#! python3
import pyautogui
import time
pyautogui.screenshot('first.png') #take a SS of my entire screen
check = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('first.png') # set the value of check to center of screen assuming it will be the same as the SS...it will
print(check) #(960, 540) is the center of my screen and is stored in check
while True: #inf loop
pyautogui.screenshot('Test.png') #take a second Screenshot
idleout = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('Test.png') #set the value of idleout with the center of test.jpg
print(idleout) #(960, 540) is the center suprised??
if idleout != check: #idleout != (960, 540) then this should happen
pyautogui.press('space') #space is never pressed or any action taken ive even tried with print("hello")
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그게 다행 인 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다! – AetherUnbound