2016-06-01 1 views

다음은 비누 요청을 구성하는 코드입니다. 클라이언트를 만들 수 있지만 클라이언트를 업데이트하려면 클라이언트 태그의 속성으로 클라이언트 번호가 필요합니다.요소 속성과 하위 요소가있는 PHP 비누 요청

 <urn:Client> <- Add attribute to this tag 
     <urn2:CommonName>Some Value</urn2:CommonName> 
     <urn2:CompanyName>Some Value</urn2:CompanyName> 
     <urn2:ParentInfo urn1:dataOmitted="true"> 
     <urn2:UserProperties urn1:dataOmitted="true"> 
     <urn2:MandateInfo urn1:dataOmitted="true"> 

하지만 내가 필요로하는 것은 위의이 모든 것을, 그리고 자식의 모든 요소와 클라이언트 태그의 속성 :

$urn = '<SOME DEFINITION>'; 
$urn1 = '<SOME DEFINITION>'; 
$urn2 = '<SOME DEFINITION>'; 

// Main descriptive content of the client 
$clientType = $clientInfo['clt_type']; 
$companyName = $clientInfo['clt_name']; 
$mainPaymentMethod = '0001'; 
$mainPaymentCondition = '0003'; 

/* Build sales portion */ 
$sales_city = $clientInfo['clt_sales_city']; 
$sales_area1 = $clientInfo['clt_sales_state']; 
$sales_zipCode = $clientInfo['clt_sales_zipcode']; 
$sales_countryCode = $clientInfo['clt_sales_country']; 
$sales_address = $clientInfo['clt_sales_address']; 
$sales_address_two = $clientInfo['clt_sales_address2']; 

$salesGeneralFitness = 'MAIN'; 
$salesBillingFitness = 'MAIN'; 

$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_address, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'Address', $urn1); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_address_two, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'AddressComplement', $urn1); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_zipCode, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'ZipCode', $urn1); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_city, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'City', $urn1); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($salesGeneralFitness, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'GeneralFitness', $urn2); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($salesBillingFitness, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'BillingFitness', $urn2); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_area1, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'Area1', $urn2); 
$salesAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($sales_countryCode, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'CountryCode', $urn2); 

$SalesAddress = new SoapVar($salesAddressParams, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, $urn2, 'Address', $urn2); 
/* End of sales portion */ 

/* Build financial portion */ 
$financial_city = $clientInfo['clt_financial_city']; 
$financial_area1 = $clientInfo['clt_financial_state']; 
$financial_zipCode = $clientInfo['clt_financial_zipcode']; 
$financial_countryCode = $clientInfo['clt_financial_country']; 
$financial_address = $clientInfo['clt_financial_address']; 
$financial_address_two = $clientInfo['clt_financial_address2']; 

$financialGeneralFitness = 'MAIN'; 
$financialBillingFitness = 'MAIN'; 

$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_address, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'Address', $urn1); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_address_two, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'AddressComplement', $urn1); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_zipCode, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'ZipCode', $urn1); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_city, XSD_STRING, null, $urn1, 'City', $urn1); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financialGeneralFitness, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'GeneralFitness', $urn2); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financialBillingFitness, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'BillingFitness', $urn2); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_area1, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'Area1', $urn2); 
$financialAddressParams[] = new SoapVar($financial_countryCode, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'CountryCode', $urn2); 

$FinancialAddress = new SoapVar($financialAddressParams, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, $urn2, 'Address', $urn2); 

/* Build The rest of the required (not used) soap request */ 

$LogInfo = new SoapVar('', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'LogInfo', $urn2); 
$CommonName = $StartDate = new SoapVar($companyName, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'CommonName', $urn2); 
$CompanyName = $StartDate = new SoapVar($companyName, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'CompanyName', $urn2); 
$AreImplicitMandatesOk = new SoapVar('false', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'AreImplicitMandatesOk', $urn2); 
$ParentInfo = new SoapVar('', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'ParentInfo', $urn2); 
$UserProperties = new SoapVar('', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'UserProperties', $urn2); 
$StartDate = new SoapVar(date('Y-m-d', time()), XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'StartDate', $urn2); 
$MainPaymentMethod = new SoapVar($mainPaymentMethod, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'MainPaymentMethod', $urn2); 
$MainPaymentCondition = new SoapVar($mainPaymentCondition, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'MainPaymentCondition', $urn2); 
$ClientType = new SoapVar($clientType, XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'ClientType', $urn2); 
$MandateInfo = new SoapVar('', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'MandateInfo', $urn2); 
$VATInfo = new SoapVar('', XSD_STRING, null, $urn2, 'VATInfo', $urn2); 

/* Set the body content */ 
$Body[] = $LogInfo; 
$Body[] = $CommonName; 
$Body[] = $CompanyName; 
$Body[] = $StartDate; 
$Body[] = $MainPaymentMethod; 
$Body[] = $MainPaymentCondition; 
$Body[] = $ClientType; 
$Body[] = $SalesAddress; 
$Body[] = $FinancialAddress; 
$Body[] = $AreImplicitMandatesOk; 
$Body[] = $ParentInfo; 
$Body[] = $UserProperties; 
$Body[] = $MandateInfo; 
$Body[] = $VATInfo; 

    /* Build entire soap request here */ 
$data = new SoapVar($Body, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, $urn, 'Client', $urn); 
$parameters['Client'] = $data; 

이 생산

<urn:Client Attr1='XXXX1121111'> 

나는 갔다 내가 찾을 수있는 모든 게시물을 통해 하위 요소가있는 요소에 특성을 생성 할 수 없습니다. XSD_ANYXML 사용하여 시도하고 SoapVar(), 삽입 할보기를 빌드하고 네임 스페이스가 필요하기 때문에 작동하지 않습니다. 이것은 다른 질문이 반복 될 가능성이 높지만 답은 없습니다. 다음은

그냥이 문제에 간 적이 있었던 게시물 중 일부입니다 :

SOAP request with PHP

Create SOAP request with element attribute using Zend_Soap_Client and stdObject

Send other attributes with xsi:type attribute in Soap Request PHP

SOAP Request from PHP is not working



나는 비누를 만들려고했다 SoapVar를 통해 요청하십시오. 요소를 요소에 중첩하려고합니다. 이 작업을 수행하는 대신 요청을받은 구조와 동일한 구조의 연관 배열을 만들었습니다. I.E.

$client->createClient(array('Client' => // Outer most element 
     // Begin the list of child elements 
     array('AttributeOfOuterElement' => 'AttrValue', 
       'ChildElement1' => 'Child1Value' // ..... etc 

내가 얻으려고했던 비누 요청을 생성 한 제품. 모든 soapvar 요소를 제거하고 배열을 함수의 매개 변수로 사용했습니다.