2014-03-28 1 views

내가 작성한 코드는 두 번째 루프 이후부터 줄 바꿈과 'totalmin'문자열이 인쇄되지 않습니다. 누군가가이 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알려주시겠습니까?루프 내에서 공백과 새 줄 인쇄 문제

#a1 is the minvalue base address for the minterms 
#a2 holds value 1 
#a3 holds minvalue[i] 
#t0 is the counter 
#t1 is the counter*4 
#t2 holds the value of bit0[i] 
#t3 holds the value of bit1[i] 
#t4 holds the value of bit2[i] 
#t5 holds the value of bit3[i] 
#t6 holds the value of the compliment of bit0[i]....second use uses t6 as the product of bit0^bit1' 
#t7 holds the value of bit2^bit3.... second use uses t7 as the product of (bit2^bit3)xor(bit1^bit0') 
#t9 holds the min number 
#s0 is the minvalue base address+(counter*4) 
#s1 is the bit0 base address 
#s2 is the bit1 base address 
#s3 is the bit2 base address 
#s4 is the bit3 base address 
#s5 is the bit0 base address+(counter*4) 
#s6 is the bit1 base address+(counter*4) 
#s7 is the bit2 base address+(counter*4) 
#t8 is the bit3 base address+(counter*4) 
bit0: .word 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 #array which holds values of bit zero 
bit1: .word 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1 #array which holds values of bit one 
bit2: .word 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1 #array which holds values of bit two 
bit3: .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 #array which holds values of bit three 

minvalue: .word 0 #array which holds the min term for each value 

space: .asciiz " "    #creates a space when printing 
newline: .asciiz "\n"    #creates a new line when printing 
totalmin: .asciiz "the number of Minterms in F is: " 

la $a1, minvalue  #base address for minterms 
la $s1, bit0   #base address for bit0 
la $s2, bit1   #base address for bit1 
la $s3, bit2   #base address for bit2 
la $s4, bit3   #base address for bit3 

li $t0, 0   #t0 is the counter which is set to 0 
li $a2, 1   #a2 holds value 1 
li $t9, 0   #min number is set to 0 

sll $t1, $t0, 2   #multiplies the current value of t0 by 4 or t1=i*4 
add $s0, $a1, $t1  #adds the minvalue base address by 4 each loop or s0= minvbase+(i*4) 
add $s5, $s1, $t1  #adds the bit0 base address by 4 each loop or s5= bit0base+(i*4) 
add $s6, $s2, $t1  #adds the bit1 base address by 4 each loop or s6= bit1base+(i*4) 
add $s7, $s3, $t1  #adds the bit2 base address by 4 each loop or s7= bit2base+(i*4) 
add $t8, $s4, $t1  #adds the bit3 base address by 4 each loop or t8=bit3base+(i*4) 

lw $t2, 0($s5)   #t2 holds the value of bit0[i] 
lw $t3, 0($s6)   #t3 holds the value of bit1[i] 
lw $t4, 0($s7)   #t4 holds the value of bit2[i] 
lw $t5, 0($t8)   #t5 holds the value of bit3[i] 

not $t6, $t2   #t6 holds the value of the compliment of bit0[i] 
and $t6, $t6, $t3  #t6 holds the value of bit1^bit0' 
and $t7, $t4, $t5  #t7 holds the value of bit2^bit3 
xor $t7, $t7, $t6  #t7 holds the value of (bit2^bit3)xor(bit1^bit0') 

sw $zero, 0($s0)  #minterm[i] is intially set to zero 
bne $t7, 0, minterm1  #if t7 is 1 then jump to minterm1 

lw $a3, 0($s0)   #a3 holds the value of minvalue[i] 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t5 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t4 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t3 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t2 

li $v0, 4 
la $a0, space 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $a3 

li $v0, 4 
la $a0, newline 

addi $t0, $t0, 1  #increment counter or i++ 
bge $t0, 16, exit  #if t0 >= 16 jump to exit 
j loop    #else jump to loop 

sw $a2, 0($s0)   #rewrites the minterm[i] from zero to 1 
addi $t9, $t9, 1  #min number= min number+1 
j print 

li $v0, 4 
la $a0, totalmin 

li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $t9 

li $v0, 10 

출력 :

(공백)없이 인쇄 값

IM 화성 4.4를 사용하여 정확하고 또한 4.3의 코드를 사용하지만, 출력이 동일한 코드 때문에 루프 정확

! http://puu.sh/7N1hx.png


minvalue: .word 0 #array which holds the min term for each value 

당신이 선언 한 배열은 단일 32 비트 워드를위한 공간이 있으므로 루프는 minvalue 후 위치한 다른 데이터를 덮어 쓰기 끝납니다.

당신이 16 개 단어를 개최 minvalue 의미 경우에 당신은 같은 것을 사용해야합니다

minvalue: .space 16*4