2017-09-10 10 views

다음 코드가 있지만 요소 31이 요소 27 위에 겹쳐 있습니다. 이 문제를 어떻게 해결할 수 있습니까? 라텍스 : 요소가 폴트 트리에 중첩됩니다.

enter image description here

당신이 요소를 참조로


% Gates and symbols style 
    and/.style={and gate US,thick,draw,fill=red!60,rotate=90, 
    or/.style={or gate US,thick,draw,fill=blue!60,rotate=90, 
     minimum width=0.7cm}, 
    tr/.style={buffer gate US,thick,draw,fill=purple!60,rotate=90, 
     anchor=east,minimum width=0.8cm}, 
% Label style 
    label distance=-3mm, 
    every label/.style={blue,rotate=90}, 
% Event style 
    event/.style={rectangle,thick,draw,fill=yellow!20,text width=0.7cm, 
     text centered,font=\sffamily,anchor=north}, 
% Children and edges style 
    edge from parent/.style={very thick,draw=black!70}, 
    edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- ++(0,-1.05cm) 
      -| (\tikzchildnode.north)}, 
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=7cm,level distance=1.4cm, 
      growth parent anchor=south,nodes=event}, 
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=5cm}, 
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    \node (g1) {} 
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       child {node (S3) {\rotatebox{90}{23}}} 
       child {node (S4) {\rotatebox{90}{24}}} 
       child {node (S5) {\rotatebox{90}{25}}} 
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       child {node (R1) {\rotatebox{90}{31}}} 
       child {node (R2) {\rotatebox{90}{32}}} 
       child {node (R3) {\rotatebox{90}{33}}} 
       child {node (R4) {\rotatebox{90}{34}}} 
    \node [and] at (g2.south) [label=-100:AND] {}; 
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    \node [or] at (g6.south) [label=-100:OR] {}; 


서로에 의해 중첩된다. 코드의 일부 매개 변수를 변경하면 그림이 문서 끝으로 이동합니다.



두 번째 하위에 간단한 xshift을 추가 할 수 있습니다 (회전 때문에 x에 있음).


% Gates and symbols style 
    and/.style={and gate US,thick,draw,fill=red!60,rotate=90, 
    or/.style={or gate US,thick,draw,fill=blue!60,rotate=90, 
     minimum width=0.7cm}, 
    tr/.style={buffer gate US,thick,draw,fill=purple!60,rotate=90, 
     anchor=east,minimum width=0.8cm}, 
% Label style 
    label distance=-3mm, 
    every label/.style={blue,rotate=90}, 
% Event style 
    event/.style={rectangle,thick,draw,fill=yellow!20,text width=0.7cm, 
     text centered,font=\sffamily,anchor=north}, 
% Children and edges style 
    edge from parent/.style={very thick,draw=black!70}, 
    edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- ++(0,-1.05cm) 
      -| (\tikzchildnode.north)}, 
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=7cm,level distance=1.4cm, 
      growth parent anchor=south,nodes=event}, 
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=5cm}, 
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       child {node (S2) {\rotatebox{90}{22}}} 
       child {node (S3) {\rotatebox{90}{23}}} 
       child {node (S4) {\rotatebox{90}{24}}} 
       child {node (S5) {\rotatebox{90}{25}}} 
       child {node (S6) {\rotatebox{90}{26}}} 
       child {node (S7) {\rotatebox{90}{27}}} 
     child {node[xshift=1cm] (g6) {\rotatebox{90}{3}} % <--- EDIT! 
       child {node (R1) {\rotatebox{90}{31}}} 
       child {node (R2) {\rotatebox{90}{32}}} 
       child {node (R3) {\rotatebox{90}{33}}} 
       child {node (R4) {\rotatebox{90}{34}}} 
    \node [and] at (g2.south) [label=-100:AND] {}; 
    \node [or] at (g3.south) [label=-100:OR] {}; 
    \node [or] at (g5.south) [label=-100:OR] {}; 
    \node [or] at (g6.south) [label=-100:OR] {}; 



추신 : 당신을 만족하는 경우이 버전을 사용해보십시오 아마도 이런 질문은 Tex Site

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