범위 초과 오류 해결 : MIPS에MIPS : 나는이 C 코드를 설정하려고
if (op == '+') {
acc += val;
을, 나는 범위 에러 밖으로 주소 원인을 알아낼 수 없습니다
#reads user input for the op
li $v0, 12 # system call number for operator
syscall # reads the integer
sw $v0, op # stores the user input in op
lw $t0, op # stores op in $t0
lbu $t1, '+' # stores '+' in $t1
# "if" statement
bne $t0, $t1, Else # branches if op is not equal to +
lw $t2, acc # stores acc in $t2
lw $t3, val # stores val in $t3
add $t2, $t2, $t3 # adds $t2 and $t3 and stores the sum in $t2
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