2014-08-10 4 views

그래서 배경 네트워크의 구현을 위해 노력 중입니다. 신경 네트워크의 모든 초보자가 그렇듯이이 'NEURON'클래스를 만들었습니다.신경망 - 작은 데이터 집합에 대한 의미있는 출력 데이터

그러나 나는 이상한 결과를 보았습니다. 데이터 집합이 작을 때 (XOR 함수의 경우와 같이 데이터 집합에 4 가지 가능한 순열 (00, 11, 01, 10)이있을 수 있음)), 출력 뉴런은 훈련 반복 (신기원)이 얼마나 일어나더라도 매우 가까운 결과를 제공합니다. 예 : 1 XOR 1은 0.987이고 1 XOR 0은 0.986입니다. 멀리 떨어져 있으면 안됩니까? 여기

이 경우, 클래스 코드이다

#pragma once 

#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 
#include "Math.h" 
#include "RandomizationUtils.h" 

using namespace std; 

class ClNeuron 


    static const int CONST_DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBER_PER_NEURON = 20; 
    static const double CONST_DEFAULT_MOMENTUM_VALUE = 0.4; 

    //Connection between 2 neurons 
     double m_weight; 
     double m_data; 
     //Last modification done to the weight 
     double m_weight_last_delta; 
     double m_momentum_value; 
     ClNeuron* m_source_neuron; 
     ClNeuron* m_target_neuron; 

    //Initialization function 
    void Init(unsigned long p_uid,NEURON_TYPE p_type); 

    bool m_initialized; 
    //All of the output connection of this neuron 
    vector<NEURON_CONNECTION*> m_output_connections; 
    //Al of the input connection of this neuron 
    vector<NEURON_CONNECTION*> m_input_connections; 
    //Tmp internal result buffer (containing all weights multiplicated by their inputs) 
    double m_result_buffer; 
    //special weight that always has an input of 1.0 


    //the type of this neuron 
    NEURON_TYPE m_type; 

    ClNeuron(NEURON_TYPE p_type); 
    ClNeuron(unsigned long p_uid,NEURON_TYPE p_type); 
    ClNeuron(unsigned long p_uid); 
    //Connect this neuron's output to another/others neurons' input 
    bool AddOutputConnection(ClNeuron* p_neuron); 

    //This neuron got a request to have a new input 
    NEURON_CONNECTION* InputConnectionRequest(ClNeuron* p_source_neuron); 

    //Tell the neuron to fire the sum of the processed inputs 
    double Fire(); 

    //Tell the neuron to fire a particular data 
    double Fire(double p_data); 

    //Function updating all of the current neuron's weight of the OUTPUT connections , depending on an error ratio 
    void UpdateWeights(double p_wanted_output); 

    //Sum all the weight * their respective inputs into an internal buffer 
    void ProcessInputs(); 

    //Print neuron & connections & weights 
    void PrintNeuronData(); 

    //Unique ID of this neuron 
    unsigned long m_uid; 

    //This neuron's calculated error_delta 
    double m_error_gradient; 

ClNeuron::NEURON_CONNECTION* ClNeuron::InputConnectionRequest(ClNeuron* p_neuron) 
    cout << "Error creating new connection, memory full ?" << endl << flush; 
    return NULL; 
    connection->m_weight = GetRandomDouble(-1,1); 
    connection->m_data = 0; 
    connection->m_momentum_value = CONST_DEFAULT_MOMENTUM_VALUE; 
    connection->m_source_neuron = p_neuron; 
    connection->m_target_neuron = this; 

    return connection; 

bool ClNeuron::AddOutputConnection(ClNeuron* p_neuron) 
    //If the remote neuron accept the us as a new input, then we add it to output list 
    NEURON_CONNECTION* connection = p_neuron->InputConnectionRequest(this); 
    return false; 

    return true; 

double ClNeuron::Fire() 
    return Fire(m_result_buffer); 

double ClNeuron::Fire(double p_data) 
    cout << "Final neuron " << m_uid << " return " << p_data << endl; 
    return p_data; 
    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_output_connections.size();i++) 
    m_output_connections[i]->m_data = p_data;  

    return 1; 

void ClNeuron::ProcessInputs() 
    m_result_buffer = 0; 
    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_input_connections.size();i++) 
    m_result_buffer += m_input_connections[i]->m_weight * m_input_connections[i]->m_data; 

    m_result_buffer += m_bias.m_weight ; 

    //sigmoid the sum 
    m_result_buffer = Sigmoid(m_result_buffer); 

void ClNeuron::UpdateWeights(double p_wanted_output) 
    //Update weights from neuron to all of its inputs NOTE : p_wanted_output is the output of THIS neuron (in case their is many output neuron in the network) 
    if(m_type == NEURON_TYPE_OUTPUT) 
    m_error_gradient = (p_wanted_output - m_result_buffer) * SigmoidDerivative(m_result_buffer); 

