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아니요, 작성 (API v41.0) 할 때 Salesforce에는 YAML을 만들거나 구문 분석 할 수있는 기본 제공 기능이 없습니다. 즉, 자신 만의 빌드 (또는 Java와 같은 다른 언어의 기존 언어를 Apex에 적용)해야합니다.
범용 파서 (유효한 YAML을 처리 할 수있는 것)를 찾고 있지 않으며 변경하려는 데이터의 형식을 기대하지 않으면 도메인 별 파서를 작성해야합니다. 너무 많은 일이 아니야.
내가 XML로 작업 할 때, 나는받는 스키마를 개별 apex 클래스로 분해하고 각각의 구문 분석 메소드를 작성하는 것을 좋아한다. 이렇게하면 파서를 관리하기가 쉽습니다. 유사한 접근법이 YAML로 취해질 수 있습니다.
// Yes, the need for this BookCollection object is debatable (it's mainly just storing
// a List).
// Encapsulating the parsing makes it worth being made into a class (in my mind).
public class BookCollection{
// The class variables for each level mimic the data stored on each level
// of the schema of your incoming data.
// This will become more apparent later.
public List<Book> item;
public BookCollection(String input){
item = new List<Book>();
// At this level, all we're concerned about is finding the individual books.
// Once we find a book, we pass it down to the next level of parsing (and
// add the result to our list)
// YAML uses whitespace to denote structure, so we need to take that into
// account when splitting.
// The regex here looks for two spaces, a hyphen, one space, a newline.
// Everything after that (up to the next ' - \n' or EOF) is book data.
// String.split() will return 'item:' as the first part.
// That isn't part of the data for a book, so we'll want to remove that.
List<String> bookStringsList = input.split(' - \n');
for(String bookString :bookStringsList){
Book currentBook = new Book(bookString);
public class Book{
// Now it should be more apparent that we're mimicking the structure of the
// incoming data.
String title;
String author;
String author_by_last;
String isbn;
String publisher;
Integer on_hand;
Date in_pub_date;
public Book(String input){
// On this level of parsing, we have actual data to work with.
// Our job here is to find all of the key:value pairs, and cast them to
// their appropriate types.
for(String keyAndValue :input.split(' \n')){
String key, value;
List<String> kvSplit = keyAndValue.split(':');
key = kvSplit[0];
// Double quotes are likely to mess things up, so remove them.
value = kvSplit[1].replace('"', '');
// There's probably a more elegant way to handle this than a big 'ol
// if/else if chain...but this'll work
if(key == 'title'){
this.title = value;
} else if(key == 'author'){
this.author = value;
} else if(key == 'author_by_last'){
this.author_by_last = value;
} else if(key == 'isbn'){
this.isbn = value;
} else if(key == 'publisher'){
this.publisher = value;
} else if(key == 'on_hand'){
// String -> Integer is pretty easy, we can use Integer.valueOf()
this.on_hand = Integer.valueOf(value);
} else if(key == 'in_pub_date'){
// Dates are a bit tricky.
// Salesforce wants them in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format, or the format
// used in your locale (for parse() or valueOf()).
// Given our data, it's easiest to simply generate a new date instance
List<String> dateParts = value.split('-');
this.in_pub_date = Date.newInstance(dateParts[0], dateParts[1], dateParts[2]);
이러한 클래스를 사용하는 것은 매우 간단합니다. 그러나 일부 추가 설정이 필요합니다.
// Your YAML, from some source
String myYAML = blackBox.getData();
// Break up your YAML's documents before attempting to parse each one.
List<String> documents = myYAML.split('---\n');
// The first result string will likely always be empty, so we can remove that.
// This is the simple case where we know we're only dealing with a single document.
// If you had multiple documents in a single YAML string, you would (hopefully)
// be able to tell which type of document you were working with (and you'd
// need additional logic to determine which parser class to send the data to).
BookCollection myBooks = new BookCollection(documents[0]);
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