클릭시 DOM을 변경하고 싶습니다.클릭시 액체 변수 변경
layout: pastTournaments
title: Google Tournament
permalink: /tournaments/google/
<h5 class="column-wrapper centered">These are the rankings for the Google Qualifying tournament, which was hosted on December 2, 2017.</h5>
<div class="column-wrapper">
<div class="grid-x">
<div class="large-6 shrink cell">
<th width="20" class="centered">Rank</th>
<th width="150" class="centered">Team Number</th>
<th width="150" class="centered">Team</th>
<th width="50" class="centered">QP</th>
<th width="50" class="centered">RP</th>
<th width="50" class="centered">Plays</th>
{% assign sorted = site.data.google.teams | sort:"rank" %}
{% for team in sorted %}
<tr class="table" onclick="ranks()">
<td class="centered">{{ team.rank }}</td>
<td class="centered">{{ team.number }}</td>
<td class="centered">{{ team.name }}</td>
<td class="centered">{{ team.qp }}</td>
<td class="centered">{{ team.rp }}</td>
<td class="centered">{{ team.plays }}</td>
{% endfor%}
{% for team in site.data.google.teams %}
<!--I want to remove this if tag because it is specific to one team-->
{% if team.name == 'Q' %}
<!--I want to move this line -->
<div class="large-6 shrink cell">
<h2 class="centered"><strong>{{ team.number }} {{ team.name }}</strong></h2>
<h4 class="centered"><strong>Rank: </strong>#{{ team.rank }}</h4>
<p class="centered"><strong>QP: </strong>{{ team.qp }}</p>
<p class="centered"><strong>RP: </strong>{{ team.rp }}</p>
<p class="centered"><strong>Plays: </strong>{{ team.plays }}</p>
<div id="ranks-right"></div>
<!--To this line -->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
가 {{team.name가}}를 클릭 팀에 설정 될 수 있도록 내가 필요 : 여기 내 액체 (google.md)입니다.
동일한 데이터를 두 번 인쇄하려는 이유를 이해할 수 없습니다. –
나는 그것을 옮기고 싶지 않다. –