최신 django-piston 0.2.3rc1을 사용합니다 (단, 필요할 경우 다운 그레이드 할 수 있음). GET 요청에 대한 결과관련 객체 데이터 대신 장고 피스톤 레스트 출력에서 외래 키를 표시하는 방법
class MaintenanceHandler(CsrfExemptBaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE')
anonymous = is_anonymous = True
model = Maintenance
fields = ('maintenance_id', 'maintenance_client', 'maintenance_house', 'maintenance_type', 'maintenance_tariff', 'maintenance_date', 'maintenance_active')
exclude =()
def read(self, request, id=None):
base = Maintenance.objects
if id:
return base.get(pk=id)
result = base
filters_list = simplejson.loads(request.GET.get('filter', ''))
for item in filters_list:
if item['property'] == u'maintenanceActive':
result = result.filter(maintenance_active__exact=item['value'])
if item['property'] == u'maintenanceClient':
result = result.filter(maintenance_client__exact=item['value'])
if item['property'] == u'maintenanceType':
result = result.filter(maintenance_type__exact=item['value'])
if item['property'] == u'maintenanceTariff':
result = result.filter(maintenance_tariff__exact=item['value'])
except: # если фильтров нет или какая-нибудь ошибка
result = base.all()
if 'result' not in locals(): # если фильтр есть, но ничего не применилось (пустой или не те)
result = base.all()
if 'start' in request.GET or 'limit' in request.GET:
start = request.GET.get('start', 0)
limit = request.GET.get('limit', 1)
result = result[start:limit]
return result
(/ API/유지 보수 예를 들어,/8) 난을 참조하십시오
"message": "Something good happened on the server!",
"data": {
"maintenance_type": 1,
"maintenance_tariff": 13,
"maintenance_active": true,
"maintenance_date": "2011-09-20 00:00:00",
"maintenance_house": 3,
"maintenance_id": 8,
"maintenance_client": 875,
"success": true
는 그래서 그래, 그것은 좋은 기능입니다 :
"message": "Something good happened on the server!",
"data": {
"maintenance_type": {
"type_name": "домофон",
"type_active": true,
"type_id": 1
"maintenance_tariff": {
"tariff_id": 13,
"tariff_type": {
"type_name": "домофон",
"type_active": true,
"type_id": 1
"tariff_name": "домофон 1",
"tariff_value": "435.00",
"tariff_active": true
"maintenance_active": true,
"maintenance_date": "2011-09-20 00:00:00",
"maintenance_house": {
"house_street": "dasdasd",
"house_id": 3,
"house_number": 3,
"house_housing": 3,
"house_active": true,
"house_building": 3,
"house_district": "sdsadas"
"maintenance_id": 8,
"maintenance_client": {
"client_contract_number": "PO77189393_7534",
"client_chief_accountant": "Gerrit",
"client_name": "Adrian66777",
"client_commission": "3558.00",
"client_chairman": "Scottie",
"client_active": true,
"client_debt": "530.00",
"client_contract_date": "2011-06-06",
"client_id": 875,
"client_comments": "5820",
"client_contract_index": "PO84741558_9604",
"client_manager": "Florian",
"client_contact": "9 Elm Waterford Drive"
"success": true
내가 볼 것으로 예상 하지만 내 경우에는 (ExtJS와 Django 통합) 외래 키만 필요합니다. 관련 객체에 대한 데이터를 외래 키로 대체하는 방법은 무엇입니까?