2016-07-14 11 views

중첩 POJO를 CSV로로드하려고했습니다. 내가 할 수없는 어떤 오류 때문에 나는 그것을 가능하게 만들었다.슈퍼 CSV로 중첩 된 POJO를 읽는 중

아래 코드를 찾으십시오. 아래의 Person 클래스는 두 개의 POJO 필드 주소와 attribs

public class Person 
    public String   firstname; 
    public String   lastname; 
    public PersonAttribute attribs; 
    public Address   address; 
    //Getters and setters 

PersonAttribute class 

    public int height; 
    public int weight; 
    //Getters and setters 

주소 클래스를 포함

public class Address 
    public String  city; 
    public String  zipCode; 
    public GeoLocation geoLocation; 

// getter 및 setter }

인 GeoLocation

public class GeoLocation 
    private String latitude; 
    private String longitude; 

// 게터와 세터 }

이제 CSV 및 Person 클래스를 읽으려고합니다. 나는 그것을 작동하게 할 수 없다. 여기에 내가 스레드 "기본"org.dozer.MappingException에 아래의 오류 예외를 얻고있다

public class ReadWithCsvDozerBeanReader 

    private static final String  CSV      = "firstname, lastname, height, weight, city,zipcode,latitude,longitude\n" 
     + "bill,smith,180,200,ABC,123,48.8525525,2.3417763\n" + "james,smith,192,250,DEF,456,48.852129,2.3355093"; 

    private static final int   ATT_START_INDEX   = 2; 

    private static final int   ADDRESS_START_INDEX  = 4; 

    private static final int   GEO_LOCATION_START_INDEX = 6; 

    // custom preferences required because CSV contains spaces that aren't part 
    // of the data 
    private static final CsvPreference PREFS     = new CsvPreference.Builder(

    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException 
     readWithCsvDozerBeanReader(new StringReader(CSV)); 


    private static void readWithCsvDozerBeanReader (final Reader reader) throws IOException 
     ICsvDozerBeanReader beanReader = null; 
      beanReader = new CsvDozerBeanReader(reader, PREFS); 

      final String[] header = beanReader.getHeader(true); 

      // set up the field mapping, processors and hints dynamically 
      final String[] fieldMapping = new String[header.length]; 
      final CellProcessor[] processors = new CellProcessor[header.length]; 
      final Class<?>[] hintTypes = new Class<?>[header.length]; 
      for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) 
       if (i < ATT_START_INDEX) 
        // normal mappings 
        fieldMapping[i] = header[i]; 
        processors[i] = new NotNull(); 
        hintTypes[i] = Person.class; 
       else if (i < ADDRESS_START_INDEX) 
        // attribute mappings 
        fieldMapping[i] = header[i]; 
        processors[i] = new NotNull(); 
        hintTypes[i] = PersonAttribute.class; 
       else if (i < GEO_LOCATION_START_INDEX) 

        // Address mappings 
        fieldMapping[i] = header[i]; 
        hintTypes[i] = Address.class; 

        fieldMapping[i] = header[i]; 
        hintTypes[i] = GeoLocation.class; 


      beanReader.configureBeanMapping(Person.class, fieldMapping, hintTypes); 

      Person person; 
      while ((person = beanReader.read(Person.class, processors)) != null) 
       System.out.println(String.format("lineNo=%s, rowNo=%s, person=%s", beanReader.getLineNumber(), 
         beanReader.getRowNumber(), person)); 

      if (beanReader != null) 


내 코드는 다음과 같습니다 없음 읽거나 내가 그것을 가지고



클래스 필드 (높이) 찾을 방법을 쓰기 일하다. 문제는 필드 매핑에있었습니다.

private static void readWithCsvDozerBeanReader (final Reader reader) throws IOException 
    ICsvDozerBeanReader beanReader = null; 
     beanReader = new CsvDozerBeanReader(reader, PREFS); 

     final String[] header = beanReader.getHeader(true); 

     // set up the field mapping, processors and hints dynamically 
     final String[] fieldMapping = new String[header.length]; 
     final CellProcessor[] processors = new CellProcessor[header.length]; 
     final Class<?>[] hintTypes = new Class<?>[header.length]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) 
      fieldMapping[i] = header[i]; 
      if (header[i].equals("firstname")) 
       processors[i] = new NotNull(); 
      if (header[i].equals("height") || header[i].equals("weight")) 
       processors[i] = new ParseInt(); 

     beanReader.configureBeanMapping(Person.class, fieldMapping, hintTypes); 

     Person person; 
     while ((person = beanReader.read(Person.class, processors)) != null) 
      System.out.println(String.format("lineNo=%s, rowNo=%s, person=%s", beanReader.getLineNumber(), 
        beanReader.getRowNumber(), person)); 

     if (beanReader != null) 