2012-12-19 3 views

이 오류가 발생합니다. 누군가 여기서 잘못된 점을 제안 할 수 있습니까?suds.TypeNotFound : 형식을 찾을 수 없음 : 'ns4.SaveCRRequest'

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File ".\move2ready.py", line 318, in <module> 
    File ".\move2ready.py", line 268, in main 
    success = moveToReady(prism, cr, pl_name) 
    File ".\move2ready.py", line 153, in moveToReady 
    retval = prism.saveChangeRequest(CR) 
    File ".\move2ready.py", line 75, in saveChangeRequest 
    request = self.soapclient.factory.create('ns4:SaveCRRequest') 
    File "build\bdist.win32\egg\suds\client.py", line 234, in create 
suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'ns4:SaveCRRequest' 

전체 코드 :

#!/usr/bin/env python2.6 

When moving Prism CRs to the Ready state, it becomes quite tedious when users have to modify the state from from Open to Analysis to Fix to Ready for each CR. It will be time-saving if we have just ONE command line utility program that is able to pull a list of CRs from any intermediate 
state, either Open or Analysis or Fix, and to Ready automatically. 

Command line options: 
    -h/--help show this help message and exit 
    -c/--cr (required) provide the list of CR numbers separated by space. 
    -o/--fo provide an output file whose content is a summary of the results.. 
    -p/--pl (required) provide the PL name. 
    -i/--fi (required if --cr is not specified) provide an input file which contains the list of CRs. 

How to use: 
    Example 1: 
     python .\move2ready.py --cr 320538 320899 --pl MSM0000.NA.0.0 
    Example 2: 
     python .\move2ready.py --fi ./cr.txt --fo ./out.txt --pl MSM0000.NA.0.0 
     Note: A typical cr.txt can be: 

import datetime 
import sys 
import logging 
import re 
import getpass 
from time import strftime as date 
from optparse import OptionParser 

    import suds 
    from suds.client import Client 
    from suds.transport import http 
    from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated 
except ImportError: 
    print '''###### ERROR ###### 
One or more prerequisite packages are missing. 
Please install SUDS and NTLM Python packages before running this script. 

To install SUDS and NTLM: 
    1. Find and install the correct version of Python SetupTools. (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools) 
    2. Copy the source files for SUDS and NTLM to a local directory (http://http://pypi.python.org) 
    3. For both SUDS and NTLM, cd into THE local directory, and run " Python setup.py install " 
    4. Close all command prompts and open a new one. That's it. :) 

move2ready.py terminated! 

class Prism: 
    def __init__(self, url, q_user, q_passwd): 
    self.url = url 
    user = q_user 
    user = user.rstrip() 
    passwd = q_passwd 
    passwd = passwd.rstrip() 

     self.soapclient = Client(url, transport=WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username=user, password=passwd)) 
     request = self.soapclient.factory.create('ns2:CRRequest') 
     print 'Prism authentication failed!' 

    def getChangeRequestById(self, key): 
    request = self.soapclient.factory.create('ns2:CRRequest') 
    request['ChangeRequestId'] = key 
    response = self.soapclient.service.GetChangeRequestById([request]) 
    return response['ChangeRequest'] 

    def saveChangeRequest(self, CR): 
    request = self.soapclient.factory.create('ns4:SaveCRRequest') 
    request['ChangeRequest'] = CR 
    request['UserName'] = 'admin' 
    response = self.soapclient.service.SaveChangeRequest([request]) 
    return response['ChangeRequestId'] 

    def editObject(self, obj, **kwargs): 
    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): 
     if key in obj: 
     obj[key] = value 
    return obj 

    def updateChangeRequest(self, CR, **kwargs): 
    newCR=editObject(CR, kwargs) 

    def updateChangeRequestById(self, CRkey, **kwargs): 
    CR = getChangeRequestById(CRkey) 
    return updateChangeRequest(CR, kwargs) 
# end of Prism class 

# Find the index of specified PL name among all PL names associated with this CR 
def findTargetPlIndex(PL_all, pl_name, attr_name): 
    target_index = 0 
    for pl in PL_all: 
    if (pl[attr_name].lower() == pl_name.lower()): 
     return target_index 
    target_index += 1 
    print "[ERROR] The specified PL name is not found in this CR." 
# end of findTargetPlIndex 

# When one move is performed, add some auto-generated text as Analysis Text 
def addAnalysisText(CR, text): 
    if CR['Analysis'] == None: 
    CR['Analysis'] = [] 
    CR['Analysis'].append({'Text':"Analyzed by move2ready tool"}) 
    #CR['Analysis']['Text'] += "\n\n" + text 
    #CR['Analysis']['Text'] += "\n\n" + 
# end of addAnalysisText 

def moveToReady(prism, cr_id, pl_name): 
    print "======================================" 
    print "Start processing CR:" + cr_id + "..." 

    CR = prism.getChangeRequestById(cr_id) 
    PL_all = CR['ProductLines']['ProductLineEntity'] 
    PL_index = findTargetPlIndex(PL_all, pl_name, 'ProductLineName') 
    PL = PL_all[PL_index] 

    # Move from open to analysis 
    if PL['Status'] == "Open": 
    print "Moving from Open to Analysis..." 
    PL['Status'] = "Analysis" 
    PL['AnalysisDueDate'] = datetime.datetime.today() 
    PL['Priority'] = "2" 
    retval = prism.saveChangeRequest(CR) 

    CR = prism.getChangeRequestById(cr_id) 
    PL = CR['ProductLines']['ProductLineEntity'][PL_index] 

