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<div>This is Heading1 Text</div><div>This is a regular paragraph with the default style of Normal. This is a regular paragraph with the default style of Normal. This is a regular paragraph with the default style of Normal. This is a regular paragraph with the default style of Normal. This is a regular paragraph with the default style of Normal.</div><div>This is a Defined Block Style Called BlockStyleTest</div><div>This is more Normal text.</div><div>This is Heading 2 text</div><div>This is more Normal text. This is bold, this is italic, and this is bold italic. This is normal. This is in a defined inline style called InlineStyle. This is normal. This is red text. This is normal.</div><div>This block is centered.</div><div>This is left-aligned.</div><div> First item of bulleted list.</div><div> Second item of bulleted list.</div><div>Second paragraph of second item of bulleted list.</div><div> Third item of bulleted list.</div><div>o First item of third item’s nested list</div><div>o Second item of third item’s nested list</div><div> Fourth and final item of main bulleted list.</div><div>This is Normal text.</div><div>1. First item of numbered list.</div><div>2. Second item of numbered list.</div><div>Second paragraph of second item of numbered list.</div><div>3. Third item of numbered list.</div><div>Here is a BMP picture:</div><div>Here is a JPEG picture:</div><div>Here is a PNG picture:</div><div>Here is a table:</div><div>New York Boston Detroit</div><div>Baseball Mets Yankees Red Sox Tigers</div><div>Hockey Rangers Islanders Bruins Red Wings</div><div>Football Giants Jets Patriots Lions</div><div>Here is an embedded Excel spreadsheet:</div><div>pre- post- pre- postdogs</div><div>1234.43 0.33 354.30 777.00</div><div>cats 432.00 -432.20 654.45 333.00</div><div>turkeys 3.30 4.66 34.65 132.10</div><div>fish 52.55 55.33 37.88 31.50</div><div>total 1722.28 -371.88 1081.28 1273.60</div><div>2001 2002</div><div></div><div>This is more Underlined text.</div><div>This is more Strikethrough text.</div><div>Test superscript text. This is superscript texts.</div><div>Test subscript text. This is subscript texts.</div><div>Here are some special characters -!”&’(*)+’./:;?_ÈÓ 12\</div><div>This concludes our test.</div>
귀하의 질문은 여기 저기에 있습니다. 무엇보다도 PDF에서 복사되는 내용. 둘째, PDF 문서를 복사 한 다음 Summernote, Google 문서 도구 등에 붙여 넣을 때 PDF 문서의 복사 된 선택 영역에있는 HTML 태그 (또는 다른 '서식')를 잃어 버리는 경우를 명시하고 있습니까? ? 셋째, 클립 보드를 확인한 것은 실제 클립 보드 데이터입니까, 아니면 Word에 붙여 넣은 것입니까? –
혼란을 드려 죄송합니다. 1. 테이블, 헤더, 색칠 된 텍스트 등 2. 예 3. 자바 스크립트를 통해 액세스하는 실제 클립 보드를 의미합니다 (e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData ('text/plain')) – anoj