2016-12-07 5 views

의 말에 예상 비정규 ID입니다. 텍스트 기반 어드벤처 게임을 만들려고합니다. 이것은 (이걸 실행할 때) 이것이 내 유일한 오류 인 것처럼 보입니다. 그러나 당신이 주목하는 것이 더 있다면, 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.보관할 점점 오류 : 나는 맨 마지막 줄에 항상 내가 내 코드를 실행하려고하면이 오류가 발생하고, 계속 입력 - C++

그래서 내 질문은 : (1) 정확히 무슨 뜻 무엇을, (2) 나는 그것을 어떻게 해결합니까, (3) 어떻게 미래에 이러한 문제를 방지합니까?

그냥 경고 :이 코드는 800 개 라인을 가지고, 그래서 당신이 의지로 가져가.

는 편집 : 좋아, 내가하지 않습니다 출력 내 수업에서, 그러나, 앞에서 이제 문을 문제를 파악했다. 내 수업 (예 : class fairy())의 'cout'문은 방 제목 및 설명처럼 건너 뜁니다. 나는 코드를 아주 조금 재정렬했다.

//Chandler Witthaus 
//Final Project- Text Adventure 
//Professor Caleb Fowler 
//17 December 2016 

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

int playerGold, 

std::string start, 

using namespace std; 

class Monster { 
     void fairy() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "A fairy is stuck in a discarded can. You let her out and she rewards you with 5 gold.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 5; 
     void unicorn() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "You see a unicorn frolicking in this room. The animal stares at you for a moment " 
      "before pointing its horn at a sack on the floor containing 20 gold.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 20; 
     void nymph() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "A beautiful nymph approached you, she offers you 100 gold for a brief fling. You are " 
      "reminded of your college days but hastily accept.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 100; 
     void imp() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "A little imp runs by, snatching 2 gold from your pouch. He disappears before you are able to catch him.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 2; 
     void wisp() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "A will-o'-the-wisp entices you to follow it. You bang into a wall, dropping your gold pouch. You pick it back " 
      "up but are unable to find 10 pieces.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 10; 
     void goblin() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "A greedy goblin ambushes you. You fight him off, but not before he takes 15 gold.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 15; 
     void centaur() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "You encounter a wild centaur, who is bucking wildly. You try to sneak around him but are struck, losing 20 gold."; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 20; 
     void wraith() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "Upon entering you are confronted by a wraith. It throws a curse on you, but thinking fast, you " 
      "eat 50 gold pieces. This makes the wraith very uncomfortable, it quickly removes the curse and leaves without " 
      "making eye contact.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 50; 
     void cyclops() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "You encounter a massive cyclops, he attempts to eat you. However, acting quickly, you make " 
      "a replica of yourself out of 80 gold pieces. The cyclops eats the replica and chokes to " 
      "death. You are not willing to recover the gold.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 80; 
     void hydra() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "You encounter a massive hydra. He will let you pass for 15 gold, you begrudgingly agree. You begin " 
      "to walk past, but the other heads of the hydra demand their pay. The toll ends up costing 135 gold. You quietly curse the hydra.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold - 135; 
     void bird() { 
      std::string monEncounter = "You see a bird, this must be the exit, but which way?\n"; 

class RandomSpawn { 
     void spawnEnemy() { 
      int spawn = rand() % 10; 
      if (spawn <= 4) { 
       Monster objectImp; 
      if (spawn == 5) { 
       Monster objectWisp; 
      if (spawn == 6) { 
       Monster objectGoblin; 
      if (spawn == 7) { 
       Monster objectCentaur; 
      if (spawn == 8) { 
       Monster objectWraith; 
      if (spawn == 9) { 
       Monster objectCyclops; 
      if (spawn == 10) { 
       Monster objectHydra; 

class Treasure { 
     void startChest() { 
      std::string chestType = "You find a beautiful chest. It is filled with 1000 gold. It makes you so excited that you don't even notice " 
      "as the entrance disappears. Looks like you will have to find your own way out.\n"; 
      playerGold = 1000; 
     void smallChest() { 
      std::string chestType = "You find a small chest containing 150 gold. You feel a strong urge to shower in it, but you hold yourself back.\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 150; 
     void mediumChest() { 
      std::string chestType = "You find a chest with a pirate symbol on it. Ignoring it, you plunder 300 gold, feeling a thrill from the " 
      "steal. You think you may be a kleptomaniac."; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 300; 
     void largeChest() { 
      std::string chestType = "You find a large chest, no not that kind. You get 500 gold...dirty\n"; 
      playerGold = playerGold + 500; 

