2017-10-09 13 views

학교를위한이 프로그램이 있는데, 모든 텍스트 필드를 채울 때 잘 작동합니다. 그러나 필드에 아무 것도 입력하지 않으면 전체 프로그램이 중단됩니다. 여기 내 코드는 다음과 같습니다.텍스트 필드를 비워두면 프로그램이 중단되는 이유는 무엇입니까?

/** Kyle N Welch 
    * Sept 29th, 2017 
    * This program will calculate the expanses of a business 
    * man/woman on a business trip using the GUI 
    * */ 

import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

//Class name declaration 
public class KNW_TravelExpenses extends JFrame 
    private JPanel travelInfoPanel; 
    private JPanel buttonPanel; 

    // Labels 
    private JLabel numDaysOnTripLabel; 
    private JLabel amountAirfairLabel; 
    private JLabel amountCarRentalLabel; 
    private JLabel milesDrivenLabel; 
    private JLabel parkingFeesLabel; 
    private JLabel taxiFeesLabel; 
    private JLabel confRegLabel; 
    private JLabel lodgingChargesPerNightLabel; 

    // Text Fields 
    private JTextField numDaysOnTripTextField; 
    private JTextField amountAirfairTextField; 
    private JTextField amountCarRentalTextField; 
    private JTextField milesDrivenTextField; 
    private JTextField parkingFeesTextField; 
    private JTextField taxiFeesTextField; 
    private JTextField confRegTextField; 
    private JTextField lodgingChargesPerNightTextField; 

    // Buttons 
    private JButton resetButton; 
    private JButton calcButton; 

    // Meals amount reimbursed by company per day. 
    private double mealsAmount = 37.00; 

    // Parking Fees amount reimbursed by company per day. 
    private double parkingFeesReimbursed = 10.00; 

    // Taxi Charges amount reimbursed by company per day. 
    private double taxiChargesReimbursed = 20.00; 

    // Lodging Charges amount reimbursed by company per day. 
    private double lodgingChargesReimbursed = 95.00; 

    // Private Vehicle per miles reimbursment rate. 
    private double prVechiclePerMileReimbursed = 0.27; 

    // Constructor 
    public KNW_TravelExpenses() 
    //set the title. 
    super("TRAVEL EXPENSES"); 
    // Set the main window 
    // Specify an action for the close button. 
    // Create a BorderLayout manager for the content pane. 
    setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
    // Build the TravelInfo and Buttons panels 
    // Add the panels to the frame's content pane 
    add(travelInfoPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
    add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
    // Pack the contents of the window and display it. 
    // The buildTravelInfoPanel method adds the labels 
    //and text fiels to the TravelInfo panel. 
    private void buildTravelInfoPanel() 
    // Create the labels for TravelInfo fields 
    numDaysOnTripLabel = new JLabel("Number of days on trip: "); 
    amountAirfairLabel = new JLabel("Amount of airfair: "); 
    amountCarRentalLabel = new JLabel("Amount of car rental fees: "); 
    milesDrivenLabel = new JLabel("Number of Miles driven: "); 
    parkingFeesLabel = new JLabel("Amount of Parking fees: "); 
    taxiFeesLabel = new JLabel("Amount of Tax charges: "); 
    confRegLabel = new JLabel("Conference or Seminar registration fees: "); 
    lodgingChargesPerNightLabel = new JLabel("Lodging charges per night: "); 
    // Create the text boxes for TravelInfo user input 
    numDaysOnTripTextField = new JTextField(3); 
    amountAirfairTextField = new JTextField(8); 
    amountCarRentalTextField = new JTextField(8); 
    milesDrivenTextField = new JTextField(4); 
    parkingFeesTextField = new JTextField(6); 
    taxiFeesTextField = new JTextField(6); 
    confRegTextField = new JTextField(8); 
    lodgingChargesPerNightTextField = new JTextField(6); 
    // Create a panel to hold labels and text fields. 
    travelInfoPanel = new JPanel(); 
    // Create GridLayout manager 
    travelInfoPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10, 2)); 
    // Add the labels and text fields to this panel. 
    // Add an empty border around the panel for spacing. 
    travelInfoPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 1, 10)); 

    /*** The buildButtonPanel method creates and adds the Reset and Calculate 
    * buttons to the TravelExpense panel as its own panel. 
    private void buildButtonPanel() 
    // Create the calcButton. 
    calcButton = new JButton("CALCULATE"); 

    // Register an event listener 
    calcButton.addActionListener(new CalcButtonListener()); 

