2014-06-18 1 views

는 다음과 같이 라인에 "붙어 있습니다.AndroidPlot 사용자 정의 관절


또는, 적어도이 (라인과 같은 색의 바깥 쪽 원)처럼 보이게하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.


어떤 도움 ?



저는 아래쪽 이미지가 사용자 정의 LineAndPointRenderer를 사용한다고 생각합니다.이 또한 사용자가 맨 위에있는 이미지를 재현하는 데 사용해야 할 것입니다.

다음은이 작업을 수행하는 방법에 대한 빠르고 간단한 예입니다. 먼저 새로운 형식의 값이 필요 보유 할 사용자 정의 포맷터를 만들 :

    * A LineAndPointFormatter with the addition of paint to be used to "stroke" vertices. 
    class MyLineAndPointFormatter extends LineAndPointFormatter{ 
     private Paint strokePaint; 

     * Some quick and dirty hard-coded params 
     public MyLineAndPointFormatter() { 
      super(Color.RED, Color.RED, null, null); 
      strokePaint = new Paint(); 

     public Paint getStrokePaint() { 
      return strokePaint; 

     public Class<? extends SeriesRenderer> getRendererClass() { 
      return MyLineAndPointRenderer.class; 

     public SeriesRenderer getRendererInstance(XYPlot plot) { 
      return new MyLineAndPointRenderer(plot); 

다음, 사용자 정의 렌더러 :

    * A LineAndPointRenderer that can stroke vertices. 
    class MyLineAndPointRenderer extends LineAndPointRenderer<MyLineAndPointFormatter> { 

     public MyLineAndPointRenderer(XYPlot plot) { 

     * Overridden draw method to get the "vertex stroke" effect. 99% of this is copy/pasted from 
     * the super class' implementation. 
     * @param canvas 
     * @param plotArea 
     * @param series 
     * @param formatter 
     protected void drawSeries(Canvas canvas, RectF plotArea, XYSeries series, LineAndPointFormatter formatter) { 
      PointF thisPoint; 
      PointF lastPoint = null; 
      PointF firstPoint = null; 
      Paint linePaint = formatter.getLinePaint(); 

      Path path = null; 
      ArrayList<Pair<PointF, Integer>> points = new ArrayList<Pair<PointF, Integer>>(series.size()); 
      for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) { 
       Number y = series.getY(i); 
       Number x = series.getX(i); 

       if (y != null && x != null) { 
        thisPoint = ValPixConverter.valToPix(
        points.add(new Pair<PointF, Integer>(thisPoint, i)); 
       } else { 
        thisPoint = null; 

       if(linePaint != null && thisPoint != null) { 

        // record the first point of the new Path 
        if(firstPoint == null) { 
         path = new Path(); 
         firstPoint = thisPoint; 
         // create our first point at the bottom/x position so filling 
         // will look good 
         path.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y); 

        if(lastPoint != null) { 
         appendToPath(path, thisPoint, lastPoint); 

        lastPoint = thisPoint; 
       } else { 
        if(lastPoint != null) { 
         renderPath(canvas, plotArea, path, firstPoint, lastPoint, formatter); 
        firstPoint = null; 
        lastPoint = null; 
      if(linePaint != null && firstPoint != null) { 
       renderPath(canvas, plotArea, path, firstPoint, lastPoint, formatter); 

      Paint vertexPaint = formatter.getVertexPaint(); 
      Paint strokePaint = ((MyLineAndPointFormatter)formatter).getStrokePaint(); 
      PointLabelFormatter plf = formatter.getPointLabelFormatter(); 
      if (vertexPaint != null || plf != null) { 
       for (Pair<PointF, Integer> p : points) { 
        PointLabeler pointLabeler = formatter.getPointLabeler(); 

        // if vertexPaint is available, draw vertex: 
        if(vertexPaint != null) { 
         canvas.drawPoint(p.first.x, p.first.y, vertexPaint); 

        // if stroke is available, draw stroke: 
        if(strokePaint != null) { 
         // you'll probably want to make the radius a configurable parameter 
         // instead of hard-coded like it is here. 
         canvas.drawCircle(p.first.x, p.first.y, 4, strokePaint); 

        // if textPaint and pointLabeler are available, draw point's text label: 
        if(plf != null && pointLabeler != null) { 
         canvas.drawText(pointLabeler.getLabel(series, p.second), p.first.x + plf.hOffset, p.first.y + plf.vOffset, plf.getTextPaint()); 

그리고 마지막으로, 당신의 활동에 새로운 조각 사용 :

MyLineAndPointFormatter format = new MyLineAndPointFormatter(); 
plot.addSeries(series, format); 

다음은 SimpleXYPlot 예와 함께 사용했을 때의 모습입니다.

enter image description here

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