이것은 다른 질문에 대한 참조입니다. >ofstream 오류
1 \ asst4.cpp (73) :
은 내가 두 가지 오류를 얻을 컴파일 할 때. 오류 C2065 : 'OUTFILE'. 선언되지 않은 식별자1> \ asst4.cpp (73) : 오류 C2228 : '.close'의 왼쪽에/struct/union 클래스가 있어야합니다.
여기서 잘못 수행 한 것에 대해 약간 혼란 스럽습니까? 모든 추천이나 아이디어? (실제 OUTFILE는 코드의 상단입니다 여기에
전체 코드는 다음과 같습니다.!#include<iostream>
#include<fstream> //used for reading/writing to files.
#include<string> //needed for the filename.
#include<stdio.h> //for goto statement
using namespace std;
int main()
string start;
char choice;
char letter;
int x;
int y;
int z;
string filename;
int garbage = rand()%('!' - '~' + 1);
cout << "Would you like to encrypt or decrypt a file? Please type enc, dec, or stop (case sensitive): " ;
cin >> start;
while(start == "enc")
x = 1;
y = 1;
cout << "How many garbage characters would you like between each correct character?: " ;
cin >> z;
cout << endl << "Please insert the name of the document you wish to encrypt, make sure you enter the name, and the file type (ie: filename.txt): " ;
cin >> filename;
ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
ofstream outfile("encrypted.txt", ios::out);
if (x == y)
outfile << garbage;
if((x - y) == z)
outfile << letter;
y = x;
outfile << garbage;
cout << endl << "Encryption complete...please return to directory of program, a new file named encrypted.txt will be there." << endl;
cout << "Do you wish to try again? Please press y then enter if yes (case sensitive).";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'y')
start = "enc";
cout << endl << "Do you wish to decrypt a file? Please press y then enter if yes (case sensitive).";
if(choice = 'y')
start == "dec";
start == "no";
while(start == "dec")
//lets user choose whether to do another document or not.
//used to track each character in the document.
x = 1; //first counter for tracking correct letter.
y = 1; //second counter (1 is used instead of 0 for ease of reading, 1 being the "first character").
//third counter (used as a check to see if the first two counters are equal).
//allows for user to input the filename they wish to use.
cout << "Please make sure the document is in the same file as the program, thank you!" << endl << "Please input document name: " ;
cin >> filename; //getline(cin, filename);
cout << endl;
cout << "'Every nth character is good', what number is n?: ";
cin >> z; //user inputs the number at which the character is good. IE: every 5th character is good, they would input 5.
cout << endl;
z = z - 1; //by subtracting 1, you now have the number of characters you will be skipping, the one after those is the letter you want.
ifstream infile(filename.c_str()); //gets the filename provided, see below for incorrect input.
if(infile.is_open()) //checks to see if the file is opened.
while(!infile.eof()) //continues looping until the end of the file.
infile.get(letter); //gets the letters in the order that that they are in the file.
if (x == y) //checks to see if the counters match...
x++; //...if they do, adds 1 to the x counter.
if((x - y) == z) //for every nth character that is good, x - y = nth - 1.
cout << letter; //...if they don't, that means that character is one you want, so it prints that character.
y = x; //sets both counters equal to restart the process of counting.
else //only used when more than every other letter is garbage, continues adding 1 to the first
{ //counter until the first and second counters are equal.
cout << endl << "Decryption complete...please return to directory of program, a new file named encrypted.txt will be there." << endl;
cout << "Do you wish to try again? Please press y then enter if yes (case sensitive).";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'y')
start == "dec";
cout << endl << "Do you wish to encrypt a file? Please press y then enter if yes (case sensitive).";
if(choice == 'y')
start == "enc";
start == "no";
else //this prints out and program is skipped in case an incorrect file name is used.
cout << "Unable to open file, please make sure the filename is correct and that you typed in the extension" << endl;
cout << "IE:" << " filename.txt" << endl;
cout << "You input: " << filename << endl;
cout << "Do you wish to try again? Please press y then enter if yes (case senstive)." ;
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'y')
start == "dec";
start == "no";
getchar(); //because I use visual C++ express.
감사합니다 사전에 제프
당신은 당신의 동안 내 OUTFILE 선포
그런데 논리에 실제 결함이 있습니다. 어딘가에 파일에 인쇄하지 않기로 결정했습니다. 그리고 잠시 전에 그것을 실행하면서 멈추었을 때 얼어 붙은 것처럼 보였습니다. txt 파일, 나는 그럭저럭 충돌 할 메모장을 실제로 얻을 수 있었다, 나를 위해 점을 지적해라! – Jeff
언제나처럼, 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다! – Jeff