    //Create the resetButton. 
    resetButton = new JButton("RESET"); 

    // Create the Buttons panels. 
    buttonPanel = new JPanel(); 

    buttonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5)); 

    buttonPanel.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST); 
    buttonPanel.add(calcButton, BorderLayout.CENTER); 

    //Add an empty border around the panel for spacing. 
    buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 10, 10, 10)); 

    /** Private inner class that handles the event when the user clicks 
    * the Calculate button . 
    private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener 
    // Declare variables 
    String input; 
    int days; 
    double air; 
    double carRental; 
    double miles; 
    double parking; 
    double taxi; 
    double confReg; 
    double lodging; 
    double mealsAmount; 

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
     //Declare variables 
     double actualExpenses; 
     double milesExpenses; 
     double allowableExpenses; 
     double excessAir; 
     double excessCarRental; 
     double excessParking; 
     double excessTaxi; 
     double excessLodging; 
     double excessAmountTotal; 
     double amountSaved=0; 
     double paidBackAmount=0; 

     //Create a DecimalFormat object to format the totals as dollar amounts. 
     DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00"); 

     //Get Input Data the user entered in the text fields. 
     days = Integer.parseInt(numDaysOnTripTextField.getText()); 
     air = Double.parseDouble(amountAirfairTextField.getText()); 
     carRental = Double.parseDouble(amountCarRentalTextField.getText()); 
     miles = Double.parseDouble(milesDrivenTextField.getText()); 
     parking = Double.parseDouble(parkingFeesTextField.getText()); 
     taxi = Double.parseDouble(taxiFeesTextField.getText()); 
     confReg = Double.parseDouble(confRegTextField.getText()); 
     lodging = Double.parseDouble(lodgingChargesPerNightTextField.getText()); 

     //Determine actualExpenses method. 
     milesExpenses = miles * prVechiclePerMileReimbursed; 
     actualExpenses = (carRental + parking + taxi + lodging +mealsAmount) 
     *days+air+milesExpenses+ confReg ; 

     // Calculate the allowableExpenses. 

     // Calculate the paidBackAmount. 

     // Display the Totals message box. 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total expenses: " 
             + dollar.format(actualExpenses) +"\n" +"Allowable expenses: " 
             + dollar.format(allowableExpenses)+"\n" +"\n" + "Amount to be paid back: " 
     else if(amountSaved>0) 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total expenses: " + dollar.format(actualExpenses) 
             +"\n" +"Allowable expenses: " + dollar.format(allowableExpenses)+"\n" + 
             "\n" + "Amount Saved: "+dollar.format(amountSaved)); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total expenses: " + dollar.format(actualExpenses) 
             +"\n" +"Allowable expenses: " + dollar.format(allowableExpenses)+"\n"); 

    /*** Private inner class that handles the event when the user clicks 
    * the RESET button . 
    private class ResetButtonListener implements ActionListener 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
     numDaysOnTripTextField.setText(" "); 
     amountAirfairTextField.setText(" "); 
     amountCarRentalTextField.setText(" "); 
     milesDrivenTextField.setText(" "); 
     parkingFeesTextField.setText(" "); 
     taxiFeesTextField.setText(" "); 
     confRegTextField.setText(" "); 
     lodgingChargesPerNightTextField.setText(" "); 
// The main method 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
    new TravelExpenses(); 

필드가 공백 인 경우 GUI 프로그램이 중단 될 수있는 모든 것. 뭔가 있어야하고 분명히 그것을 놓치고 있습니다. 만약 당신이 내게 그것을 지적 할 수 있다면 어떤 도움을 주시면 고맙겠습니다.


시간을내어 [mcve] 코드를 편집하십시오. – azurefrog


스택 추적 내놔 –


@a_river_in_canada –



parseInt을 사용할 때 try-catch를 시도하십시오. FormatException (parseInt에서 null 문자열까지 시도가 충돌로 종료 될 수 있기 때문입니다.)


빈 문자열을 숫자로 처리하려고하면 오류가 발생할 가능성이 큽니다. 프로그램이 누락 된 데이터로 작동해야합니까? 예인 경우 공백을 0으로 처리하거나 다른 방법으로 계산하도록 계산을 수정해야합니다.

중요한 교훈은 스택 추적을 보는 것입니다. Java는 무엇이 어디서 잘못되었는지 알려줍니다. 다른 사람들이 말했듯이, 프로그램을 최소한으로 줄이면 추측 할 필요가 없거나 스택 추적을 제공 할 수 있습니다.