2010-12-06 1 views

SQL2008 데이터베이스를 사용하는 VB6 프로젝트가 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 두 개의 콤보 상자, MSHFlexGrid 및 두 개의 명령 단추 (cmdLoadSeries & cmdExit)로 구성됩니다. 사용자는 첫 번째 콤보 상자에서 선택하고 cmdLoadSeries 명령 단추를 눌러 두 번째 콤보 상자와 MSHFlexgrid를 채 웁니다. 그리드의 정보를 조작하기 위해 텍스트 상자를 사용하고 있습니다.내 코드가 왜 MshFlexgrid에서 둘 이상의 행을 선택하고 강조 표시합니까?

첫 번째로 mshflexgrid에서 선을 선택합니다./클릭 한 행과 강조 표시된 모든 행을 강조 표시합니다. 처음에는 클릭 한 행만 선택/강조 표시합니다. 왜? 도와주세요. 셀에만 매개 변수가 그리드를 입력 처음에 올바르게 설정되지 않는 한

Private Sub cmdLoadSeries_Click() 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "cmdLoadSeries" 

'Too save space I removed the code that retrieves MRecordSet. 
If mRecordSet.RecordCount > 0 Then 
    SetFormFields True 
    DataCombo1.BoundText = mRecordSet2.Fields(0) 
    cmdExit.Enabled = True 
End If 

cmdLoadSeries.Enabled = False 
Combo1.Enabled = False 

End Sub 

Private Sub LoadControls() 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "LoadControls" 

With mRecordSet 


End With 

End Sub 

Sub OpenRSFlexGrid1 
'This code setups a recordset used to populate the mshflexgrid with 
End Sub 

Sub FillFlexGrid1(Optional pbClear As Boolean) 

Const cProcName = msModuleName & "FillFlexGrid1" 

Dim llCntrRow   As Integer 
Dim llCntrCol   As Integer 
Dim max_len    As Single 
Dim new_len    As Single 
Dim liCntr    As Integer 
Dim llCol    As Long 

Text1.BorderStyle = 0 
With MSFlexGrid1 
    Text1.FontName = .FontName 
    Text1.FontSize = .FontSize 
    Text1.Visible = False 
    .Cols = mRecordset4.Fields.Count 
    .FixedCols = 1 
    If mRecordset4.RecordCount > 0 And (Not pbClear = True) Then 
     .Rows = mRecordset4.RecordCount + 1 
     .FixedRows = 1 
     .Rows = 2 
     .FixedRows = 1 
    End If 
    For llCntrCol = 0 To .Cols - 1 
     .TextMatrix(0, llCntrCol) = mRecordset4.Fields(llCntrCol).Name 

    If mRecordset4.RecordCount > 0 And (Not pbClear = True) Then 
     For llCntrRow = 1 To mRecordset4.RecordCount 
      For llCntrCol = 0 To .Cols - 1 
       .TextMatrix(llCntrRow, llCntrCol) =   Trim(CStr(mRecordset4.Fields(llCntrCol).Value)) 
     For llCntrCol = 0 To .Cols - 1 
      .TextMatrix(.FixedRows, llCntrCol) = "" 
    End If 

    Font.Name = MSFlexGrid1.Font.Name 
    Font.Size = MSFlexGrid1.Font.Size 
    For llCntrCol = 0 To MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1 
     max_len = 0 
     If .TextMatrix(0, llCntrCol) = "setoutid" Then 
      MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(llCntrCol) = TextWidth("W") * 0.54 
      For llCntrRow = 0 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1 
       new_len = TextWidth(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(llCntrRow, llCntrCol)) 

       If max_len < new_len Then max_len = new_len 
      Next llCntrRow 

      Dim lsFillColumn As String 
      lsFillColumn = String(42, "W") 
      If .TextMatrix(0, llCntrCol) = "setoutname" And TextWidth(lsFillColumn) > max_len Then 
       max_len = TextWidth(lsFillColumn) 
      End If 
      MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(llCntrCol) = max_len + (TextWidth("W") * 1.5) 
      MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(llCntrCol) = flexAlignLeftCenter 
     End If 
    Next llCntrCol 
    .Col = .FixedCols 
    .Row = .FixedRows 
End With 

Exit Sub 


Resume Next 

End Sub 

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "MSFlexGrid1_KeyDown" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 

