2012-04-14 4 views

을 반환합니다. -(void)registerUser 메서드에서 2 개의 UITextField와 Ok 버튼이있는 모달 뷰를 제공합니다.UITextField canBecomeFirstResponder는 NO

UITextFields를 채운 다음 Ok 버튼을 눌러 위임 메서드 -(void)AEMUserRegistrationVCUserName:(NSString *)un password:(NSString *)pw을 호출하여 서버에 연결하는 데이터를 확인합니다.

대답이 -(void)request:(RKRequest *)request didLoadResponse:(RKResponse *)response에 도착하면 데이터가 잘못되었을 경우 self.userRegistrationVC.userName becomeFirstResponder]으로 UITextfield에 포커스를 설정하려고하지만 포커스를 얻지 못합니다.

나는 [self.userRegistrationVC.userName canBecomeFirstResponder]을 확인했으며, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 문서를 반환한다는 것을 나타내는 NO가 반환됩니다.

내 코드는 참고로 여기에 있습니다 :

참고 :

self.userNameselfPassword이 NSStrings. self.userRegistrationVC은 UIViewController입니다. self.userRegistrationVC.userNameself.userRegistrationVC.password은 UITextfields입니다.

    //Recuperar el nombre de usuario 
    self.userName = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kNombreUsuario]; 
    if (!self.userName) { 
     //No hay nombre de usuario, el usuario nunca ha registrado la aplicación. 
     if (!self.userRegistrationVC) { 
      //Solicitar datos de registro 
      self.userRegistrationVC = [[AEMUserRegistrationViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AEMUserRegistrationViewController" bundle:nil]; 
     self.userRegistrationVC.delegate = self; 
     [self.viewControllerToPresentModalView presentModalViewController:self.userRegistrationVC animated:YES]; 

    //Recuperar la contraseña 
    NSError *error; 
    self.password = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:self.userName andServiceName:kServiceName error:&error]; 
    if (!self.password) { 
     //No hay contraseña. La contraseña se ha perdido. 
     if (!self.userRegistrationVC) { 
      //Solicitar datos de registro 
      self.userRegistrationVC = [[AEMUserRegistrationViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AEMUserRegistrationViewController" bundle:nil]; 
     self.userRegistrationVC.delegate = self; 
     [self.viewControllerToPresentModalView presentModalViewController:self.userRegistrationVC animated:YES]; 

    //Los datos del usuario existen 
    //Verificar el registro 
    [self.client get:kConfirmUsuario 
     queryParams:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.userName, self.password, nil] 
               forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:kNombreUsuario, kPassword, nil]] 

-(void)AEMUserRegistrationVCUserName:(NSString *)un password:(NSString *)pw 
    //El usuario ha introducido datos de registro 
    //Realizar el registro 
    self.userName = un; 
    self.password = pw; 
    [self.client get:kCreateUsuario 
     queryParams:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.userName, self.password, nil] 
               forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:kNombreUsuario, kPassword, nil]] 

    //No hacer dismiss ahora esperar a verificar el registro 

-(void)request:(RKRequest *)request didLoadResponse:(RKResponse *)response 
    //Puede responder a createUsuario o a confirmUsuario 
    //En ambos casos el error impide registrar al usuario y ejecutar el programa 
    BOOL isRequestCreateUser; 
    NSRange aRange = [request.resourcePath rangeOfString:kCreateUsuario]; 
    if (aRange.location != NSNotFound) { 
     //The request was to create a user 
     isRequestCreateUser = YES; 
    } else { 
     //The request was to check a user 
     isRequestCreateUser = NO; 

    if (response.isConflict) { 
     [self.userRegistrationVC.userNameError setHidden:NO]; 
     if ([self.userRegistrationVC.password canResignFirstResponder]) { 
      NSLog(@"SI"); //This return NO 
     if ([self.userRegistrationVC canBecomeFirstResponder]) { 
      NSLog(@"SI"); //This returns NO   
     [self.userRegistrationVC.userName becomeFirstResponder]; 

    if (response.isServerError) { 
     [self.userRegistrationVC.userNameError setHidden:NO]; 
     [self.userRegistrationVC.userName becomeFirstResponder];     

    if (response.isOK) { 

     //Retirar la pantalla de registro de usuario 
     [self.viewControllerToPresentModalView dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; 

     //Si la peticion fue crear un usuario 
     if (isRequestCreateUser) { 
      //Guardar el nombre de usuario en las preferencias del usuario 
      [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:self.userName forKey:kNombreUsuario];   
      //Guardar la contraseña en KeyChain 
      [SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:self.userName andPassword:self.password forServiceName:kServiceName updateExisting:YES error:nil]; 

     [self.delegate AEMUserRegistrationSucess]; 

통화의 순서는 다음과 같습니다

  • - (무효) registerUser
  • - (무효) AEMUserRegistrationVCUserName : (있는 NSString *)되지 않은 암호 (있는 NSString *) PW
  • - (void) 요청 : (RKRequest *) 요청 didLoadResponse : (RKResponse *) 응답

포럼 읽기 많은 질문에 [ UITextField becomeFirstResponder] 솔루션으로, 그래서 내가 뭔가 중요한 놓친거야, 그리고 그것을 작동하게 만들 수 없습니다.

문서에서는 canBecomeFirstResponder를 재정 의하여 YES를 반환 할 수 있다고하지만 UITextField 메서드를 재정의하려면 어떻게해야합니까? 이 일을해야합니까?