    //Adjust the bias of this neuron 
    double weight_delta = 1 * m_error_gradient * 1 ; 
    double momentum = m_bias.m_weight_last_delta * m_bias.m_momentum_value; 
    m_bias.m_weight += weight_delta + momentum; 
    m_bias.m_weight_last_delta = weight_delta; 

    else if(m_type == NEURON_TYPE_HIDDEN) 
    double error_deriative = SigmoidDerivative(m_result_buffer); 

    double tmpBuffer = 0.00; 
    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_output_connections.size();i++) 
     tmpBuffer += (m_output_connections[i]->m_target_neuron->m_error_gradient * m_output_connections[i]->m_weight); 
    m_error_gradient = error_deriative * tmpBuffer; 

    //Adjust the weights for this neuron's OUTPUT connections 
    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_output_connections.size();i++) 
     double weight_delta = 1 * m_output_connections[i]->m_target_neuron->m_error_gradient * m_result_buffer ; 
     double momentum = m_output_connections[i]->m_weight_last_delta * m_output_connections[i]->m_momentum_value; 
     m_output_connections[i]->m_weight += weight_delta + momentum; 
     m_output_connections[i]->m_weight_last_delta = weight_delta; 

    //Adjust the bias of this neuron 
    double weight_delta = 1 * m_error_gradient * 1 ; 
    double momentum = m_bias.m_weight_last_delta * m_bias.m_momentum_value; 
    m_bias.m_weight += weight_delta + momentum; 
    m_bias.m_weight_last_delta = weight_delta; 

    if(m_type == NEURON_TYPE_INPUT) 
    //Adjust the weights for this neuron's OUTPUT connections 
    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_output_connections.size();i++) 
     double weight_delta = 1 * m_output_connections[i]->m_target_neuron->m_error_gradient * m_result_buffer ; 
     double momentum = m_output_connections[i]->m_weight_last_delta * m_output_connections[i]->m_momentum_value; 
     m_output_connections[i]->m_weight += weight_delta + momentum; 
     m_output_connections[i]->m_weight_last_delta = weight_delta; 

void ClNeuron::PrintNeuronData() 
    cout << endl << "========================================" << endl; 
    cout << "Neuron #" << m_uid << " has " << m_input_connections.size() << " input connection" << endl << endl; 

    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_input_connections.size();i++) 
    cout << "----> " << "conn." << i << " | Src ID: " << m_input_connections[i]->m_source_neuron->m_uid << " | W: "<< m_input_connections[i]->m_weight << " | D: "<< m_input_connections[i]->m_data << " | RB : " << m_result_buffer << " | EF: " << endl; 

    cout << "Neuron #" << m_uid << " has " << m_output_connections.size() << " output connection" << endl << endl; 

    for(unsigned long i=0;i<m_output_connections.size();i++) 
    cout << "----> " << "conn." << i << " | Dst ID: " << m_output_connections[i]->m_target_neuron->m_uid << " | W: "<< m_output_connections[i]->m_weight << " | D: "<< m_output_connections[i]->m_data << " | RB : " << m_result_buffer << " | EF: " << endl; 

    cout << endl << "========================================" << endl; 

void ClNeuron::Init(unsigned long p_uid,NEURON_TYPE p_type) 
    m_initialized = false; 

    m_type = p_type; 
    m_uid = rand() % RAND_MAX; 
    m_result_buffer = 0; 

    m_bias.m_weight = GetRandomDouble(-1,1); 
    m_bias.m_data = 0; 
    m_bias.m_momentum_value = CONST_DEFAULT_MOMENTUM_VALUE; 
    m_bias.m_source_neuron = NULL; 
    m_bias.m_target_neuron = this; 

    m_initialized = true; 

ClNeuron::ClNeuron(unsigned long p_uid,NEURON_TYPE p_type) 

ClNeuron::ClNeuron(NEURON_TYPE p_type) 

ClNeuron::ClNeuron(unsigned long p_uid) 


뉴런 ** ID **는 임의입니까? 아주 이상 해요. 또한,'init' 함수를 사용하는 것은 나쁜 스타일을 consdiered하고, ctors를 사용합니다. 신선한 벡터를 지울 필요가 없습니다. 빈 상태로 시작합니다. 마지막으로, 나는 네트워크 구조를 파악할 수 없으므로 XOR을위한 네트워크가 너무 작을 수도 있습니다. 그것은 신원 기능 (input = output)을 위해 작동합니까? – MSalters



문제는 각 뉴런에 대한 바이어스 가중치이었다

는보다 정확하게 오차 구배 바이어스 항상 0이고, (일으키는 weight_delta이 0 임), 결국 바이어스가 출력 가중치를 업데이트하지 않게됩니다.