2014-01-09 2 views

자바 코드 및 사이트 REST API를 사용하여 자산을 생성합니다.
첫 번째로 사이트 또는 JSK의 설치 디렉토리 나 소스 디렉토리에서 REST API 샘플을 찾을 수 없습니다. 대신 서버에서 샘플을 찾았습니다.웹 센터 사이트 POST 및 PUT 예외, 응답 상태를 사용하여 REST API 자산 생성 401

내가 모두 포스트에 기본 URL을 변경 한 후 실행 방법 PUT 해요 코드 : I이 (가) JSK 의 샘플 주석에 언급 된 모든 JAR 이름을 검색 한 JAR 파일 추가

* $Logfile:$ $Revision:$ $Date:$ Copyright © 2010 FatWire Corporation, All 
* Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010 FatWire Corporation. Title, ownership rights, 
* and intellectual property rights in and to this software remain with FatWire 
* Corporation. This software is protected by international copyright laws and 
* treaties, and may be protected by other law. Violation of copyright laws may 
* result in civil liability and criminal penalties. 
package com.fatwire.rest.samples.flex; 

import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; 

import com.fatwire.rest.beans.AssetBean; 
import com.fatwire.rest.beans.Attribute; 
import com.fatwire.rest.beans.Attribute.Data; 
import com.fatwire.rest.beans.ErrorBean; 
import com.fatwire.rest.beans.Parent; 
import com.fatwire.wem.sso.SSO; 
import com.fatwire.wem.sso.SSOException; 
import com.fatwire.wem.sso.SSOSession; 
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; 
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; 
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; 
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; 
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.Builder; 
import com.fatwire.wem.sso.cas.conf.CASConfig; 

* <p> 
* Sample JAVA class to demonstrate creation of new Flex assets using REST API 
* exposed by Fatwire WEM module. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* For this class to function, the following are the pre-requisites: 
* <ol> 
* <li>The following jars are required in the classpath: 
* <ul> 
* <li>rest-api.jar</li> 
* <li>wem-sso-api.jar</li> 
* <li>jersey-client.jar</li> 
* <li>jsr311-api.jar</li> 
* <li>jersey-client.jar</li> 
* <li>jersey-core.jar</li> 
* </ul> 
* </li> 
* <li>The following configuration file is required in the classpath (in the 
* example, the above file is referred to as <tt>ExampleCASConfig.xml</tt>.): 
* <pre> 
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; 
* &lt;beans 
*  xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" 
*  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
*  xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" 
*  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans 
*       http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd 
*       http://www.springframework.org/schema/context 
*       http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-2.5.xsd"&gt; 
* &lt;!-- DONOT CHANGE: Single Sign On provider --&gt; 
* &lt;bean id="ssoprovider" class="com.fatwire.wem.sso.cas.CASProvider"&gt; 
*  &lt;property name="config" ref="ssoconfig" /&gt; 
* &lt;/bean&gt; 
* &lt;!-- 
*  Single Sign On configuration: change ONLY the following property: 
*   casUrl - URL of the CAS installation 
* --&gt; 
* &lt;bean id="ssoconfig" class="com.fatwire.wem.sso.cas.conf.CASConfig"&gt; 
*  &lt;property name="casUrl" value="${cas-url}" /&gt; 
*  &lt;property name="casRestPath" value="/v1" /&gt; 
* &lt;/bean&gt; 
* &lt;/beans&gt; 
* </pre> 
* </li> 
* <li>The Content Server Installation must have the "FirstSiteII" sample site 
* and the "Product_C" asset type. "Product_C" should be enabled in 
* "FirstSiteII". There should not be an asset by the name of "Test Product_C" 
* which is the name of the test asset.</li> 
* </ol> 
* @author Saikat Chaudhuri 
public final class CreateAsset 

    * Main method. Run this method to create a basic asset using: 
    * <ul> 
    * <li>{@link #createUsingPut()}</li> 
    * <li>{@link #createUsingPost()}</li> 
    * </ul> 
    * @param args 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     // createUsingPost(); 