class Room { 
     void room11() { 
      std::string roomName = "North-West corner"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 11; 
      Monster objectUnicorn; 
      int exitN = 0; 
      int exitS = 12; 
      int exitE = 21; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room21() { 
      std::string roomName = "Storage room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 21; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 0; 
      int exitS = 22; 
      int exitE = 31; 
      int exitW = 11; 
     void room31() { 
      std::string roomName = "Grey room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 31; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 0; 
      int exitS = 32; 
      int exitE = 41; 
      int exitW = 21; 
     void room41() { 
      std::string roomName = "Clock room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 41; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 0; 
      int exitS = 42; 
      int exitE = 51; 
      int exitW = 31; 
     void room51() { 
      std::string roomName = "North-East corner"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 51; 
      Monster objectNymph; 
      int exitN = 0; 
      int exitS = 52; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 41; 
     void room12() { 
      std::string roomName = "Chair room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 12; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 11; 
      int exitS = 13; 
      int exitE = 22; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room22() { 
      std::string roomName = "Alchemy room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 22; 
      Treasure objectLargeChest; 
      int exitN = 21; 
      int exitS = 23; 
      int exitE = 32; 
      int exitW = 12; 
     void room32() { 
      std::string roomName = "Sun room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 32; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 32; 
      int exitS = 33; 
      int exitE = 42; 
      int exitW = 22; 
     void room42() { 
      std::string roomName = "Meaning of the universe room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 42; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 41; 
      int exitS = 43; 
      int exitE = 52; 
      int exitW = 32; 
     void room52() { 
      std::string roomName = "Hallway"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 52; 
      Monster objectBird; 
      int exitN = 51; 
      int exitS = 53; 
      int exitE = 62; 
      int exitW = 42; 
     void room13() { 
      std::string roomName = "Medical room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 13; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 12; 
      int exitS = 13; 
      int exitE = 23; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room14() { 
      std::string roomName = "Guest bedroom"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 14; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 13; 
      int exitS = 15; 
      int exitE = 24; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room15() { 
      std::string roomName = "Guest kitchen"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 15; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 14; 
      int exitS = 16; 
      int exitE = 25; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room16() { 
      std::string roomName = "Storage room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 16; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 15; 
      int exitS = 17; 
      int exitE = 26; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room17() { 
      std::string roomName = "Hallway"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 17; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 16; 
      int exitS = 18; 
      int exitE = 27; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room18() { 
      std::string roomName = "South-West Corner"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 18; 
      Treasure objectSmallChest; 
      Monster objectWraith; 
      int exitN = 17; 
      int exitS = 0; 
      int exitE = 28; 
      int exitW = 0; 
     void room23() { 
      std::string roomName = "Library room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 23; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 22; 
      int exitS = 24; 
      int exitE = 33; 
      int exitW = 13; 
     void room24() { 
      std::string roomName = "Washroom"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 24; 
      Treasure objectSmallChest; 
      int exitN = 23; 
      int exitS = 25; 
      int exitE = 34; 
      int exitW = 14; 
     void room25() { 
      std::string roomName = "Workshop"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 25; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 24; 
      int exitS = 26; 
      int exitE = 35; 
      int exitW = 15; 
     void room26() { 
      std::string roomName = "Courtyard"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 26; 
      Monster objectNymph; 
      int exitN = 25; 
      int exitS = 27; 
      int exitE = 36; 
      int exitW = 16; 
     void room27() { 
      std::string roomName = "Garden"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 27; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 26; 
      int exitS = 28; 
      int exitE = 37; 
      int exitW = 17; 
     void room28() { 
      std::string roomName = "Chapel"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 28; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 27; 
      int exitS = 0; 
      int exitE = 38; 
      int exitW = 18; 
     void room33() { 
      std::string roomName = "Pantry"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 33; 
      Monster objectFairy; 
      int exitN = 32; 
      int exitS = 34; 
      int exitE = 43; 
      int exitW = 23; 
     void room34() { 
      std::string roomName = "Master chambers"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 34; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 33; 
      int exitS = 35; 
      int exitE = 44; 
      int exitW = 24; 
     void room35() { 
      std::string roomName = "Guard house"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 35; 
      Monster objectFairy; 
      int exitN = 34; 
      int exitS = 36; 
      int exitE = 45; 
      int exitW = 25; 
     void room36() { 
      std::string roomName = "Lavatory"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 36; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 35; 
      int exitS = 37; 
      int exitE = 46; 
      int exitW = 26; 
     void room37() { 
      std::string roomName = "Foyer"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 37; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 36; 
      int exitS = 38; 
      int exitE = 47; 
      int exitW = 27; 
     void room38() { 
      std::string roomName = "Gatehouse"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 38; 
      Treasure objectStarterChest; 
      int exitN = 37; 
      int exitS = 0; 
      int exitE = 48; 
      int exitW = 28; 
     void room43() { 
      std::string roomName = "Walk-in closet"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 43; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 42; 
      int exitS = 44; 
      int exitE = 53; 
      int exitW = 33; 
     void room44() { 
      std::string roomName = "Sitting room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 44; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 43; 
      int exitS = 45; 
      int exitE = 54; 
      int exitW = 34; 
     void room45() { 
      std::string roomName = "Great Hall"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 45; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 44; 
      int exitS = 46; 
      int exitE = 55; 
      int exitW = 35; 
     void room46() { 
      std::string roomName = "Kitchen"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 46; 
      Treasure objectSmallChest; 
      int exitN = 45; 
      int exitS = 47; 
      int exitE = 56; 
      int exitW = 36; 
     void room47() { 
      std::string roomName = "Buttery"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 47; 
      Monster objectUnicorn; 
      int exitN = 46; 
      int exitS = 48; 
      int exitE = 57; 
      int exitW = 37; 
     void room48() { 
      std::string roomName = "Storage room"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 48; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 47; 
      int exitS = 0; 
      int exitE = 58; 
      int exitW = 38; 
     void room53() { 
      std::string roomName = "Hallway"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 53; 
      Treasure objectMediumChest; 
      int exitN = 52; 
      int exitS = 54; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 43; 
     void room54() { 
      std::string roomName = "Compost shed"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 54; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 53; 
      int exitS = 55; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 44; 
     void room55() { 
      std::string roomName = "Tool shed"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 55; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 54; 
      int exitS = 56; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 45; 
     void room56() { 
      std::string roomName = "Blacksmith"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 56; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 55; 
      int exitS = 57; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 46; 
     void room57() { 
      std::string roomName = "Guardroom"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 57; 
      Treasure objectMediumChest; 
      Monster objectWisp; 
      int exitN = 56; 
      int exitS = 58; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 47; 
     void room58() { 
      std::string roomName = "South-East corner"; 
      std::string roomDiscription = ""; 
      int roomId = 58; 
      RandomSpawn objectEnemy; 
      int exitN = 57; 
      int exitS = 0; 
      int exitE = 0; 
      int exitW = 48; 