With MSFlexGrid1 
    If Text1.Visible = False Then 
     Select Case KeyCode 

      Case 45 
       If Shift = 1 Then 
        .AddItem "", .Row + 1 
        .AddItem "", .Row 
       End If 
       mbFlexGrid1Changed = True 
      Case 46 
       If MSFlexGrid1.Rows = .FixedRows + 1 Then 
        MSFlexGrid1.Rows = MSFlexGrid1.Rows + .FixedRows - 1 
        .RemoveItem .Row 
       End If 
       mbFlexGrid1Changed = True 
     End Select 
    End If 
End With 
Exit Sub 


Resume Next 
End Sub 

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus() 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "Text1_LostFocus" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 

If Text1.Visible Then 
    MSFlexGrid1.Text = Text1.Text 
End If 
Text1.Visible = False 
Exit Sub 


Resume Next 
End Sub 

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_GotFocus() 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "MSFlexGrid1_GotFocus" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 
bLostFocus = False 

pSetTabStop (True) 

If mlCurrentCol > 0 Then 
    MSFlexGrid1.Col = mlCurrentCol 
    MSFlexGrid1.Row = mlCurrentRow 
End If 

mlCurrentCol = 0 
mlCurrentRow = 0 
If Text1.Visible Then 
    MSFlexGrid1.Text = Text1.Text 
    Text1.Visible = False 
End If 

Exit Sub 


Resume Next 
End Sub 
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "MSFlexGrid1_KeyPress" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 

Select Case KeyAscii 
    Case 27 
     If Text1.Visible Then 
      Text1.Visible = False 
     End If 
    Case Else 
     FlexGridEdit KeyAscii 
End Select 
Exit Sub 


Resume Next 
End Sub 

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_LeaveCell() 
Const cProcName = msModuleName & "MSFlexGrid1_LeaveCell" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 

If Text1.Visible Then 
    MSFlexGrid1.Text = Text1.Text 
    Text1.Visible = False 
End If 
Exit Sub 


Resume Next 
End Sub 

Private Function FlexGridChkPos(KeyCode As Integer) As Boolean 
Dim llNextRow As Long 
Dim llNextCol As Long 
Dim llCurrCol As Long 
Dim llCurrRow As Long 
Dim llTotCols As Long 
Dim llTotRows As Long 
Dim llBegRow As Long 
Dim llBegCol As Long 
Dim llCntrCol As Long 
Dim lsText  As String 

Const cProcName = msModuleName & "FlexGridChkPos" 

On Error GoTo errhandle 

With MSFlexGrid1 

    llCurrRow = .Row + 1 
    llCurrCol = .Col + 1 
    llTotRows = .Rows 
    llTotCols = .Cols 
    llBegRow = .FixedRows 
    llBegCol = .FixedCols 

    If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Or KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then 
     llNextCol = llCurrCol + 1 
     If llNextCol > llTotCols Then 
      llNextRow = llCurrRow + 1 
      If llNextRow > llTotRows Then 
        GoSub LogLine 
        .Rows = .Rows + 1 
        llCurrRow = llCurrRow + 1 
        llCurrCol = 1 + llBegCol 
       llCurrRow = llNextRow 
       llCurrCol = 1 + llBegCol 
      End If 
      llCurrCol = llNextCol 
     End If 
    End If 

    If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then 
     llNextCol = llCurrCol - 1 
     If llNextCol = llBegCol Then 
      llNextRow = llCurrRow - 1 
       If llNextRow = llBegRow Then 
        llCurrRow = llTotRows 
        llCurrRow = llNextRow 
       End If 
      llCurrCol = llTotCols 
      llCurrCol = llNextCol 
     End If 
    End If 

    .Col = llCurrCol - 1 
    .Row = llCurrRow - 1 
End With 
Exit Function 


lsText = "" 


Resume Next 
End Function 

@ joshua-rhoads : 코드 예제가 너무 길어서 누구에게 도움을 줄 수 없습니다. 질문을 단순화해야합니다. 그렇지 않으면 TLDR입니다. –


GotFocus 코드를 테스트 프로젝트에 복사 했으므로 문제가 중복되지 않습니다. 코드에없는 여러 변수와 메서드가 있으므로 변수를 선언하거나 생략하고 pSetTabStop에 대한 호출을 제거했습니다. 내 생각 엔 그 방법, 또는 변수 bLostFocus, mlCurrentCol, 또는 mlCurrentRow 중 하나를 볼 것입니다. SelectionMode 코드를 3 가지 선택 사항으로 모두 시도했습니다. – jac




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