    * Run this method to create a basic asset using PUT. 
    public static void createUsingPut() 
     // Step 1: Initiate Jersey client 
     Client client = Client.create(); 

     // Step 2: Create a WebResource with the base URL 
     WebResource webResource = 

     // Step 3: Authenticate over SSO-CAS to acquire a ticket specific to a 
     // service or a multi-ticket over multiple services. 
     SSOSession ssoSession = null; 
     String multiticket = null; 
      ssoSession = SSO.getSSOSession("ExampleCASConfig.xml"); 
      multiticket = ssoSession.getMultiTicket("fwadmin", "xceladmin"); 
     catch (SSOException e) 
      // Troubleshooting SSOException 
      // ============================ 
      // Cause: CAS is not running. 
      // Remedy: Deploy CAS and start up the application server for CAS 
      // webapp. 
      // Cause: CAS is not configured. 
      // Remedy: Verify that the URL in the CAS config file, 
      // ExampleCASConfig.xml, is reachable. 
      // Cause: Username/password is invalid. 
      // Remedy: Use valid username/password to authenticate against 
      // CAS. 

      // Handle exception 

     // Step 4: Provide the ticket into the REST request 
     webResource = webResource.queryParam("multiticket", multiticket); 

     // Trying to create a Flex asset for the Flex asset type 
     // "Product_C" in the CS site "FirstSiteII" 
     String flexAssetSiteName = "FirstSiteII"; 
     String flexAssetTypeName = "Product_C"; 

     // Step 5: Specify the REST Resource URL into the WebResource 
     // For creating assets of type {typename} in the CS site {sitename}, 
     // this is: {base_url}/sites/{sitename}/types/{typename}/assets/0 
     webResource = 

     // Step 6: Create a Builder and set the desired response type 
     // Supported response types are: 
     // MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, or, 
     // MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON 
     Builder builder = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); 

     // Step 7: Instantiate and define the AssetBean for the asset 
     AssetBean sourceAsset = new AssetBean(); 

     // Name - mandatory field 
     sourceAsset.setName("Test Product_C PUT"); 

     // Description - optional field 
     sourceAsset.setDescription("Test Product_C PUT description"); 

     // Add attributes/associations/parents as in the Asset type 
     // definition 
     Attribute sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     Data sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData.setStringValue("Test SKU"); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData.setStringValue("Test Long Description"); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 

     Parent parent = new Parent(); 

     parent = new Parent(); 

     // Required: Must specify the site(s) for the asset 

     // Required: Must specify the sub type for the Flex asset type 
     sourceAsset.setSubtype("FSII Product"); 

     // Step 8: Invoke the REST request to create the asset 
     AssetBean resultAsset = builder.put(AssetBean.class, sourceAsset); 

     // If the REST call encounter a server side exception, the client 
     // receives a UniformInterfaceException at runtime. 

     // Troubleshooting UniformInterfaceException 
     // ========================================= 
     // Cause: HTTP 403: User does not have permission to access the REST 
     // resource. 
     // Remedy: Use an authorized CAS user to use this REST resource. 
     // Cause: HTTP 404: Either site and/or asset type does not exist, or the 
     // asset type is not enabled in the site. 
     // Remedy: Verify existence of the site and/or asset type, if necessary 
     // create the site and/or type and make sure that the type is enabled in 
     // the site. 
     // Cause: HTTP 500: Generic server side exception. 
     // Remedy: Verify that the source AssetBean has been provided with all 
     // mandatory attributes, associations as per type definition, verify 
     // that at least one site has been provided in the publist attribute of 
     // the AssetBean. 
     // Cause: UnmarshalException. 
     // Remedy: Verify that the correct bean has been provided in the 
     // argument for put(). 

