2017-12-20 31 views



상자의 내용물이 인 것으로 보입니다. 으로 가야하고 라인을 따라에 가야하고 대시와 틈을 그리십시오. - (즉, 허용, 그래서 JSO) 왜 그냥 서브 클래스, 하위 클래스에 누락 된 JSNI 방법 및 캐스트를 추가

    * Draw a dashed line from (fromX, fromY) to (toX, toY). 
    * @param context 
    * @param fromX x-coordinate of the starting point 
    * @param fromY y-coordinate of the starting point 
    * @param toX x-coordinate of the ending point 
    * @param toY y-coordinate of the ending point 
    * @param dashLength length of the dash 
    * @param gapLength length of the gap in between dashes 
public static void drawDashedLine(Context2d context, double fromX, double fromY, double toX, double toY, double dashLength, double gapLength) { 
    DashedLineHelper checkX = GreaterThanHelper.instance; 
    DashedLineHelper checkY = GreaterThanHelper.instance; 
    if (fromY - toY > 0) { 
     checkY = LessThanHelper.instance; 
    if (fromX - toX > 0) { 
     checkX = LessThanHelper.instance; 
    context.moveTo(fromX, fromY); 
    double offsetX = fromX; 
    double offsetY = fromY; 
    boolean dash = true; 
    double ang = Math.atan2(toY - fromY, toX - fromX); 
    while (!(checkX.isThereYet(offsetX, toX) && checkY.isThereYet(offsetY, toY))) { 
     double len = (dash) ? dashLength : gapLength; 
     offsetX = checkX.getCap(toX, offsetX + (Math.cos(ang) * len)); 
     offsetY = checkY.getCap(toY, offsetY + (Math.sin(ang) * len)); 
     if (dash) { 
      context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY); 
     } else { 
      context.moveTo(offsetX, offsetY); 
     dash = !dash; 

* Helper class for checking the dash line. 
private interface DashedLineHelper { 

    * Checks whether the point has been reached yet. 
    * @param from 
    * @param to 
    * @return 
    boolean isThereYet(double from, double to); 

    * Gets the cap of the two values. If the line is increasing, this will 
    * return max(v1, v2). If the line is decreasing, this will return 
    * min(v1, v2). 
    * @param v1 
    * @param v2 
    * @return 
     double getCap(double v1, double v2); 

* Helper for a decreasing line. 
private static class LessThanHelper implements DashedLineHelper { 
    private static DashedLineHelper instance = new LessThanHelper(); 

    public double getCap(double v1, double v2) { 
     return Math.max(v1, v2); 

    public boolean isThereYet(double from, double to) { 
     return from <= to; 

* Helper for an increasing line. 
private static class GreaterThanHelper implements DashedLineHelper { 
    private static DashedLineHelper instance = new GreaterThanHelper(); 

    public double getCap(double v1, double v2) { 
     return Math.min(v1, v2); 

    public boolean isThereYet(double from, double to) { 
     return from >= to; 

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