2017-10-23 11 views

아래 코드를 실행하면 그 이유를 알 수 없는데 다음과 같은 오류 메시지가 나타납니다. 이 코드는 체인화 된 두 개의 CTE를 작성한 다음 이에 대한 SELECT 문을 실행합니다.CTE를 여러 번 참조 할 때 잘못된 개체 이름

메시지 208, 수준 16, 상태 1, 줄 76
잘못된 개체 이름 'FFCSource'

     us.UserSurveyID as Family_ID, 
     LEFT(q.Question, 7) AS Child, 
     CASE WHEN LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(RIGHT(q.Question, LEN(q.Question) - 8), '-', ''), ':', '')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' 
       THEN 'Hobby/Interest: ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(usta.Answer, mc.Answer), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' ') 
        CASE WHEN LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(RIGHT(q.Question, LEN(q.Question) - 8), '-', ''), ':', '')) = 'Shirt Size' 
          THEN 'Shirt - size: ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(usta.Answer, mc.Answer), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13),' ') 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Pants - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Priority: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') end end end end as Answer 
     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Item2' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Item1' else 
     rtrim(ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':',''))) end end end end Question 
    FROM FHS_SurveyApp_Survey s 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_Question q ON q.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurvey us ON us.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyMultipleChoiceAnswer usmca ON usmca.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usmca.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_MultipleChoice mc ON mc.MultipleChoiceID = usmca.MultipleChoiceID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyTextAnswer usta ON usta.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usta.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
    WHERE s.Name LIKE 'Freeman Family Christmas Application%' 
     And q.QuestionID in (3221, 3224, 3227, 3228, 3229, 3230, 3231, 3364, 3222, 3225, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3368, 3370, 3371, 3330, 3332, 3333, 3334, 3337, 3338, 3339, 3365) 
     AND us.TakenOn >= (GetDate() - 17) 
, FFCSource as 
    SELECT us.UserSurveyID as Family_ID 
     ,left(q.Question,7) as Child 
     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Hobby/Interest Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Shirt/Pant Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Shirt/Pant Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Priority Tag' else 
     left(q.Question,7) + '??? Tag' end end end end as ChildTag 

     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Hobby/Interest: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Shirt - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Pants - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Priority: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') end end end end as Answer 

     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Item2' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Item1' else 
     rtrim(ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':',''))) end end end end Question 
     --,q.Question Question 
    FROM FHS_SurveyApp_Survey s 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_Question q ON q.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurvey us ON us.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyMultipleChoiceAnswer usmca ON usmca.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usmca.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_MultipleChoice mc ON mc.MultipleChoiceID = usmca.MultipleChoiceID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyTextAnswer usta ON usta.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usta.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
    WHERE s.Name LIKE 'Freeman Family Christmas Application%' 
     And q.QuestionID in (3238, 3240, 3267, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3345, 3347, 3350, 3353, 3355, 
          3357, 3359, 3360, 3363, 3366, 3367, 3369, 3226, 3358, 3349, 3341, 
          3237, 3351, 3343, 3239, 3361, 3352, 3241, 3362, 3354, 3346) 
     AND us.TakenOn >= (GetDate() - 17) 
Select FFCChildDemoPivot.Family_ID, FFCChildDemoPivot.Child, FFCChildDemoPivot.[Age], FFCChildDemoPivot.[Gender], FFCChildDemoPivot.[Favorite color] 
    , IndvOutput.ChildTag, IndvOutput.[Item1], IndvOutput.[Item2] 
From FFCChildDemo 
    PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Age], [Gender], [Favorite color])) AS FFCChildDemoPivot 
    Left Join (
       Select Family_ID, Child, ChildTag, [Item1], [Item2] 
       From FFCSource 
        PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
        --PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
      ) IndvOutput on IndvOutput.Family_ID = FFCChildDemoPivot.Family_ID And IndvOutput.Child = FFCChildDemoPivot.Child 

    Where (FFCChildDemoPivot.Age Is Not NULL And FFCChildDemoPivot.[Favorite color] is not NULL) 
    Order by Family_ID, Child 

    Select Family_ID, Child, ChildTag, [Item1], [Item2] 
    From FFCSource 
      PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Age], [Gender], [Favorite color], [Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
    Group by Family_ID, Child, ChildTag 
    Order by Family_ID, ChildTag 



CTE는 바로 다음에 SELECT 문에서 참조 할 수있다. 귀하의 경우, FFCSource CTE는 그 뒤에 오는 두 개의 SQL 문에 의해 참조됩니다. 첫 번째 SELECT에 대해 작동하고 두 번째에 도달하면이 오류를 throw합니다.

여러 쿼리에서 CTE를 참조한 다음 재구성하여 FFCSource의 결과를 임시 테이블이나 테이블 변수에 쓰고이를 참조해야하는 경우.

