함수를 호출하면 헤드 포인터가 항상 주 기능의 마지막 입력 값 으로 재설정됩니다. 나는 그것을 이해할 수 없다. I 다른 테스트 파일에서 연결된 목록 로직을 복제했으며 단지 의 성능을 보였습니다. 나는 또한 main
에서 이 호출되는 다른 클래스 드라이브 파일에서 비슷한 연결 목록을 시도했다. 이 테스트의 유일한 차이점은 메인에서 클래스로 전달 된 값이 없다는 것입니다.연결할 링크 목록을 가져올 수 없습니다.
숙제를 할당 할 때이 방법으로 프로그램을 추상화해야합니다.
#include "emaillist.h"
using namespace std;
email::email() //Default constructor
head = NULL;
tail = temp = current = head;
kwhead = NULL;
kwtail = NULL;
kwcurrent = NULL;
kwreference = NULL;
email::~email() //Destructor
delete head->;
delete head->emailm.time;
delete head->emailm.from_address;
delete head->emailm.to_address;
delete head->emailm.subject_title;
delete head->emailm.body;
delete head;
delete kwhead;
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
temp = NULL;
current = NULL;
kwhead = NULL;
kwtail = NULL;
kwcurrent = NULL;
kwreference = NULL;
int email::Load_from_file(char emailfilename[])
head = new email_node;
head-> = new char[50];
head->emailm.time = new char[50];
head->emailm.from_address = new char[100];
head->emailm.to_address = new char[100];
head->emailm.subject_title = new char[100];
head->emailm.body = new char [300];
return 0;
void email::Get_keywords(char *&userkwptr)
kwnode *kwtemp = 0;
kwtemp = new kwnode;
kwtemp->keywordptr = new char[76];
kwtemp->keywordptr = userkwptr;
kwtemp->next = 0;
cout << userkwptr << endl;
cout << "there was no kwhead." << endl;
kwhead = kwtemp;
kwcurrent = kwtemp;
kwtail = kwtemp;
cout << "headpointer value only" << kwhead->keywordptr << endl;
cout << "there was a kwhead." << endl;
kwcurrent->keywordptr = userkwptr;
kwcurrent->next = kwtemp;
kwcurrent = kwtemp;
kwtail = kwtemp;
cout << "The head pointer value is what? " << kwhead->keywordptr << endl;
cout << "the keyword pointer is this " << kwcurrent->keywordptr << endl;
나는이 문제를 해결할 수있는 방법
#include "emaillist.h"
using namespace std;
void Welcome_mess();
int Menu();
void Read_all_emails();
void Welcome_mess()
cout << "The purpose of this program is to have the user entere in a list" << endl;
cout << "of words to use as search items to a body of emails stored in a " << endl;
cout << "separate file. The program will then sort the words the user wants" << endl;
cout << "which contain the users keywords" << endl << endl;
int Menu(email &firstsearch)
return 0;
int main()
email firstsearch;
char *userkwptr;
userkwptr = new char[76];
char *filename;
filename = new char[76];
filename = "emails.txt";
int menuchoice = 13;
int wordlength = 0;
while(menuchoice != 6)
cout << "Menu" << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter one of the corresponding chocies." << endl << endl;
cout << "1 = Enter Keywords" << endl;
cout << "2 = Display Keywords." << endl;
cout << "3 = Search for junk e mails." << endl;
cout << "4 = LOAD all of the junk e mails and display them
in sequential order by date." << endl;
cout << "6 = Exit the program" << endl;
cin >> menuchoice;
cout << endl;
case 1:
cout << "Please enter your first keyword." << endl;
cin.getline(userkwptr, 75, '\n');
wordlength = strlen(userkwptr);
while(wordlength != 0)
cout << "Please enter your next keyword." << endl;
cin.getline(userkwptr, 75, '\n');
wordlength = strlen(userkwptr);
menuchoice = 0;
case 2:
menuchoice = 0;
case 3:
menuchoice = 0;
case 4:
menuchoice = 0;
case 6:
cout << "You have successfully exited the Menu." << endl;
menuchoice = 6;
return 0;
cout << "There was an error with the menu" << endl;
cout << "Please see the tutor." << endl;
return menuchoice;
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;
void email::Display_keywords()
cout << "testing 1, 2, 3, testing " << kwhead->keywordptr << endl;
kwcurrent = kwhead;
while(kwcurrent->next != NULL)
cout << kwcurrent->keywordptr << endl;
kwcurrent = kwcurrent->next;
kwcurrent = kwhead;
int email::Find_junk_email()
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct email_data
char *date;
char *time;
char *from_address;
char *to_address;
char *subject_title;
char *body;
struct email_node
email_data emailm;
email_node *next;
struct kwnode
char *keywordptr;
kwnode *next;
class email
int Load_from_file(char emailfilename[]);
void Get_keywords(char *&userkwptr);
void Display_keywords();
int Find_junk_email();
email_node *head;
email_node *tail;
email_node *temp;
email_node *current;
kwnode *kwhead;
kwnode *kwtail;
kwnode *kwcurrent;
kwnode *kwreference;
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