    * Run this method to create a basic asset using POST. 
    public static void createUsingPost() 

     // Step 1: Initiate Jersey client 
     Client client = Client.create(); 

     // Step 2: Create a WebResource with the base URL 
     WebResource webResource = 

     // Step 3: Authenticate over SSO-CAS to acquire a ticket specific to a 
     // service or a multi-ticket over multiple services. 
     SSOSession ssoSession = null; 
     String multiticket = null; 
      ssoSession = SSO.getSSOSession("ExampleCASConfig.xml"); 
      multiticket = ssoSession.getMultiTicket("fwadmin", "xceladmin"); 
     catch (SSOException e) 
      // Troubleshooting SSOException 
      // ============================ 
      // Cause: CAS is not running. 
      // Remedy: Deploy CAS and start up the application server for CAS 
      // webapp. 
      // Cause: CAS is not configured. 
      // Remedy: Verify that the URL in the CAS config file, 
      // ExampleCASConfig.xml, is reachable. 
      // Cause: Username/password is invalid. 
      // Remedy: Use valid username/password to authenticate against 
      // CAS. 

      // Handle exception 

     // Step 4: Provide the ticket into the REST request 
     webResource = webResource.queryParam("multiticket", multiticket); 

     // Trying to create a Flex asset for the Flex asset type 
     // "Product_C" in the CS site "FirstSiteII" 
     String flexAssetSiteName = "FirstSiteII"; 
     String flexAssetTypeName = "Product_C"; 

     // Step 5: Specify the REST Resource URL into the WebResource 
     // For creating assets of type {typename} in the CS site {sitename}, 
     // this is: {base_url}/sites/{sitename}/types/{typename}/assets 
     webResource = 

     // Step 6: Create a Builder and set the desired response type 
     // Supported response types are: 
     // MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, or, 
     // MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON 
     Builder builder = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); 

     // Step 7: Instantiate and define the AssetBean for the asset 
     AssetBean sourceAsset = new AssetBean(); 

     // Name - mandatory field 
     sourceAsset.setName("Test Product_C POST"); 

     // Description - optional field 
     sourceAsset.setDescription("Test Product_C POST description"); 

     // Add attributes/associations/parents as in the Asset type 
     // definition 
     Attribute sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     Data sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData.setStringValue("Test SKU"); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData.setStringValue("Test Long Description"); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 

     sourceAssetAttribute = new Attribute(); 
     sourceAssetAttributeData = new Data(); 

     Parent parent = new Parent(); 

     parent = new Parent(); 

     // Required: Must specify the site(s) for the asset 

     // Required: Must specify the sub type for the Flex asset type 
     sourceAsset.setSubtype("FSII Product"); 

     // Step 8: Invoke the REST request to create the asset 
     ClientResponse resp = builder.post(ClientResponse.class, sourceAsset); 

     // The "Location" header provides the element URI 
     // which can be used to read back the asset which was created. 
     String elementURI = resp.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0); 

     // If the REST call encounter a server side exception, the client 
     // receives a UniformInterfaceException at runtime. 

     // Troubleshooting UniformInterfaceException 
     // ========================================= 
     // Cause: HTTP 403: User does not have permission to access the REST 
     // resource. 
     // Remedy: Use an authorized CAS user to use this REST resource. 
     // Cause: HTTP 404: Either site and/or asset type does not exist, or the 
     // asset type is not enabled in the site. 
     // Remedy: Verify existence of the site and/or asset type, if necessary 
     // create the site and/or type and make sure that the type is enabled in 
     // the site. 
     // Cause: HTTP 500: Generic server side exception. 
     // Remedy: Verify that the source AssetBean has been provided with all 
     // mandatory attributes, associations as per type definition, verify 
     // that at least one site has been provided in the publist attribute of 
     // the AssetBean. 
     // Cause: UnmarshalException. 
     // Remedy: Verify that the correct bean has been provided in the 
     // argument for post(). 

을 설치 디렉토리에 추가하십시오.

