Android 프로젝트를 빌드하기 위해 내 컴퓨터에 maven을 설치하려고합니다.Mediarouter의 Maven 및 Android SDK Deployer 문제
나는 메이븐 3.1.1을 가지고있다. 그리고 Android SDK 관리자에서 모든 플랫폼을 설치해야합니다.
내가 할 경우 :이 호환성 V7 Mediarouter 도서관 를 발견 한 후 빌드가 실패 할 때까지 Maven-Android-SDK-Deployer
에 mvn clean install
모든 것이 작동하는 것 같다.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Android Compatibility Extra V7 Mediarouter Library 2.4.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The POM for android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:apklib:19.0.0 i
s missing, no dependency information available
[WARNING] The POM for android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:jar:19.0.0 is m
issing, no dependency information available
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer ........................ SUCCESS [0.345s]
[INFO] Android Platforms ................................. SUCCESS [0.020s]
[INFO] Android Platform 1.5 API 3 ........................ SUCCESS [0.131s]
[INFO] Android Platform 1.6 API 4 ........................ SUCCESS [0.065s]
[INFO] Android Platform 2.1 API 7 ........................ SUCCESS [0.071s]
[INFO] Android Platform 2.2 API 8 ........................ SUCCESS [0.052s]
[INFO] Android Platform 2.3.3 API 10 ..................... SUCCESS [0.059s]
[INFO] Android Platform 3.0 API 11 ....................... SUCCESS [0.054s]
[INFO] Android Platform 3.1 API 12 ....................... SUCCESS [0.058s]
[INFO] Android Platform 3.2 API 13 ....................... SUCCESS [0.052s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.0 API 14 ....................... SUCCESS [0.053s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.0.3 API 15 ..................... SUCCESS [0.059s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.1 API 16 ....................... SUCCESS [0.042s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.2 API 17 ....................... SUCCESS [6.604s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.3 API 18 ....................... SUCCESS [6.278s]
[INFO] Android Platform 4.4 API 19 ....................... SUCCESS [6.683s]
[INFO] Android Add-Ons ................................... SUCCESS [0.015s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.5 API 3 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.030s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.6 API 4 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.025s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.1 API 7 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.023s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.2 API 8 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.029s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.3.3 API 10 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.031s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.0 API 11 (Maps) .. SUCCESS [0.023s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.1 API 12 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.029s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.2 API 13 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.036s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0 API 14 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.044s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0.3 API 15 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.035s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.1 API 16 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.045s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.2 API 17 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.050s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.3 API 18 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.041s]
[INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.4 API 19 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.029s]
[INFO] Google Glass Development Kit (GDK) API 15 ......... SUCCESS [0.024s]
[INFO] Android Extras .................................... SUCCESS [0.017s]
[INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V4 .................... SUCCESS [0.142s]
[INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Gridlayout Library . SUCCESS [2.592s]
[INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 AppCompat Library .. SUCCESS [1.918s]
[INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Mediarouter Library FAILURE [0.028s]
[INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V13 ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Analytics Extra .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google AdMob Ads Extra .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Library Extra Parent SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Client Library Extra SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Server Library Extra SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Play Services Extra ................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Play Licensing Extra ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Extras - Apk Expansion .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - ZIP ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - Downloader SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Tools ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android Annotations ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Repositories ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Google M2Repository ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Android M2Repository .............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 27.470s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Dec 13 21:33:06 CET 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 33M/312M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project compatibility-v7-mediarouter:
Could not resolve dependencies for projectcom.simpligility.android.sdk-deployer:compatibility-v7-mediarouter:apklib:2.4.0:
The following artifacts could not be resolved:android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:apklib:19.0.0, android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:jar:19.0.0:
Failure to find android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:apklib:19.0.0
in http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the localrepository,
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Google이 SDK의 구성 요소와 그 속성 파일을 항상 바꾼 결과입니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. –
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이것이 정답이라고 생각하지 않습니까? – revolutionary