import mpg 

# count the manufacturer and sort by the count (see, plydata documentation 
# or find out how to do the same thing using raw pandas) 
m_categories = (
    >> count('manufacturer', sort=True) 
    >> pull('manufacturer') 

df = mpg.copy() 
df['manufacturer'] = pd.Categorical(df['manufacturer'],  categories=m_categories, ordered=True) 

(ggplot(df) + 
    aes(x='manufacturer') + 
geom_bar(size=20) + 
coord_flip() + 
ggtitle('Number of Cars by Make') 