초보 프로그래머입니다. Xcode를 사용하여 카드 전쟁 게임을 만들고 있습니다. 그러나, 내 prof는 code :: blocks을 사용하여 등급을 매긴다. Xcode에서 코드를 실행할 때 완벽하게 실행되지만 code :: blocks에서 실행하면 오류가 발생합니다. 프로세스가 -1 (0xFFFFFFF)을 반환했습니다. 아무도 무슨 일이 일어나고 있고 왜 한 IDE에서 다음 IDE로 실행되지 않는지 말할 수 있습니까? 그게 내가 등급을 매길 것이기 때문에 코드 블럭에서 실행되도록하는 것이 중요합니다. 당신이 memset
을 수행 할 때내 프로그램이 Xcode에서는 실행되지만 코드 블록에서는 실행되지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define DECK_SIZE 52
unsigned int rounds_played = 0 ;
unsigned int wars_played = 0 ;
Base data structure: deck. It's a stack that can hold up to
deck_size cards.
A card is represented as a nunmber from 2 to 14. 14 is an Ace.
typedef struct {
// basically a stack
char* slots ;
unsigned int slot_pointer ;
unsigned int deck_size ;
} Deck ;
/* Operations on deck:
make_deck: creates and initialize a deck that can hold up to *size*
enqueue(deck, item): puts a card on top of the stack
dequeue(deck): draws a card from the stack
dump_deck(d): views content of deck d. free slots will have value
of zero (0)
deck_empty(d): inspects a deck to see whether a deck holds any card
Deck* make_deck(unsigned int size) ;
void enqueue(Deck* deck, char item);
char dequeue(Deck* deck) ;
void dump_deck(Deck *d);
int deck_empty(Deck *d) ;
/* make_initial_deck: sets up a 52-card deck, shuffled */
Deck *make_initial_deck() ;
/* deal: cards from deck *sorce get split evenly between decks
*d1 and *d2
void deal(Deck *source, Deck *deck1, Deck *deck2);
void play(Deck* d1, Deck* d2, Deck* tmp);
bool game_won(Deck* d1, Deck* d2) ;
unsigned int deck_cards_number(Deck* d) ;
char* print_card(char card) ;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Deck* initial_deck = make_initial_deck() ;
Deck* d1 = make_deck(DECK_SIZE) ;
Deck* d2 = make_deck(DECK_SIZE) ;
printf("Dumping initial deck:\n");
dump_deck(initial_deck) ;
deal(initial_deck, d1, d2) ;
printf("Dumping d1:\n");
printf("Dumping d2:\n");
dump_deck(d2) ;
Deck* tmp = make_deck(DECK_SIZE) ;
play(d1, d2, tmp) ;
return 0 ;
* play: implements the game
void play (Deck* d1, Deck* d2, Deck *tmp) {
rounds_played++ ;
char card1, card2 ;
/* printf("Player 1 deck:\n"); dump_deck(d1) ; */
/* printf("Player 2 deck:\n"); dump_deck(d2) ; */
/* printf("tmp deck:\n"); dump_deck(tmp) ; */
if (d1->slot_pointer == 0) {
printf("Player 2 wins the game!\n") ;
printf("Rounds played: %d\n", rounds_played);
printf("Wars declared: %d\n", wars_played) ;
return ;
} else {
card1 = dequeue(d1);
printf("[Player 1]: %s\n", print_card(card1));
if (d2->slot_pointer == 0) {
printf("Player 1 wins the game!\n") ;
printf("Rounds played: %d\n", rounds_played);
printf("Wars declared: %d\n", wars_played) ;
return ;
} else {
card2 = dequeue(d2);
printf("[Player 2]: %s\n", print_card(card2));
// recursive case:
if (card1 == card2) {
printf("This is War!\n") ;
wars_played++ ;
if (deck_empty(d1) == 0) {
enqueue(tmp, dequeue(d1)); // face down card
if (deck_empty(d2) == 0) {
enqueue(tmp, dequeue(d2)); // face down card
/* enqueue(tmp, dequeue(d1)); // face down card */
/* enqueue(tmp, dequeue(d2)); // face down card */
enqueue(tmp, card1);
enqueue(tmp, card2);
} else {
if (card1 > card2) {
// printf("Player1 wins the round!\n") ;
enqueue(tmp, card1) ;
enqueue(tmp, card2) ;
printf("Player 1 wins (%d) cards.\n",
tmp->slot_pointer) ;
// dump_deck(tmp);
while (tmp->slot_pointer > 0) {
enqueue(d1, dequeue(tmp)) ;
else {
// printf("Player2 wins the round!\n") ;
enqueue(tmp, card1) ;
enqueue(tmp, card2) ;
printf("Player 2 wins (%d) cards.\n",
tmp->slot_pointer) ;
// dump_deck(tmp);
while (tmp->slot_pointer > 0) {
enqueue(d2, dequeue(tmp)) ;
return ;
/* Given a souce Deck and two destination Decks d1 and d2, it deals cards from
* source deck to d1 and d2 so that both decks get half of the cards originally
* in the source deck.