class Direction { 
     void roomChanging() { 
      if (findDirect == 11) { 
       Room objectRoom11; 

      if (findDirect == 12){ 
       Room objectRoom12; 

      if (findDirect == 13){ 
       Room objectRoom13; 

      if (findDirect == 14){ 
       Room objectRoom14; 

      if (findDirect == 15){ 
       Room objectRoom15; 

      if (findDirect == 16){ 
       Room objectRoom16; 

      if (findDirect == 17){ 
       Room objectRoom17; 

      if (findDirect == 18){ 
       Room objectRoom18; 

      if (findDirect == 21){ 
       Room objectRoom21; 

      if (findDirect == 22){ 
       Room objectRoom22; 

      if (findDirect == 23){ 
       Room objectRoom23; 

      if (findDirect == 24){ 
       Room objectRoom24; 

      if (findDirect == 25){ 
       Room objectRoom25; 

      if (findDirect == 26){ 
       Room objectRoom26; 

      if (findDirect == 27){ 
       Room objectRoom27; 

      if (findDirect == 28){ 
       Room objectRoom28; 

      if (findDirect == 31){ 
       Room objectRoom31; 

      if (findDirect == 32){ 
       Room objectRoom32; 

      if (findDirect == 33){ 
       Room objectRoom33; 

      if (findDirect == 34){ 
       Room objectRoom34; 

      if (findDirect == 35){ 
       Room objectRoom35; 

      if (findDirect == 36){ 
       Room objectRoom36; 

      if (findDirect == 37){ 
       Room objectRoom37; 

      if (findDirect == 38){ 
       Room objectRoom38; 

      if (findDirect == 41){ 
       Room objectRoom41; 

      if (findDirect == 42){ 
       Room objectRoom42; 

      if (findDirect == 43){ 
       Room objectRoom43; 

      if (findDirect == 44){ 
       Room objectRoom44; 

      if (findDirect == 45){ 
       Room objectRoom45; 

      if (findDirect == 46){ 
       Room objectRoom46; 

      if (findDirect == 47){ 
       Room objectRoom47; 

      if (findDirect == 48){ 
       Room objectRoom48; 

      if (findDirect == 51){ 
       Room objectRoom51; 

      if (findDirect == 52){ 
       Room objectRoom52; 

