2013-05-24 3 views

내 응용 프로그램에서는 세 구성 요소 (요일, 시간 및 분)가 포함 된 사용자 지정 UIPickerView을 만들려고합니다. 세 가지 구성 요소로 이미 사용자 지정 선택 도구를 만들었습니다. 그리고 이제 선택 표시기에 레이블을 추가하여 일, 시간 또는 분 동안 어떤 구성 요소인지를 보여줍니다.선택 표시기에 레이블을 표시하는 3 개의 구성 요소가있는 사용자 지정 UIPickerView

나는이 사이트에 게시 된 모든 링크 또는 질문을 이미 통과했지만 아무도 나를 도왔습니다.

나는이 이미지

Real timer

하나는 내가 이것을 달성 할 수있는 방법 저를 제안 할 수 같은 것을 구현하려고?


내 대답을 참조하십시오 나는이 코드를 사용하여 동일한 문제를 만들었습니다. – Rushabh



그게 전부가 .... 내가 발견 된 일부 코드의 도움으로 내 사용자 정의 PickerView을 만들었에 희망이 도움이

.H 파일에서 :

// LabeledPickerView.h 
// LabeledPickerView 

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 

@interface LabeledPickerView : UIPickerView 

    NSMutableDictionary *labels; 

/** Adds the label for the given component. */ 
-(void)addLabel:(NSString *)labeltext forComponent:(NSUInteger)component forLongestString:(NSString *)longestString; 

과하는 .m 파일에서


// LabeledPickerView.m 
// LabeledPickerView 

#import "LabeledPickerView.h" 

@implementation LabeledPickerView 

/** loading programmatically */ 
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect { 
    if (self = [super initWithFrame:aRect]) { 
     labels = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3]; 
    return self; 

/** loading from nib */ 
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { 
    if (self = [super initWithCoder:coder]) { 
     labels = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3]; 
    return self; 

- (void) dealloc 
    [labels release]; 
    [super dealloc]; 

#pragma mark Labels 

// Add labelText to our array but also add what will be the longest label we will use in updateLabel 
// If you do not plan to update label then the longestString should be the same as the labelText 
// This way we can initially size our label to the longest width and we get the same effect Apple uses 

-(void)addLabel:(NSString *)labeltext forComponent:(NSUInteger)component forLongestString:(NSString *)longestString { 
    [labels setObject:labeltext forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:component]]; 

    NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", @"longestString", [NSNumber numberWithInt:component]]; 

    if(!longestString) { 
     longestString = labeltext; 

    [labels setObject:longestString forKey:keyName]; 

- (void) updateLabel:(NSString *)labeltext forComponent:(NSUInteger)component { 

    UILabel *theLabel = (UILabel*)[self viewWithTag:component + 1]; 

    // Update label if it doesn’t match current label 
    if (![theLabel.text isEqualToString:labeltext]) { 

     NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", @"longestString", [NSNumber numberWithInt:component]]; 
     NSString *longestString = [labels objectForKey:keyName]; 

     // Update label array with our new string value 
     [self addLabel:labeltext forComponent:component forLongestString:longestString]; 

     // change label during fade out/in 
     [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; 
     [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.75]; 
     [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; 
     theLabel.alpha = 0.00; 
     theLabel.text = labeltext; 
     theLabel.alpha = 1.00; 
     [UIView commitAnimations]; 


Adds the labels to the view, below the selection indicator glass-thingy. 
The labels are aligned to the right side of the wheel. 
The delegate is responsible for providing enough width for both the value and the label. 
- (void)didMoveToWindow { 
    // exit if view is removed from the window or there are no labels. 
    if (!self.window || [labels count] == 0) 

    UIFont *labelfont = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15]; 

    // find the width of all the wheels combined 
    CGFloat widthofwheels = 0; 
    for (int i=0; i<self.numberOfComponents; i++) { 
     widthofwheels += [self rowSizeForComponent:i].width; 

    // find the left side of the first wheel. 
    // seems like a misnomer, but that will soon be corrected. 
    CGFloat rightsideofwheel = (self.frame.size.width - widthofwheels)/2; 

    // cycle through all wheels 
    for (int component=0; component<self.numberOfComponents; component++) { 
     // find the right side of the wheel 
     rightsideofwheel += [self rowSizeForComponent:component].width; 

     // get the text for the label. 
     // move on to the next if there is no label for this wheel. 
     NSString *text = [labels objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:component]]; 
     if (text) { 

      // set up the frame for the label using our longestString length 
      NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", [NSString stringWithString:@"longestString"], [NSNumber numberWithInt:component]]; 
      NSString *longestString = [labels objectForKey:keyName]; 
      CGRect frame; 
      frame.size = [longestString sizeWithFont:labelfont]; 

      // center it vertically 
      frame.origin.y = (self.frame.size.height/2) - (frame.size.height/2) - 0.5; 

      // align it to the right side of the wheel, with a margin. 
      // use a smaller margin for the rightmost wheel. 
      frame.origin.x = rightsideofwheel - frame.size.width - 
      (component == self.numberOfComponents - 1 ? 5 : 7); 

      // set up the label. If label already exists, just get a reference to it 
      BOOL addlabelView = NO; 
      UILabel *label = (UILabel*)[self viewWithTag:component + 1]; 
      if(!label) { 
       label = [[[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease]; 
       addlabelView = YES; 

      label.text = text; 
      label.font = labelfont; 
      label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; 
      label.shadowColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; 
      label.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0,1); 

      // Tag cannot be 0 so just increment component number to esnure we get a positive 
      // NB update/remove Label methods are aware of this incrementation! 
      label.tag = component + 1; 

      if(addlabelView) { 
       and now for the tricky bit: adding the label to the view. 
       kind of a hack to be honest, might stop working if Apple decides to 
       change the inner workings of the UIPickerView. 
       if (self.showsSelectionIndicator) { 
        // if this is the last wheel, add label as the third view from the top 
        if (component==self.numberOfComponents-1) 
         [self insertSubview:label atIndex:[self.subviews count]-3]; 
        // otherwise add label as the 5th, 10th, 15th etc view from the top 
         [self insertSubview:label aboveSubview:[self.subviews objectAtIndex:5*(component+1)]]; 
       } else 
        // there is no selection indicator, so just add it to the top 
        [self addSubview:label]; 


      if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:)]) 
       [self.delegate pickerView:self didSelectRow:[self selectedRowInComponent:component] inComponent:component]; 



라벨 텍스트 및 구성 요소 태그가있는이 addLabel : 메소드를 호출하면됩니다. !!


은 ios 7과 함께 "이 행에 대한"바운드 문제 "색인이 있습니다."[self.subSubview : label aboveSubview : [self.subviews objectAtIndex : 5 * 1)]]; " –


http://blog.nottoobadsoftware.com/2009/03/29/a-uipickerview-with-labels/ –


@ZuzooVn에서 복사하여 붙여 넣은 것처럼 보입니다. 해당 줄과 If 조건을 제거하십시오. – Ajay


사용자 지정 UIPickerView 컨트롤의 소스 코드를 다운로드하십시오.

Custom UiPickerView.

... 당신 : 내가 이것을 달성하는 방법