void deal(Deck *source, Deck *deck1, Deck *deck2) {
char card ;
for(int i=0 ; i< (source->deck_size) ; i++) {
card = dequeue(source) ;
if ((i%2) == 0){
enqueue(deck1, card) ;
} else {
enqueue(deck2, card) ;
return ;
// INPUT: two decks, one for each player.
// OUTPUT: true or false, depending on whether one of the two decks
// holds 52 cards
bool game_won(Deck* d1, Deck* d2){
if ((d1->slot_pointer == 51) || (d2->slot_pointer == 51))
return true ;
return false ;
// INPUT: the desidered deck size
// OUTPUT: an instance of the Deck data structure, properly intialized
Deck* make_deck(unsigned int size){
Deck *d = malloc(sizeof(Deck));
d->slots = malloc(size*sizeof(char)) ;
memset(d->slots, 0, d->deck_size);
d->slot_pointer = 0 ;
d->deck_size = size ;
return d ;
// INPUT: an instance of the Deck data structure
// POST: the contents of the deck will be displayed on standard output.
// available but empty slots will be represented with zeroes.
void dump_deck(Deck* d) {
for(unsigned int i=1 ; i<=(d->deck_size) ; i++) {
printf("%2d ", d->slots[i-1]) ;
if(i>0 && i % 13 == 0) {
printf("\n") ;
return ;
// INPUT: An instance of the Deck data structure and a number (in a char)
// representing a card.
// POST: the card will be added to the deck.
void enqueue(Deck* deck, char item) {
deck->slots[deck->slot_pointer++] = item ;
return ;
// INPUT: an instance of the Deck data structure
// OUTPUT: a number representing a card from the deck.
char dequeue(Deck* deck) {
deck->slot_pointer-- ;
char card = deck->slots[deck->slot_pointer] ;
deck->slots[deck->slot_pointer] = 0 ;
return card ;
// INPUT: an instance of the Deck data structure
// OUTPUT: 1 if the deck is empty, 0 otherwise.
int deck_empty(Deck *d) {
if (d->slot_pointer == 0) {
return 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
// OUTPUT: returns a pointer to a newly-created instance of the Deck data
// structure, holding DECK_SIZE cards, and randomly shuffled.
Deck *make_initial_deck() {
Deck *d = make_deck(DECK_SIZE);
for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
for (int j=2 ; j<15 ; j++) {
enqueue(d, j) ;
int n = DECK_SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){
/// get random element in the listplayer1Hand[26] = 2;
int j = i + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(n - i) + 1);
///swap these two elements
char temp = d->slots[j];
d->slots[j] = d->slots[i];
d->slots[i] = temp;
return d;
// INPUT: a char holding the numeric representation of the card
// OUTPUT: a pointer to a string holding the representation of the card.
// The representation can be "Ace", "Jack", "Queen" and "King",
// and the respective number for other cards.
char* print_card(char card) {
switch (card) {
case 14 :
return "Ace" ;
case 11 :
return "Jack" ;
case 12:
return "Queen" ;
case 13:
return "King" ;
char* str = malloc(4) ;
sprintf(str, "%2d", card) ;
return str ;
이것은 * long * 코드입니다. 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알기 위해서는 그것을 디버그해야합니다. 내가 지금 당장 볼 수있는 한가지는'print_card'가 메모리를 누설하고 있다는 것입니다. 그리고 아무것도, 내가 말할 수있는 한. –
필자가 주목해야 할 것은'print_card'에'malloc'을 사용했지만 대응하는'free'는 없습니다. 함수가 말한 것을 수행하면 (인쇄 할 때) 더 좋을지도 모릅니다.이 경우 카드 이름을 만들 때 배열이 필요조차 없습니다. 설명을 인쇄하려면 함수의 플레이어 번호도 전달해야합니다. –