은 ... 이런 식으로 뭔가를 시도

SELECT us.UserSurveyID as Family_ID 
     ,left(q.Question,7) as Child 
     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Hobby/Interest Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Shirt/Pant Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Shirt/Pant Tag' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then left(q.Question,7) + ' - Priority Tag' else 
     left(q.Question,7) + '??? Tag' end end end end as ChildTag 

     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Hobby/Interest: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Shirt - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Pants - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Priority: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') end end end end as Answer 

     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Item2' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Item1' else 
     rtrim(ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':',''))) end end end end Question 
     --,q.Question Question 
    INTO ##FFCSource  
    FROM FHS_SurveyApp_Survey s 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_Question q ON q.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurvey us ON us.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyMultipleChoiceAnswer usmca ON usmca.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usmca.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_MultipleChoice mc ON mc.MultipleChoiceID = usmca.MultipleChoiceID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyTextAnswer usta ON usta.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usta.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
    WHERE s.Name LIKE 'Freeman Family Christmas Application%' 
     And q.QuestionID in (3238, 3240, 3267, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3345, 3347, 3350, 3353, 3355, 
          3357, 3359, 3360, 3363, 3366, 3367, 3369, 3226, 3358, 3349, 3341, 
          3237, 3351, 3343, 3239, 3361, 3352, 3241, 3362, 3354, 3346) 
     AND us.TakenOn >= (GetDate() - 17) 

     us.UserSurveyID as Family_ID, 
     LEFT(q.Question, 7) AS Child, 
     CASE WHEN LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(RIGHT(q.Question, LEN(q.Question) - 8), '-', ''), ':', '')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' 
       THEN 'Hobby/Interest: ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(usta.Answer, mc.Answer), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' ') 
        CASE WHEN LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(RIGHT(q.Question, LEN(q.Question) - 8), '-', ''), ':', '')) = 'Shirt Size' 
          THEN 'Shirt - size: ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(usta.Answer, mc.Answer), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13),' ') 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Pants - size: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Priority: ' + replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') else 
     replace(replace(COALESCE(usta.Answer,mc.Answer),CHAR(10), ' '),char(13),' ') end end end end as Answer 
     ,case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Interests/hobbies/toy $25, 1 item limit (please be specific)' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Shirt Size' then 'Item1' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'Pants Size' then 'Item2' else 
     case when ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':','')) = 'What is the highest priority item?' then 'Item1' else 
     rtrim(ltrim(replace(replace(right(q.Question,len(q.Question)-8),'-', ''),':',''))) end end end end Question 
    FROM FHS_SurveyApp_Survey s 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_Question q ON q.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurvey us ON us.SurveyID = s.SurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyMultipleChoiceAnswer usmca ON usmca.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usmca.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_MultipleChoice mc ON mc.MultipleChoiceID = usmca.MultipleChoiceID 
     LEFT JOIN FHS_SurveyApp_UserSurveyTextAnswer usta ON usta.QuestionID = q.QuestionID AND usta.UserSurveyID = us.UserSurveyID 
    WHERE s.Name LIKE 'Freeman Family Christmas Application%' 
     And q.QuestionID in (3221, 3224, 3227, 3228, 3229, 3230, 3231, 3364, 3222, 3225, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3368, 3370, 3371, 3330, 3332, 3333, 3334, 3337, 3338, 3339, 3365) 
     AND us.TakenOn >= (GetDate() - 17) 

Select FFCChildDemoPivot.Family_ID, FFCChildDemoPivot.Child, FFCChildDemoPivot.[Age], FFCChildDemoPivot.[Gender], FFCChildDemoPivot.[Favorite color] 
    , IndvOutput.ChildTag, IndvOutput.[Item1], IndvOutput.[Item2] 
From FFCChildDemo 
    PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Age], [Gender], [Favorite color])) AS FFCChildDemoPivot 
    Left Join (
       Select Family_ID, Child, ChildTag, [Item1], [Item2] 
       From ##FFCSource FFCSource 
        PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
        --PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
      ) IndvOutput on IndvOutput.Family_ID = FFCChildDemoPivot.Family_ID And IndvOutput.Child = FFCChildDemoPivot.Child 

    Where (FFCChildDemoPivot.Age Is Not NULL And FFCChildDemoPivot.[Favorite color] is not NULL) 
    Order by Family_ID, Child 

    Select Family_ID, Child, ChildTag, [Item1], [Item2] 
    From ##FFCSource FFCSource 
      PIVOT(Max(Answer) FOR Question IN ([Age], [Gender], [Favorite color], [Item1], [Item2])) AS FFC_IndvOutput 
    Group by Family_ID, Child, ChildTag 
    Order by Family_ID, ChildTag