2016-07-27 3 views

프로그래밍에 매우 익숙하지 않으며 화합과 골판지를 사용하여 3D 보행 시선을 만들려고했습니다. 이제는 APK를 생성하여 휴대 전화로 전송하지만 슬프게도 화면이 열릴 때 약 1 초 동안 검정색으로 변한 다음 메뉴로 돌아갑니다. 필자는 Unity와 Android Studio의 최신 버전을 설치했습니다.Unity Plus는 One Plus 2에서 열리지 않습니다. Android

누구든지이 문제를 해결하기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?

07-27 16:34:54.911 9917-9930/? E/Unity: Unable to find libaudioplugingvrunity 
07-27 16:34:55.059 441-3879/? E/audio_hw_dolby: audio_extn_dolby_ds2_set_endpoint: Dolby set endpint :0x2 
07-27 16:34:55.275 9917-9930/? E/VrApiLoader: Oculus updates needed. 

               Instructions to receive new updates can be found at: 

               https://support.oculus.com under 'Samsung Gear VR - Oculus Software Update' 
07-27 16:34:55.276 9917-9930/? E/E:\tw\43ffd860e3c1b6c5\Software\OculusSDK\Integrations\Unity\Releases\si-1: VrApi initialization error. 
07-27 16:34:55.276 9917-9930/? E/EntryPoints: vrapi_GetVersionString was called before vrapi_Initialize()! 

               --------- beginning of crash 
07-27 16:34:55.276 9917-9930/? A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 9930 (UnityMain) 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447840820:user/release-keys' 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: Revision: '0' 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm' 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: pid: 9917, tid: 9930, name: UnityMain >>> com.kpm.Test <<< 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  r0 00000000 r1 000026ca r2 00000006 r3 f39bf978 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  r4 f39bf980 r5 f39bf930 r6 00000002 r7 0000010c 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  r8 f39bf55c r9 ecda6300 sl f08b7c58 fp f39bd28c 
07-27 16:34:55.343 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  ip 00000006 sp f39bd1e8 lr f703e145 pc f7040540 cpsr 400f0010 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG: backtrace: 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #00 pc 00042540 /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #01 pc 00040141 /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+32) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #02 pc 0001c79f /system/lib/libc.so (raise+10) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #03 pc 00019941 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_android_abort+34) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #04 pc 000174fc /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #05 pc 00003c04 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libvrapi.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #06 pc 000047ec /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libvrapi.so (vrapi_GetVersionString+16) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #07 pc 00066fe0 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libOVRPlugin.so (SystemActivities_CreateSystemActivityIntent+136) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #08 pc 00066cb0 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libOVRPlugin.so (SystemActivities_StartSystemActivity+160) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #09 pc 0006788c /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libOVRPlugin.so (SystemActivities_DisplayError+984) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #10 pc 00035c0c /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libOVRPlugin.so (_ZN3OVR4Util15CompositorVRAPI21SetupDistortionWindowEv+416) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #11 pc 0002e788 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libOVRPlugin.so (ovrp_SetupDistortionWindow+72) 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #12 pc 007a8418 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #13 pc 007a7c4c /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #14 pc 007a50b0 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #15 pc 007a494c /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #16 pc 00389188 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #17 pc 004d74cc /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #18 pc 004dc710 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/lib/arm/libunity.so 
07-27 16:34:55.349 9995-9995/? A/DEBUG:  #19 pc 0013bb11 /data/app/com.kpm.Test-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0xc8000) 
07-27 16:34:55.732 1407-1478/? E/JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! (parcel size = 68) 
07-27 16:34:55.735 1407-4059/? E/InputDispatcher: channel '6f6d2cd com.kpm.Test/com.google.unity.GoogleUnityActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 
07-27 16:34:55.740 435-1180/? E/FrameworkListener: read() failed (Connection reset by peer) 
07-27 16:34:56.804 1689-10020/? E/GmsUtils: Failed to connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 
07-27 16:36:48.535 10065-10085/? E/SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: mmsconfig 
07-27 16:36:48.539 10065-10085/? E/Babel_SMS: canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc nullnull 
07-27 16:36:55.808 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: wait_wake_up -4 2 
07-27 16:36:55.808 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home -4 2 
07-27 16:36:55.808 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_home -4 00 
07-27 16:36:55.808 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_identify 
07-27 16:36:55.860 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_identify status 0 
07-27 16:36:55.860 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_capture_image 
07-27 16:36:55.860 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_wait_finger_up 
07-27 16:36:56.017 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGER_LOST 
07-27 16:36:56.017 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_wait_finger_down enter --- 
07-27 16:36:56.017 489-4132/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: wait_wake_up 0 1 
07-27 16:36:56.120 489-4131/? E/fpc_fingerprint_hal: screenStateFunction screen OFF 0 
07-27 16:36:56.374 9489-9494/? E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Warning: Core control support not present for lock_min_cores on cluster 0 for this target 
07-27 16:36:56.374 9489-9494/? E/ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [4, 0] 
07-27 16:36:56.422 441-9884/? E/bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null 
07-27 16:36:56.423 1407-4068/? E/native: do suspend true 

빌드 설정 및 골판지 메인에 사용한 설정은 무엇입니까? – adityasinghraghav


https://github.com/googlevr/gvr-unity-sdk/issues/239 –


감사하지만 정말 저를 두려워하는 데 도움이되었습니다. 나는 오디오 스크립트 + 구성 요소를 끄는 시도했다. 나는 그들을 삭제하려고했지만 아무것도 도움이되지 않았다. – Cheezy



Android 용 장면을 제작할 때는 플레이어 설정을 변경해야합니다. "기타 설정 탭"의 "VR 지원"을 선택 취소하십시오.