2017-03-03 13 views

특정 링크를 클릭하면 Oracle Universal Content Manager로 연결되는 곳의 애플리케이션이 있습니다. 내 응용 프로그램으로 돌아 가면 UCM에 들어가 자마자 시간이 초과됩니다 (로그 아웃). 조사하는 동안 내 응용 프로그램의 jsessiond ID가 삭제되고 새 jsession ID가 생성되는 것으로 나타났습니다.리디렉션되는 동안 jsession ID가 죽습니다.

누구나이 jsession을 유지하거나 UCM 측에서 jsession ID의 수를 늘리는 방법에 대한 아이디어가 있습니까?

도움이 될 것입니다.

감사합니다. Sharmistha.


After searching on support side I got to know that : 
    OAM protecting multiple WebLogic applications that are not sharing a session. The JSESSIONID cookie issued when a user accesses a second application will blow away the JSESSIONID from the first application. 

    Now, what you usually see in such a setup is that the user can go back and access the first application without having to login again. However, underneath the covers they will be issued a new session. So, upon returning to the first application, any data associated with their original session will be lost and the application flow may be disrupted or different from the expected behavior. 

    There are 3 ways doing this : 

     1. Enable session sharing between your WLS applications. 
     2. Configure distinct WLS session cookie names (instead of JSESSIONID) for each application so that they won’t override each other. 
     3. Configure distinct cookie paths for each application (by default the JSESSIONID created by WLS has a path of “/”) so that they won’t override each other. 

    I used second option: 

Step 1 : Unzipped the cs.ear file 
Step 2 : Open web.xml file. 
     a. Modify the filter entry for JpsFilter and add the following <init-parameter> entry at the end of this entry: 
     b. Modify the filter entry for IdcFilter and the following entry at the end of this entry: 
     c. Modify the servlet entry for adfAuthentication and add the following entry at the end of this entry: 
Step 3: Open weblogic.xml.Add the following entry inside the <session-descriptor> entry: 

Step 4: Re-generate cs.war and then cs.ear file. 
Step 5: Copy the newly created ear file to your location. 
Step 6: Delete temp and cache wcm server domain. Then restart ucm server