또한 xstream에는 zip 연산자가 필요합니다. 그래서 나는 기존 운영자로부터 자신 만의 것을 만들었습니다. 그것은 지퍼 링을 위해 임의의 수의 스트림을 필요로합니다.
function zip(...streams) {
// Wrap the events on each stream with a label
// so that we can seperate them into buckets later.
const streamsLabeled = streams
.map((stream$, idx) => stream$.map(event => ({label: idx + 1, event: event})));
return (event$) => {
// Wrap the events on each stream with a label
// so that we can seperate them into buckets later.
const eventLabeled$ = event$.map(event => ({label: 0, event: event}));
const labeledStreams = [eventLabeled$, ...streamsLabeled];
// Create the buckets used to store stream events
const buckets = labeledStreams.map((stream, idx) => idx)
.reduce((buckets, label) => ({...buckets, [label]: []}), {});
// Initial value for the fold operation
const accumulator = {buckets, tuple: []};
// Merge all the streams together and accumulate them
return xs.merge(...labeledStreams).fold((acc, event) => {
// Buffer the events into seperate buckets
// Does the first value of all the buckets have something in it?
// If so, then there is a complete tuple.
const tupleComplete = Object.keys(acc.buckets)
.map(key => acc.buckets[key][0])
.reduce((hadValue, value) => value !== undefined
? true && hadValue
: false && hadValue,
// Save completed tuple and remove it from the buckets
if (tupleComplete) {
acc.tuple = [...Object.keys(acc.buckets).map(key => acc.buckets[key][0].event)];
Object.keys(acc.buckets).map(key => acc.buckets[key].shift());
} else {
// Clear tuple since all columns weren't filled
acc.tuple = [];
return {...acc};
}, accumulator)
// Only emit when we have a complete tuple
.filter(buffer => buffer.tuple.length !== 0)
// Just return the complete tuple
.map(buffer => buffer.tuple);
작성과 함께 사용할 수 있습니다.
foo$.compose(zip(bar$)).map(([foo, bar]) => doSomething(foo, bar))