항아리 :

  • 저지 - 클라이언트
  • 저지 코어-
  • jsr311-API-1.1.1.jar
  • 나머지 -api-

분명히 이러한 JAR 파일 우리는하지만, 표준 필요 ioned :

  • CAS 클라이언트 코어-3.1.9.jar
  • 봄 2.5.6.jar
  • 공유지 -logging-1.1.1.jar

소스 코드 주석에서 나는 콩이 casUrl 값을 추가 ssoconfig에서, 스프링 구성으로 사용되는 XML 파일을 추출하고, restPath에 casRestPath의 속성 이름을 변경 그것으로 존재하지 않았다 클래스.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" 
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" 

    <!-- DONOT CHANGE: Single Sign On provider --> 
    <bean id="ssoprovider" class="com.fatwire.wem.sso.cas.CASProvider"> 
     <property name="config" ref="ssoconfig"/> 

    <!-- Single Sign On configuration: change ONLY the following property: casUrl 
     - URL of the CAS installation --> 
    <bean id="ssoconfig" class="com.fatwire.wem.sso.cas.conf.CASConfig"> 
     <property name="casUrl" value="" /> 
     <property name="restPath" value="/v1" /> 


내가 POST 메서드를 실행 얻을 예외 :

Jan 08, 2014 5:43:50 PM org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext prepareRefresh 
INFO: Refreshing org[email protected]4c08964: startup date [Wed Jan 08 17:43:50 GMT+02:00 2014]; root of context hierarchy 
Jan 08, 2014 5:43:50 PM org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader loadBeanDefinitions 
INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [ExampleCASConfig.xml] 
Jan 08, 2014 5:43:50 PM org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory preInstantiateSingletons 
INFO: Pre-instantiating singletons in org.s[email protected]3c200d0: defining beans [ssoprovider,ssoconfig]; root of factory hierarchy 
Exception in thread "main" com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: PUT returned a response status of 401 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.handle(WebResource.java:563) 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.access$300(WebResource.java:69) 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource$Builder.put(WebResource.java:475) 
    at com.fatwire.rest.samples.flex.CreateAsset.createUsingPut(CreateAsset.java:222) 
    at com.fatwire.rest.samples.flex.CreateAsset.main(CreateAsset.java:97) 

디버깅에 나는 응답이 다시 상태 (401)와 함께 발견했다.

내가 PUT 메소드를 실행 얻을 예외 :

Jan 09, 2014 12:03:36 PM org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext prepareRefresh 
INFO: Refreshing org[email protected]4c08964: startup date [Thu Jan 09 12:03:36 GMT+02:00 2014]; root of context hierarchy 
Jan 09, 2014 12:03:36 PM org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader loadBeanDefinitions 
INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [ExampleCASConfig.xml] 
Jan 09, 2014 12:03:36 PM org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory preInstantiateSingletons 
INFO: Pre-instantiating singletons in org.s[email protected]3c200d0: defining beans [ssoprovider,ssoconfig]; root of factory hierarchy 
Exception in thread "main" com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: PUT returned a response status of 401 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.handle(WebResource.java:563) 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.access$300(WebResource.java:69) 
    at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource$Builder.put(WebResource.java:475) 
    at com.fatwire.rest.samples.flex.CreateAsset.createUsingPut(CreateAsset.java:222) 
    at com.fatwire.rest.samples.flex.CreateAsset.main(CreateAsset.java:97) 

기존 자산 코드에서와 동일한 이름을 가진이 없습니다. fwadmin 사용자는 테스트되었지만 JSK의 기본 구성과이를 모든 보안 그룹 및 역할 (REST 과정 포함)에 추가 한 후에도 마찬가지입니다. 샘플에 사용 된 모든 자산 ID (예 : 부모 용)가 체크 아웃합니다.



새 코드 (에 대해 모르지만이 오래된 코드 ( 코드가 CSRF 보호 토큰을 처리하지 못하고 새 버전의 사이트가 CSRF 보호 필터를 추가 했으므로 코드에서 토큰을 처리 할 수 ​​있습니다 (새 코드에서 사용됨).

//Add the CSRF header (between steps 6 & 7). 
    builder = builder.header("X-CSRF-Token", multiticket); 코드의 위치

WCS_Sites/기타/샘플/WEM은 샘플/REST API를 샘플/플렉스 자산/COM/fatwire은/나머지

또는 추가 나머지 요청 패턴 ReqAuthConfig.xml 파일의 필터 예외 목록 n/WEB-INF/classes 폴더

<property name="excludedURLs"> 
     <!-- URLs in this section would be excluded from CSRF protection--> 
     <!-- For example to exclude rest calls add <value>/REST/**</value> in the list--> 