    # Move from analysis to fix 
    if PL['Status'] == "Analysis": 
    print "Moving from Analysis to fix..." 
    PL['Status'] = "Fix" 
    addAnalysisText(CR, "move2ready utility moved this CR to Fix") 
    PL['ReadyDate'] = datetime.datetime.today() # required field 
    retval = prism.saveChangeRequest(CR) 

    CR = prism.getChangeRequestById(cr_id) 
    PL = CR['ProductLines']['ProductLineEntity'][PL_index] 

    # Move from Fix to Ready 
    if PL['Status'] == "Fix": 
    print "Moving from Fix to Ready..." 
    PL['Status'] = "Ready" 
    addAnalysisText(CR, "move2ready utility moved this CR to Ready") 
    retval = prism.saveChangeRequest(CR) 

    CR = prism.getChangeRequestById(cr_id) 
    PL = CR['ProductLines']['ProductLineEntity'][PL_index] 

    CR = prism.getChangeRequestById(cr_id) 
    PL = CR['ProductLines']['ProductLineEntity'][PL_index] 
    if PL['Status'] == "Ready": 
    return True 
    return False 
# end of moveToReady 

# Handle variable number of arguments for an option 
def vararg_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser): 
    assert value is None 
    value = [] 

    def floatable(str): 
     return True 
    except ValueError: 
     return False 

    for arg in parser.rargs: 
    if arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2: 
    if arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and not floatable(arg): 

    del parser.rargs[:len(value)] 
    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) 
# end of vararg_callback method 

def handleCommandArgs(): 
    desc = 'move2ready tool helps Prism users to move one or multiple CRs to Ready state automatically.' 
    usage = 'Python move2ready.py [options], version=1.0.0' 
    parser = OptionParser(description=desc, usage=usage) 

    parser.add_option('-c', '--cr', \ 
      dest='cr', \ 
      help='provide the list of CR numbers separated by space. E.g. --cr 320899 330022', \ 
      action='callback', \ 

    parser.add_option('-i', '--fi', \ 
      dest='fi', \ 
      help='provide an input file which contains the list of CRs you want to move. ', \ 

    parser.add_option('-o', '--fo', \ 
      dest='fo', \ 
      help='provide an output file whose content is a summary of the results.', \ 

    parser.add_option('-p', '--pl', \ 
      dest='pl', \ 
      help='provide the PL name. E.g. --pl MPSS.NI.2.0',\ 

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 

    if not (options.fi or options.cr): 
    parser.error('No action requested, you must add "--cr" or "--fi" as argument.\n') 

    if not options.pl: 
    parser.error('No action requested, you must add "--pl" as argument.\n') 

    return options 
# end of handleCommandArgs 

#extract pure numeric CR values 
def getCRFromFile(cr_list): 
    clean_cr_list = [] 
    for cr in cr_list: 
    clean_cr_list.append(re.findall(r'\d+', cr)[-1]) 

    return clean_cr_list 
# end of getCRFromFile 

def main(): 
    options  = handleCommandArgs() 
    file_in  = options.fi 
    file_out  = options.fo 
    cr_list  = options.cr 
    pl_name  = options.pl 

    # Use fi option to parse file-in which has cr lists 
    if cr_list == None: 
     f = open(file_in) 
     cr_list = f.readlines() 
     cr_list = getCRFromFile(cr_list) 

    # Use fo option to parse file-out which saves the echo info 
    echo_to_file = False if file_out == None else True 
    if echo_to_file: 
    f = open(file_out, 'a+') 
    f.write(str(date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) 

    username = raw_input('Enter your QualPass username (e.g. NA\jsmith): ') 
    password = getpass.getpass() 
    url = 'http://prism:8000/ChangeRequestWebService.svc?wsdl'; 
    prism = Prism(url, username, password) 

    for cr in cr_list: 
     result_log = '' 
     success = moveToReady(prism, cr, pl_name) 
     if success: 
     result_log = '[CR: ' + cr + '] ' + 'Successfully moved to Ready.\n'; 
     print '''  
       .______  ___   _______.  _______. 
       | _ \ / \  /  | /  | 
       | |_) |/^ \  | (----` | (----` 
       | ___///_\ \  \ \  \ \  
       | | /_____ \ .----) | .----) | 
       | _| /__/  \__\ |_______/ |_______/  

     result_log = '[CR: ' + cr + '] ' + 'Failed to move to Ready\n'; 
     print ''' 
       _______ ___  __ __  
       | ____|/ \  | | | |  
       | |__ /^ \ | | | |  
       | __|//_\ \ | | | |  
       | | /_____ \ | | | `----. 
       |__| /__/  \__\ |__| |_______| 


     if echo_to_file: 
     f = open(file_out, 'a+') 
     print result_log 

    except suds.WebFault as detail: 
     print '[CR: ' + cr + '] ', 
     print detail 
     print ''' 
       _______ ___  __ __  
       | ____|/ \  | | | |  
       | |__ /^ \ | | | |  
       | __|//_\ \ | | | |  
       | | /_____ \ | | | `----. 
       |__| /__/  \__\ |__| |_______| 


    if echo_to_file: 
     f = open(file_out, 'a+') 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

문제를 나타내는 가능한 가장 작은 예제로 코드를 끓여야합니다. 현재이 문제를 보여줄 필요가없는 많은 상용구가 있습니다. –


@Michale - 혼합 요청을받는 중입니다. 사람들이 전체 코드를 묻습니다. – user1795998


표시하는 코드가 모두 실행중인 코드이고 문제를 나타내는 코드이면 다른 코드는 필요하지 않습니다. –



이 라인에 문제가 나타납니다,

request = self.soapclient.factory.create('ns4:SaveCRRequest') 

내 생각은 ns4:SaveCRRequest 객체가

에 존재하지 않는다는 것입니다

웹 서비스 .