에서 전체 출석을 확인하면 직원의 급여는 작업 표 출석을 기준으로합니다. 그래서 가능하게하기 위해, 나는 payroll.py 에서 openerp (7) 코드를 정확하게 변경했습니다. 미리보기 코드는 "contract.working_hours"를 기반으로합니다. 시간은 총 시간이 걸리고 pyaslip.number_of_hours에 넣습니다.근로자 사회의 출퇴근 시간 기록 용지
def get_worked_day_lines(self, cr, uid, contract_ids, date_from, date_to, context=None):
@param contract_ids: list of contract id
@return: returns a list of dict containing the input that should be applied for the given contract between date_from and date_to
def was_on_leave(employee_id, datetime_day, context=None):
res = False
day = datetime_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
holiday_ids = self.pool.get('hr.holidays').search(cr, uid, [('state','=','validate'),('employee_id','=',employee_id),('type','=','remove'),('date_from','<=',day),('date_to','>=',day)])
if holiday_ids:
res = self.pool.get('hr.holidays').browse(cr, uid, holiday_ids, context=context)[0].holiday_status_id.name
return res
res = []
for contract in self.pool.get('hr.contract').browse(cr, uid, contract_ids, context=context):
if not contract.working_hours:
#fill only if the contract as a working schedule linked
attendances = {
'name': _("Normal Working Days paid at 100%"),
'sequence': 1,
'code': 'WORK100',
'number_of_days': 0.0,
'number_of_hours': 0.0,
'contract_id': contract.id,
leaves = {}
day_from = datetime.strptime(date_from,"%Y-%m-%d")
day_to = datetime.strptime(date_to,"%Y-%m-%d")
nb_of_days = (day_to - day_from).days + 1
for day in range(0, nb_of_days):
working_hours_on_day = self.pool.get('resource.calendar').working_hours_on_day(cr, uid, contract.working_hours, day_from + timedelta(days=day), context)
if working_hours_on_day:
#the employee had to work
leave_type = was_on_leave(contract.employee_id.id, day_from + timedelta(days=day), context=context)
if leave_type:
#if he was on leave, fill the leaves dict
if leave_type in leaves:
leaves[leave_type]['number_of_days'] += 1.0
leaves[leave_type]['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day
leaves[leave_type] = {
'name': leave_type,
'sequence': 5,
'code': leave_type,
'number_of_days': 1.0,
'number_of_hours': working_hours_on_day,
'contract_id': contract.id,
#add the input vals to tmp (increment if existing)
attendances['number_of_days'] += 1.0
attendances['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day
leaves = [value for key,value in leaves.items()]
res += [attendances] + leaves
return res
I'v 검색하고 모델을 검색하고, 제가하고 싶은 것은 작업 표에서 총을 어디에 hr_timeshet.employee_id = payslip.employee_id
def get_worked_day_lines(self, cr, uid, employee_id, date_from, date_to, context=None):
res = []
for sheet in self.pool.get('hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet').search(cr,uid, [('state','=','confirm'),('employee_id','=',employee_id)]):
if not sheet:
attendances = {
'name': _("Normal Working Days paid at 100%"),
'sequence': 1,
'code': 'WORK100',
'number_of_days': 0.0,
'number_of_hours': 0.0,
#'contract_id': contract.id,
leaves = {}
day_from = datetime.strptime(date_from,"%Y-%m-%d")
day_to = datetime.strptime(date_to,"%Y-%m-%d")
nb_of_days = (day_to - day_from).days + 1
for day in range(0, nb_of_days):
if sheet:
attendances['number_of_days'] += 1.0
attendances['code'] = sheet.total_attendance
정말 얻을 수있다하는 방법에 대한 researche을하고
사전에 감사해야합니다. 오류 :
Invalid value hr.employee(1,) in domain term ('employee_id', '=', hr.employee(1,))
감사합니다. @Dayana하지만 다른 오류가 있습니다. 'int'객체에 'total_attendance'속성이 없습니다. – imad
내 대답을 편집했습니다 – Dayana
감사합니다. 한 달 후에 방금 국가 문제를 해결해 주셔서 감사합니다. – imad