

나는 대답을 얻었으므로 나는 이것을 알아야 할 필요가있는 사람들을 돕기 위해이 답을 쓰고있다. 온라인 리소스를 사용하여 AD 환경의 모든 Windows Server에서 연결이 끊긴 RDP 세션을 찾는 스크립트를 만들었습니다. 각 Windows Server에서 쿼리를 실행하고 CSV 형식의 목록을 만든 다음 해당 목록을 사용하여 해당 서버에서 내 ID를 로그 아웃합니다. 따라서 연결이 끊어진 세션이 없습니다.

암호를 변경할 시간이되면 연결 해제 된 일부 RDP 세션으로 인해 내 AD 계정이 잠기지 않도록하기 위해이 작업을 수행했습니다.

이 스크립트는 필요에 따라 수정할 수 있습니다.

스크립트 코드는 다음과 같습니다 :

param (
     #get current logged on username 
     [string]$UserName = $env:USERNAME 

    # Import the Active Directory module for the Get-ADComputer CmdLet 
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory 

    # Query Active Directory for enabled windows servers computer accounts and sort by name 
    $Servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -like "*windows*server*") -and (Enabled -eq "True")} | Sort Name 

    # Initiating variables 
    $SessionList = $NULL 
    $queryResults = $NULL 
    $SError = $null 
    $SDown = $null 
    $z = 0 

    # Get total number of servers 
    $count = $Servers.count 

    # Start looping through each server at a time 
    ForEach ($Server in $Servers) {  

     # initiate counter for showing progress 
     $z = $z + 1 

     $ServerName = $Server.Name 

     # Start writing progress 
     Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Server: $z out of $count servers." -Status " Progress" -PercentComplete ($z/$Servers.count*100) 

     # check if server is pingable before running the query on the server 
     if (Test-Connection $Server.Name -Count 1 -Quiet) { 

      Write-Host "`n`n$ServerName is online!" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black 

      Write-Host ("`nQuerying Server: `"$ServerName`" for disconnected sessions under UserName: `"" + $UserName.ToUpper() + "`"...") -BackgroundColor Gray -ForegroundColor Black 

      # Store results in array 
      [array]$queryResults += (

       # Query server for specific username 
       query user $UserName /server:$ServerName | 
       foreach { 
        # Look for lines with Disc string to filter out active sessions 
        if ($_ -match "Disc") { 

         # format the output in CSV by replacing more than 2 spaces with a comman 
         write-output ("`n$ServerName," + (($_.trim() -replace ' {2,}', ','))) 
     # If server is not pingable show error message 
     else { 
      # Make list of server that are down. 
      [array]$SDown += ($ServerName) 
      Write-Host "`nError: Unable to connect to $ServerName!" -BackgroundColor red -ForegroundColor white 
      Write-Host "Either the $ServerName is down or check for firewall settings on server $ServerName!" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor black 

    # If there are some non pingable server then display the list 
    if ($SDown -ne $null -and $SDown) { 
      Write-Host "`nScript was unable to connect to the following server:" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red 

    # Check if any disconnected session are stored in the array 
    if ($queryResults -ne $null -and $queryResults) { 

     # Convert the CSV fromat to table format with headers 
     $QueryResultsCSV = $queryResults | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "," -Header "ServerName","UserName","SessionID","CurrentState","IdealTime","LogonTime" 

     # Show the results on console 
     $QueryResultsCSV |ft -AutoSize 

     # Go through each Disconnected session stored in the array 
     $QueryResultsCSV | foreach { 

      # Grabb session ID and ServerName 
      $Sessionl = $_.SessionID 
      $Serverl = $_.ServerName 

      # Show message on the console 
      Write-Host "`nLogging off"$_.username"from $serverl..." -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor Gray 
      sleep 2 

      # Logout user using session ID 
      logoff $Sessionl /server:$Serverl /v 

    else { 
     # if array is empty display message that no session were found 
     Write-Host `n`n`n`n("*" * $LineSize) 
     Write-Host "You are all good! No ghost sessions found!" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black 
     Write-Host ("*" * $LineSize) 

    # Pause at the end so you can capture the output 
    $null = Read-Host "`n`nScript execution finished, press enter to exit!" 

스크린 샷 : 스크립트는 모든 서버를 통해 실행되는

  1. , 온라인을 보여줍니다 및 오프라인 서버 : Inital script run

  2. 스크립트가 연결할 수없는 서버 목록 : List of server script was unable to connect

  3. 스크립트는 연결이 끊어진 RDP 세션을 찾은 서버를 나열합니다. Disconnected RDP Sessions

  4. 스크립트가 연결이 끊긴 세션을 로그 오프하기 시작하면 마지막에 일시 중지됩니다. enter image description here