2017-10-03 12 views

로그 인해 시작할 수 없습니다 :MySQL은 데이터베이스 손상

Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: Byte offset 0, len 16384, i/o type 10. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: If you get this error at mysqld startup, please check that Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: your my.cnf matches the ibdata files that you have in the Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: MySQL server. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: 2017-10-03 22:00:46 7fe26c4fd780 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 140610456508288 in file fil0fil.cc line 5601 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com . Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: InnoDB: about forcing recovery. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: 171003 22:00:46 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: something is definitely wrong and this may fail. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Server version: 10.0.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: key_buffer_size=16777216 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: read_buffer_size=131072 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: max_used_connections=0 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: max_threads=153 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: thread_count=0 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: It is possible that mysqld could use up to Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 352327 K bytes of memory Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Thread pointer: 0x0 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: terribly wrong... Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x30000 Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x3d)[0xc1d4ad] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x3bf)[0x7449df] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x11390)[0x7fe26b613390] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x38)[0x7fe26abe2428] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x16a)[0x7fe26abe402a] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xab1c8b] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa7a4ec] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa7b4f4] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa5f4c5] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa236e2] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa17fad] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa18b2d] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa1997e] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0xa03d28] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0x9364c5] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(_Z24ha_initialize_handlertonP13st_plugin_int+0x5e)[0x746ade] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0x5d7f15] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(_Z11plugin_initPiPPci+0x530)[0x5d8600] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld[0x528c13] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(_Z11mysqld_mainiPPc+0x570)[0x52ea30] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf0)[0x7fe26abcd830] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: /usr/sbin/mysqld(_start+0x29)[0x523f09] Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: The manual page at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/crashing.html contains Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld[4294]: information that should help you find out what is causing the crash. Oct 03 22:00:46 ip-172-31-3-124 mysqld_safe[4311]: mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid ended Oct 03 22:01:17 ip-172-31-3-124 /etc/init.d/mysql[4590]: 0 processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in Oct 03 22:01:17 ip-172-31-3-124 /etc/init.d/mysql[4590]: [61B blob data] Oct 03 22:01:17 ip-172-31-3-124 /etc/init.d/mysql[4590]: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")'

시스템은 우분투 16.04입니다.

나는 데이터베이스 파일을 백업하고 추가 :

[mysqld] innodb_force_recovery=6

을하고 난 아직도 MySQL의를 시작할 수 없습니다.

제안 사항?

MySQL은 자신의 페이지에서



: 그들은 위의 값을 사용하지 말 Forcing InnoDB recovery

3 때문에 :

If you are able to dump your tables with an innodb_force_recovery value of 3 or less, then you are relatively safe that only some data on corrupt individual pages is lost. A value of 4 or greater is considered dangerous because data files can be permanently corrupted. A value of 6 is considered drastic because database pages are left in an obsolete state, which in turn may introduce more corruption into B-trees and other database structures.

불행하게도, InnoDB에 대한 my.cnf 값이 문제가 저를 얻었다 무엇 인 (올바른 것 일단).

이 답변은 공식 답변이 아니지만 일부 주요 파일이 손상되기 전에 백업을 찾아야 할 수도 있습니다.

InnoDB 파일은 ISAM과 같지 않습니다. 테이블을 다시 만든 다음 가지고있는 복사본으로 파일을 덮어 쓸 수는 없습니다. 많은 정보가 주소 innodb_data_file_path에 보관 된 파일에 보관됩니다.

경우 innodb_file_per_table했고에는 백업은 다음 mysql을 "을 다시 설치"하고 데이터베이스를 재 작성하고 당신이 가지고있는 현재 파일 백업에서 테이블을 이동하고 회복이 절차를 사용 할 수도, 존재하지 않는다. 나는 이것을 한 번 사용했다.

InnoDB lost table but file exists