      if (findDirect == 53){ 
       Room objectRoom53; 

      if (findDirect == 54){ 
       Room objectRoom54; 

      if (findDirect == 55){ 
       Room objectRoom55; 

      if (findDirect == 56){ 
       Room objectRoom56; 

      if (findDirect == 57){ 
       Room objectRoom57; 

      if (findDirect == 58){ 
       Room objectRoom58; 

int main() 
    cout << "Welcome\n\n"; 
    cout << "You are playing 'Deep Delver'.\n\n"; 
    cout << "The object of this game is to enter this old castle and emerge with as much gold as possible.\n\n"; 
    cout << "If you lose all your gold, you lose.\n\n"; 
    cout << "Here are the controls:\n Enter 'N', 'S', 'E', or 'W'. to go in that direction.\n"; 
    cout << "To see the description of the room your in press 'L'.\n\nGood luck!\n\n"; 
    cout << "Enter anything to start: "; 
    cin >> start; 

    Room objectStartingRoom; 

    do { 
     cout << "\n\nWhich way would you like to go?\n\n"; 
     cout << "Cardnal direction: "; 
     cin >> direction; 
    cout << endl << endl; 
     if (direction == "W" || direction == "w") 
      findDirect = exitW; 
     else if (direction == "E" || direction == "e") 
      findDirect = exitE; 
     else if (direction == "N" || direction == "n") 
      findDirect = exitN; 
     else if (direction == "S" || direction == "s") 
      findDirect = exitS; 
     else if (findDirect == 0) 
      cout << "You bump into a wall...like an idiot. Go a different direction.\n\n"; 
      goto stupid; 
      cout << "That is not a direction...stupid.\n\n"; 
      goto stupid; 

     Direction objectDirection; 

    cout << roomName << endl << endl; 
    cout << roomDiscription << endl << endl; 
    } while (exitE != 62); 

    cout << "\n\nCongradulations!!!\n\n"; 
    cout << "You have found your way out with " << playerGold << " gold. Don't spend it all in one place!"; 

'(엑 사이트 = 62!) 동안;'? – Iluvatar


@Iluvatar 그게 전부 아마 버그 있지만 roomChanging'의 끝에 컴파일러 오류 – Erix


없는 괄호 아니다는()'기능 – Yousaf



중괄호가 없습니다. roomChanging() 함수를 닫지 마십시오.


'clang-format'을 사용하면 코드를 깔끔하게 정리할 수 있고 이런 종류의 일은 분명합니다. –


이 코드는 매우 이례적인 일이다. 범위에 대해 알고 있습니까?

void foo() { 
    Widget w; // create a widget which exists inside function foo() 
} // w is now destroyed 

당신의 기능의 많은 아무것도하지

void room11() { 
    std::string roomName = "North-West corner"; // gets destroyed at } 
    std::string roomDiscription = "";   // gets destroyed at } 
    int roomId = 11;       // gets destroyed at } 
    Monster objectUnicorn; // does something before being destroyed at } 
    objectUnicorn.unicorn(); // increases player's gold 
    int exitN = 0;   // gets destroyed at } 
    int exitS = 12;   // gets destroyed at } 
    int exitE = 21;   // gets destroyed at } 
    int exitW = 0;   // gets destroyed at } 
} // poof! Nearly everything is destroyed without doing anything 

더 일반적인 방법은 클래스의 공간의 개념을 설명하는 것입니다 :

class Room { 
    int id_; 
    std::string name_; // there's a few naming conventions; one is a trailing 
    std::string desc_; // underscore for private class data members 
    // forget the monster and exits for the moment 

    Room(int id, const std::string &name, const std::string &desc) 
     : id_(id), name_(name), desc_(desc) {} 
    int id() {return id_;} 
    std::string name() {return name_;} 
    std::string desc() {return desc_;} 

이 말씀을 각 방에는 이름, 설명 및 ID가 있습니다. 그런 다음 방을 만들려면 다음을 수행하십시오

어쨌든 클래스를 사용의 시작을의
Room room11(11, "North-West corner", "The corners are sharp on the eyes."); 
Room room21(21, "Storage room", "It's full of dust and boxes."); 
Room room31(31, "Grey room", "Tell my wife, hello.") 

cout << room31.desc(); // outputs "Tell my wife, hello" 



빙고. OP가 묻는 것이 아니라 장기간에 "당신이 놓친 것"보다 훨씬 유용합니다. [범위 설명 링크] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_ (computer_science)) – user4581301


고마워, def 내 퍽을 전반적으로 이해하는 데 도움이 더. 그러나이 프로그램을 모두 다시 작성하지 않고 저장하는 방법이 있습니까? –