2014-12-11 4 views



PyMC 2.3에서는 콘솔 세션에서 isample을 사용할 수 있습니다 (IPython 노트북에서는 작동하지 않음). 이렇게하면 작업을 일시 중지하거나 배경으로 보낼 수 있습니다. 다음과 같이 표시됩니다.

In [7]: M.isample(20000) 
PyMC console 

     PyMC is now sampling. Use the following commands to query or pause the sampler. 

      i -- index: print current iteration index 
      p -- pause: interrupt sampling and return to the main console. 
         Sampling can be resumed later with icontinue(). 
      h -- halt: stop sampling and truncate trace. Sampling cannot be 
         resumed for this chain. 
      b -- bg: return to the main console. The sampling will still 
         run in a background thread. There is a possibility of 
         malfunction if you interfere with the Sampler's 
         state or the database during sampling. Use this at your 
         own risk. 

pymc > p 

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